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Okay, Sup Forums.
Why is this game the best in the series?

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Because people don't care about politics, and MGS3 had none.

I don't know
me personally, I like the jungle environment and vintage aesthetic this game have
make it feels like an old James Bond movie

Technically, they had Cold War politics.
In a way.

Nah, MGS3 is clearly meant to be a game that people don't have to think about in order to get something out of it.


But the entire plot is politics

It was made for brainlets so has mass appeal

i didnt like it that much. while the gameplay is decent the story was batshit insane and weird. i prefered mgs1 story way more, cuz it was funny, witty and somewhat serious at times.

Yeah, I always remember this soundtrack whenever someone says MGS3

I kinda find this better, desu.

Longer sections of uniterrupted gameplay.
A lot of ways to fuck around.
Stealth in zones that aren't battlefields.
Natural environments, next to no interiors.

Basically why I love 3 and V the most.

Honestly, by the time you beat Ocelot, it becomes some sort of boss rush to me and areas with no guards at all which makes the trying to be stealthy a waste of time.
I do agree about lots of ways to fuck around (the lab and photo camo (if you played the 3ds version))

Battlefields were more of Solid 4 than any other MGS game

In 3, you're blocked by a load of hills, but okay.

because you have your nostalgia googles on

It's not. MGS2 is, OP.

Tanker from MGS2 is the greatest level of all time in any video game desu

I never really said that MGS3 is the best game in the series.

It isnt

however, it is the one that panders the most to brainlets and retards of all other sorts. not even talking about the story or anything close to that, the gameplay and graphics are the definition of trying to rope in people that dont give a fuck about metal gear solid. MGS3 is the meme that forced the rest of the series to be nothing but bland, linear "outdoors" corridors

MGS1 is the best in it's overall representation, and no other MGS game has achieved anything as close as the cinematics present in this one.

Admit it.

*present in that game as well.

I thought mgs2 was the peak of overall cinematic direction and i didnt even like the game that much

I agree.
>So, you like to play Castlevania?