Hey you bunch of trap-loving homosexuals, I'm playing pic related for the first time...

Hey you bunch of trap-loving homosexuals, I'm playing pic related for the first time, trying to build fun necromancer type character. Post stories and fun builds/tips

If you're going mage, make sure to learn teleport.

Just make the most painless build. The combat is fucking atrocious in that game. Strength melee build with hasten is a good idea.

I've played it a ton but only beaten it once.
Its the type of game where after you advance for a while you get a strong urge to make a new character to see how things would play out differently.

It's a game that really responds to what type of character you make. A lot of variations on quests and dialog.

I'm trying to build a slutty necromancer, those who wont let themselves be seduced will be killed and their souls tormented for information.

Harm is your to-go damage dealing spell with high magic aptitude. Conjure spirit unlocks some fun dialogues with important NPC's if you choose to kill any. You don't need any other necromancy spells, just increase your magic aptitude with utility spells like teleport and tempus fugit.

>Harm is your to-go damage dealing spell with high magic aptitude. Conjure spirit unlocks some fun dialogues with important NPC's if you choose to kill any. You don't need any other necromancy spells

Actually you can use this to your advantage. Make a melee/caster hybrid instead of a pure "mage", there are tons of powerful magickal melee weapons.

There is that insanely powerful magic cursed sword that only evil characters can use.
If you can get your hands on that...

There is also a couple other surprises if you play evil that I won't spoil.

Pickpocket marksman rifle in ashbury then go clear mountain pass, level50 in 20mins bois

They really should have had less mandatory dungeons.
The most interesting thing about the game is hanging around in the cities.

Hand cannon from White in Tarant is better unless you're exploiting called shots each and every time.

Going to Ashbury is still a good idea because of the doggie's insane damage, as long as you can heal it during the golem fights.


For degenerates and heathens only. Day of the pyre soon

Max persuasion and charisma for funtimes

Are you one of those faggots i've heard about?

How do I get past the bandits trying to jew me out of money at the bridge?

Work for them, pay them, convince them, or kill them.

The gentleman's way: dynamite.

I remember there was one spell that would win you any combat. I think it was darkness or some shit.

Reverse pickpocket armed explosives into their pockets.



Harm is generally seen as the most broken spell. Its a level 1 spell that scales infinitely and does more damage flat than most others.

Well, Harm is very useful throughout the entire game. If you are going full mage it's the only attack spell you need for 90% of your battles.

Just don't forget to buy a huge stockpile of mana potions or you knock yourself out every fight

>trap-loving homosexuals
Fuck off reddit scum trying to fit in

Also traps ain't gay

Please, drop this shitty game and go for TOEE, which is the #1 CRPG of all time.

You're welcome.

Fucking heathen

>Shitty Pathfinding: The Game
I'll pass.

>game is so baldly optimized that it has fps drops even with NASA computers
no thanks