Why do people hate this guy?

Why do people hate this guy?

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Because it comes out of nowhere and has nothing to do with the story?

Because he appears more or less out of nowhere and you have no emotional connection to him as a character.

>those tits
>those lips
Never understood why people never see these and keep calling Necron a he.

Technically it's just an it

Shoehorned in final boss from nowhere. Like Andross in Star Fox Adventures (Though that was mostly to tie it in more to SF)

Not an argument

Yes it is

Why not?

Are you fucking retarded?

If you ask people why the hate him the answer is most likely going to be no emotional investment as well as unpredictable appearance.

Why do you like him?

His existence is foreshadowed throughout the game

All right. Where and when?

how and when?


No it isnt
Its just a FF3 reference
Hades would have been a way better final boss


>muh themes

Thats nice, he is still garbage as a character, hell he is not even a character, if the best thing you can say is muh theme you have problems

"The game has death as a narrative theme, therefore death literally showing up as a dude to be punched the fuck out makes sense"
This guy has no grasp of what genius is, and neither do you.
Death is a theme of FFIX, this is true. This does not mean we expect the theme to physically incarnate as an obstacle at the eleventh hour.
Just because it's your theme doesn't mean you can just shit it out onto the script. And it sure as hell didn't mean you foreshadowed it properly.

Even that autist admits that Hades would have been better

Right, that retarded pasta. Themes really don't prove anything as ridiculous as a concept taking physical form unless there's actual lore on the game's universe.

>when you realize that Necron is a FF5 reference
>when you realize that this means the FF9 twin worlds kissed the Void hard and that's why gigglemesh is so prevalent


Because he's fucking bullshit.

They redid this battle in FFX but got it right with the Yu Yevon boss battle


Oh shit OP what the fuck are you doing?


The Crystal first gets mentioned four or five screens before the final boss. Nobody ever complains about that, even though it and Necron form the pair of the source of life and memory, and the manifestation of death and oblivion.

>Not using Steiner
What the fuck?

They need an asspull for resurrect everyone after based Kuja killed everyone.

>Not using Shock
>Not using one of the best Blue Mage of the entire franchise

You use Freya you dumbass motherfuckers.

The hell is wrong with you

just stop playing it after disc 2.

>literally useless rat pussy

Steiner is a better character though

Dragon Crest costs 16MP and does guaranteed max damage regardless of defence

Shock is ass compared to that

I didn't say Steiner was stronger, I said he was a better character


It was just tacked-on.

>Freya's story is how she copes when her lover has forgotten her
>the game itself forgets about her after the second disk


Her story was dumb. Steiner is one of the best characters in FF franchise history

Don't be ridiculous, he was just an incel loser who chillaxed when he finally made some friends

Because they're brainlets.

And still better than Freya

I don't use female party members


Grand Cross

Post the deepest lore image.

t. brainlet

He's arguably the toughest storyline boss ever desu

Seconding this.

This one? If not, need more info.

This guy is retarded


>First it was Cloud of Darkness, coming as a result of Xande messing around with the crystals
Isn't she responsible for Xande messing around with the crystals in the first place?

What a brainlet

Most other final bosses had a big story reason for them to exist and be beaten, which made the climax all the better. This whole kill death/will to survive thing is "power of friendship" tier lame. The general manifestation of anything (wrath, darkness, death, etc.) is stupidly simple and feels like a cop out if it doesn't have major plot threads connected to it. For instance, a side antagonist having a direct hand in it, main characters mentioning/foreshadowing it, or something to throw the fuckin player a bone instead of deus ex bullshit "must have IQ of 420 to understand" plot(hole).

There's no reason to use her of you have Steiner, unless you are a dirty furry that wants to fuck a rat
Even then she is a lousy waifu, unfinished character arc/10


The thing about Necron is while fans will argue to beyond death about how he is the personification of death or whatever, fact remains that his existence is not foreshadowed at all -- or at the very least, not that well. So maybe a character says, "You'll die soon!", no one will think "oh, so he's going to meet the death!". No, he's going to think that that guy's going to, well, die. Or if he's really being attentive to IX's lore, that guy will be recycled by Iifa Tree.

