Why do Japanese developers put too much effort into their female designs?
Why do Japanese developers put too much effort into their female designs?
American developers are less interested in the craft and more interested in seeing what they could get away with not putting effort into while achieving maximum profits. That sweet lucrative formulaic package.
But your picture proves that they put less effort to get better result?
>highly skilled developers
every time
I know this is bait, but it's not a matter of too much effort. Its the western devs becoming lazy and pampered little shits because all that sells is the marketing and the outrage, not the game itself. That's the least of the concerns of today's publishers. Craftsmanship went extinct.
because they know who buys their games unlike western devs who want to pander to a demographic that doesn't even play their games.
God that game looks like shit.
the west wants to be REALISTIC because of some bullshit about unrealistic expectations and hurt feelings, Japan just panders to fantasy and idealization because that's what entertainment and art are supposed to be about and were for the better part of human history
if people wanted to look at ugly fucking hags they'd go outside
>western devs who want to pander to a demographic that doesn't even play their games.
Yeah their games sell more than any nipponese game.
Mafia 3 pandered to niggers and sold 5 million
it's owned by EA
it SHIPPED 5 million. It sold around 2.5. That's not that great considering they marketed the hell out of it and normies love GTA shit.
>Trace over an AYY
Daily reminder that weebs are alien propaganda tools.
Because the appreciate attractive women, while in the USA fat and ugly women are pushed by SJW faggots to further their feminist bullshit.
and Japan makes what they want without regard for western sales potential, bless them(Square Enix can burn in hell though)
That still doesn't make Bioware an American developer. Don't you put that evil on us. We've got enough problems as it is.
Quick, what are the best manga/vidya to assist in learning basic japanese?
Go back to Sup Forums
>most highly skilled developers
Don't cheapen your point like that.
they also own DICE but we don't refer to those swedes as "american developers"
>attractiveness = effort
Every time.
Have you ever been to an asian country? Women are ugly as sin. Their 10/10s are like 4/10 to the Western eye.
never :)
The one on the right is supposed to look like a tranny because americans love cock and forcing their gay ideals on other countries.
Making something look ugly doesn't require much effort.
>Have you ever been to an asian country? Women are ugly as sin. Their 10/10s are like 4/10 to the Western eye.
I think you need glasses
A basic sudoku manual you faggot. You're counting on the same retards who think Berserk has good art to give you recommendations.
Bioware spends a lot of money and effort to make ugly characters
>highly skilled
Pick one
Both are pretty shit
>Google anime girl clipart
>Copy and paste
>Google girl of vague race
>Copy and paste
Thats a white woman.
Cute. Now take off the pounds of makeup gook.
They are that level of inept. Thus the point of this thread.
delet this
Still cute t.b.h
>berserk has bad art
>posts a western comic
>every game should pander to my dick
You're as bad as the boogeymen you're supposedly fighting against. Kill yourself.
Average Jap characters all have horrible sameface. The characters in Dead or Alive for example all look like soulless husks. They're total shit compared to the best western games or western inspired Jap games like Metal Gear Solid.
Put her on a dermo care regime and she'd be cute.
Nice post, hipster faggot.
Look, if you give an ayylmao a great ass, awesome tits, beautiful long hair, some subtle make up, and a cute nose instead of their nose holes (and since they already have those big eyes) I'll fuck it.
Hell, you give those features to anything and I'd probably fuck it.
Asian countries have the most plastic surgey done in the world.
Why are yellow fever fags just admit that they literally need to alter their face to be attractive?
Cerebus has better art in one fucking panel than any shit from some gook faggot who takes decades to put out one issue.
You could've named any other jap fighting game besides DOA. SF, Guilty Gear, Tekken all have great looking female characters and aren't sameface.
San Francisco is the USA
They are girl fetishists obviously.
>highly skilled
Weeaboos, everyone
one is easy to look at, the other one makes me squint
Go back to neofag
I seriously doubt there is any part of her face that was not touched by a plastic surgeon.
now im trying to figure out if thats a dude or a girl
It's almost like the slants entire media "empire" is based off of poorly copying early Disney. It's almost like there is literally no distinction between shitty Chink thievery and Nip thievery.
