


then get better internet instead of whining about it, faggot

>what are typos

I will. In the meanwhile, do not overestimate yourself, low

This is why I hack, it's bullshit that people get to have an undeserved advantage for no reason.

>what are typos

Proof that you couldn't spend 5 fucking seconds to proofread or spellcheck

Also who even makes typos. Typing is like the easiest fucking shit in the world. You should know it's wrong before you even finish the word.


were you drunk and high while typing this?

I'd rather save 5 seconds


I live in shithole and have never played a multiplayer game with less than 80 ms and you sound likee a colossal faggot.


The world would be a better place if you were dead.

>tfw minimum ping is 250-280
>mfw can still do well and get Top Plays even when I reach over 500 ping by time to time
My opponents should be grateful that I live in a shithole with the slowest in SEA. Feels good dominating rich faggots who have it easy.

>living in a cave with shit internet connection
>I would w-win for s-sure

>third worlder makes shitty images to complain about how his internet is still dial up

Not my fault you don't have two pesos to rub together, you should stick to pirating single player games if you don't want to get utterly dominated

faster than light internet when

He's a little kid or a slightly older kid pretending to be a little kid.


should I kms because you are too stupid to understand your situation?

my respect to you, good sir

what makes you think I am not winning already?

my country is more first world than yours, americunt


Fairly certain I am already better than you at the games I play

So he's the typical Sup Forumsirgin then?

>what makes you think I am not winning already?

This only applies to CSGO.

>First world
>Still have worst internet than rural America
Choose one, and only one.

>doesn't even know what the terms first and third world means
learn english, paco

What shithole do you live in? I'm the 250 ping guy but I think that isn't too bad for my standard because most of the people in my area have it worst. Sounds like you just need to git gud. And if you think you are good already, why even whine? I get your point but you sound like that guy who takes videogames seriously.


Then games add lag compensation to make up for this making it a gigantic piece of shit. Looking at you gears 4 the game filled with 300 ping mexicans.

>he believes he knows how well my internet connection performs

>amerilards thinking I'm a south american
>what is the rest of the world

I take vidya more seriously than I should, I am too competitive. anyway my internet connection isn't even that bad, but keep in mind that 250 is a good ping if you play against people who have a 500 ping. it's all relative. I mostly play against people with a sub-30 ping (>tfw living in a first world country unlike americans) so I feel the difference even if I have a decent above-avg connection

>assumes I'm american
>cries when called a third worlder
>doesn't understand what that term even means
>is terrible at video games

laughing irl rn

>implying anyone else but americunts assume any people they believe to be a third worlder to be mexican

okay user this is your last chance to prove you're not retarded: what do you think the terms first worlder and third worlder mean?


useless word from the cold war

good job for googling that before making an even bigger fool of yourself, take this BTFO and leave now cuck

did you think that by shitting out some memes will actually achieve something?

>if you're owning with low ping then it's only because of your low ping
>t. shit eating brazilian/venezuelan mutt brainlet using dial-up