There are hints about Necron, sure, but they're TOO subtle and you have to spin your head 720 degrees just to find the connection. It's bad writing. Necron as a concept is okay, but its execution is meh.

No, the one with the eyes and baphomet.

Lack of understanding

Kuja is the antagonist to the plot
Necron is the antagonist to the theme

Phantom Menace reference.

The Japanese name is Eternal Darkness, probably suppose to be a Cloud of Darkness reference but retarded translators give totally different name and thus the reference is lost, the English translations are always like that

This one is news to me. Hopefully someone has it.

It's because the original name is too long when translated. Same deal with X's Nemesis.

how the hell hasn't this been posted yet

Maybe because the thread is about FFIX.


>Kuja is the antagonist to the plot
>Necron is the antagonist to the theme
That's a pretty good way of putting it actually.

>Not using Zidane, Freya, Steiner, and Quina for guaranteed 9999 damage every turn with auto-regen on all 4 so healing is unnecessary

>not doing a level 1, 1 hp, solo run

He quotes Yoda.

Literally just came out of nowhere and was piss easy

>and you have no emotional connection to him as a character

Was that even a necessity for the fight?

Zidane, Garnet, Steiner, and vivi are the canon Party and the only characters you should play as anyway because everyone except Eiko sucks, especially that stupid rat bitch.

A final boss should be cathartic, not meaningless.

>dissing Freya
Fite me!

Freya a shit.

Say that to my face and not on the internet and see what happens, NeoFAG

>mfw I beat him with Zidane, Dagger, Vivi, and Eiko in that order

>Not leveling Eiko to 99 twice

no, but western consumers prefer some variant of feels over symbolism in all cases, even if the context is extremely shitty and generally doesn't make much sense
It's why trash like Persona 4 and Yakuza 0 got popular

Rat pussy best pussy

I was like 13 or 14 when I finished this game and I didn't know what the fuck was going on in the story anyway.
Just a bunch of nonsense. The first half of the game is fucking great and Steiners character is just amazing to see...but the other characters AND story are fucking awful.

>In other-language versions, Necron is known as "Tiniebla Eterna" (Spanish, lit. "Eternal Darkness"), "Ewiges Dunkel" (German, lit. "Eternal Dark"), "Trivia" (Italian), and "Darkness" (French).

No it was just Amerifats being retards


>not using both


>not using Zidane, Garnet, Steiner, and Beatrix

Because FFIX may have had one of the worst localisations in the history of western releases.

Because people are legitimately braindead and didn't get the game, at all.

I won't disagree that the dialogue got messy around the time they got to Garland
Also I had to check the dates to make sure that they actually did pull that one line from Phantom Menace instead of the other way around

>entire game is about dealing with your own mortality
>Kuja tries to suicide together with the world
>you fight the personification of death after refusing to give up in the Crystal World

If he was called Eternal Darkness or just Death nobody would have an issue

This is for Freya

I thought it was cool. I like the idea that the world had been through so much unprecedented war, death, and destruction, that a literal god of ending shit had to step in to tell people to fuck off. Then, in battling Zidane and crew, the god understands that they don't fight to kill but to survive. It's cool because you go through an army of clone/machine mages, you kill a tree that births monsters, you deal with fucking aliens, and there's bullshit like Atmos swallowing a castle and Bahamut and Alexander fighting. If there was a god watching, I'm sure he'd be annoyed that people are throwing away the gift of life just for some power. Yeah, it came out of fucking nowhere but I think that after the alien spaceship the floodgates were open for pretty much anything to happen.

Looks more like it's for Victor to me.

I will never stop considering Rinoa/Ultimecia as canon.

Fuck you Square

This. I feel like most people are just annoyed that the game introduced a brand new character right at the end. If Necron was presented more so as a concept then he'd be more accepted.

This sounds really familiar but I don't remember the line you're talking about.

>and Bahamut and Alexander fighting

Still one of the best fucking scenes.

>tfw Dissidia took a jab at it by having Ultimecia disguising herself as Cosmos