Because games are a medium for fun in Japan.
>bioware montreal
>never made a game in their lives
>highly skilled
My money is on a dude. If still hit that if he wore some make up, full body shave, and wore stockings.
>its a redditors rush to become mods because they are control freak crybabies and want to turn everything into their safebubble episode
Unless that white woman went got her eye folds removed, that's a woman from eastern Asia.
>Asian countries
You just mean Korea for the face and Thailand for the trannies.
I really hope they actually try some drastic shit on Nov. 4, and now that they've been designated a domestic terrorist organization, and have been openly making treasonous statements and threats, they get BTFO by the police/National Guard.
>That animation
Italy, Greece, USA, and Colombia all have higher plastic surgery rates then Japan. China has one of the lowest rates of surgery. The only guilty one is Korea. Thailand surgery is for making traps.
Beautiful but was that last stab really necessary
I like how the tracing completely ignores the contours of the face just to prove a point.
Why are you so obsessed with female character designs OP. Obviously not every western girl looks like that you stupid fuck. I prefer a normal looking person over any anime shit any day.
Yes, because the animator(s) wanted to prove that all they knew was art and nothing else. Not physics, not anatomy, not fighting styles, nothing but art.
Jesus, "she" looks more like a man than I do.
it called realism
>Sama just take a mannequin head and strap on different hair and eye colors desu toyotasashimikun
>Gook character "design"
>it SHIPPED 5 million
Stupid fucking retard.
>Mafia III is the publisher's fastest selling game in the first week and has, at the current date, sold-in over 5 million copies altogether.
>Civilization VI is the fastest selling entry in the series and has sold 1.5 million units to date. The sales for the series as a whole have now passed 40 million copies.
>NBA 2K17 has sold nearly 7 million copies.
>Take-Two expects its net revenue to increase from $542 million to $592 by March 31.
wow, this is perfect
this is the fact
Whats bad at looking good my lad?
>US ahead of Japan
ME:A wasn't made by highly skilled devs though. It was made by newly hired people that had shitty AA degrees from a for-profit college.
Do you not understand how EA operates or their masterplan?
>p-plastic surgery
Whities are so jealous
>asian women have most surgeries
>asian women are the most desired
Why is that surprising? Looks are EVERYTHING in the US
this shows why bongs are fugly
>Have you ever been to an asian country? Women are ugly as sin. Their 10/10s are like 4/10 to the Western eye.
This is what their average women look like and once you go over there and if you are a tall white guy, you can easily fuck every single one of them.
literally 1 out of the 1100000 looks like that
there's a reason the only popular nico nico channels are run by girls who still look young as fuck but are in their 20s.
Also they probably wouldnt touch you even with a 10 feet pole
Boobs, hair transplants, and non-invasive shit like freezing fat to kill it (yeah Americans are fat)
Japan has a way bigger blue which is face and hair.
Take off the pounds of foreskin cells she puts on her face and this is what she looks like.
Just south korea.
>reeeee the girls are too attractive
Looks like neofags have already started posting
Why don't brainlets realize that japanese and chinese are a different race?
All jap females look the same
All anime style girls look the same, except with different neon coloured hair.
I prefer designs where you can recognize different characters from each other.
Because they all look the exact same. Slants should all be nuked, doesn't matter what rice paddy they come from.
>All jap females look the same
Brainlet detected
nice manjaw
Everytime I fucking see that Andromeda face I get sick. How can they make something so hideous?
I thought you were posting bongs for a second with all the snaggletooth in that photo.
whats written on the right isnt even fucking correct. i was disappointed in andromeda as well but at least get your shit right
Why does God do this to us
Only Asian girls wear makeup.
>Japanese women are cute and not fishfaced frea-
>japan has almost no feminism
>beautiful female characters
>the west is nothing but feminism
>goblin tier female characters