Tumblrshit ending

>tumblrshit ending

what went wrong?

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neogaf and sjws ruining gaming thats what went wrong

There's likely to be a true ending of sorts since there's an extra Kingdom to unlock in post game

>tumblrshit ending


peach literally leaves bowser and mario to die on the moon with oxygen depravation

do they get married in there?

Bowser and mario both want to marry peach, peach literally denies and leaves the both of them on the moon sad as fuck because she wants to be a "stronk indepundun womyn"

Proof or GTFO

If she was an indupoodent weemin, she would have at least tried to get away from being KOOPAED


open wiiiiiiiiiiiide

>le tumblr

go the fuck back

So Peach is basically a murderer-by-proxy, right? It's not like Bowser hasn't tried to kill Mario before.


You faggots will argue about EVERYTHING

It's way fucking better than "and they lived happily ever after" cliche bullshit

I swear to god, you fucking manchildren are just trying to compensate the fact that not even your circlejerk fantasies play out the way you want them to be

One faggot even wrote "this is why I hate women" in the Mario livestream thread


Seems like a typical nintendo ending. Nothing changes, nobody had any character development, nothing to worry about in a sequel.

The only reason anyone is talking about this is because there isn't much to talk about at the moment.

Enjoy, nintendo fans. That was your single non-port, non-shovelware, non-trash title since the Switch was put on the market. I wonder if you'll get more than that in the coming year.

yes keep those tears coming

>someone not wanting to marry a 10ft tall turtle nor a 4ft tall plumber is tumblr

back to sonygaf you go. oops

hey friend, seems like it is your first day on this video game discussion board after your forum of choice closed down!

please consider lurking before you post! thanks!

We're gonna have twice as many of these shit threads now right?

We need a /sony/ containment board.

>b-but sony
what does it feel to have sonyggas BBC deep inside you 24/7?

So can Mario just stop saving Peach now or what? Enough with that tired crap. Stupid bitch is getting kidnapped on purpose.

how many kingdoms in total?

Pretty funny ending if you ask me

Not sure how someone could get assblasted over the ending of a fucking Mario game

Mario is the one out of character here. Since when was he this thirsty?

>Not sure how someone could get assblasted over the ending of a fucking Mario game
You underestimate the autism that emanates from Nintendofags

when is nintendo going to drop the bullshit and have mario marry bowser

This was exactly the same thing that happened in the that marriage gown Mario thread awhile ago. People don't realize this is targeted towards fucking kids. If I was a 10 year old I'd laugh my ass off to the ending.

wait a minute that pose

You mean Neogaf and Sonybro falseflaggers?

no nintendofags are the only big enough morons to
A: care about the plot in a Mario game
B: think Nintendo will ever acknowledge things like sex, marriage or having children in their family friendly IPs

Stop acting like this shit is anything new.

>having children
bowser jr

Those that mean Pauline has a chance?

>it's the nintnedofags I swear!
Oh please.

That's only for yuropoors user

you have to go back

she least made a song for him.

>he doesn't want Bowser and Mario to get a happy ending after 32 years
I'm not a Nintenbro but even i feel sorry for Bowser and Mario.

why did you call it sonygaf when this person is defending nintendo

Don't respond to him. You’re only feeding him.

>sonyfags care about the plot in a mario game
do you even proofread your posts?

it's okay, now mario can just go after pauline like he was always meant to. bowser can keep chasing that roastie peach.

>now mario can just go after pauline like he was always meant to
you're forgetting a big stubborn ape that's in the way of that.

ending feels a bit sudden, how's the post game?

Does DK show up in this game?

Yes they would care if there was something in a Nintendo game they could point at and claim as SJW to give it a shit image on Sup Forums. Stop fucking pretending sonygggers haven't always done this shit whether it be to claim BotW has Ubisoft towers or NMH Travis Strikes Back is a Mini game collection, don't even try to pretend.

i don't know the official DK LORE but isn't he dating candy

>Yes they would care if there was something in a Nintendo game they could point at and claim as SJW to give it a shit image on Sup Forums.
You're being awfully paranoid about a group of people also dont act like the same doesnt happen with a sony or microsoft game
Also isn't the DK that kidnapped Pauline was revealed to be Cranky Kong?

so youre saying being the faggot going SJW! ANTI MEN! etc isnt the faggot incorrect attitude? oh you sweet moron


>first day here proven

im sorry youre a fool. must suck to have your brain

I'm not saying it doesn't happen the other way around, and it's not paranoia, this is Sup Forums nature and you know it, you should know how people act here.
People latch onto games they don't like to find any reason to call it out, it happens with every game dude, welcome to Sup Forums.

than if you already know how thi place operates then you shouldnt complain about it


back you go gafscum

If Bowser didnt ruin the moment she would have went Mario

Back to NeoFag with you. Oh wait - you don't have anywhere to go back to, that's right...

I'm not complaining I'm telling you because you clearly don't understand.

>this post
and you should go back to rleddit or gaia online forums

>Search for the song that plays near the ending
>All i get is Jump Up, Super Star

Well hope than Mario could find someone else.
Wonder how are gonna react the gamers to this ending.

>Peach isn't into Mario or Bowser
>Ends up with Luigi
Game Theory was right
Pure pottery

you can wait a week

How? I actually thought that was brilliant, as it reminded me of the Mario Hyadain video. For years, it was kinda ambiguous as to why Bowser was always kidnapping Peach, cuz in Mario 1, it was so she couldn't use a spell that would fix everything that Bowser did. But in later games, there wasn't much of a reason for it most of the time. In Superstar Saga it made sense and connected with Mario 1, about Peach having magical powers, but that wasn't Bowser kidnappong her. So for them to finally decide that yes, Bowser is attempting to court Peach, just like Mario is kinda nice. Also they played it fine, I mean, since when is "two guys court a girl but make fools of themselves so she leaves" a tumblr cliché? That's been around forever, in fact it was even part of the premise of the Mario Hyadain video.

>So for them to finally decide that yes, Bowser is attempting to court Peach, just like Mario is kinda nice.

Bowser has been established to have had a crush on Peach since Paper Mario 1.

Except it's out of character for Mario to even try to court her.

>Except it's out of character for Mario to even try to court her.
Fucking what?

What do you mean fucking what?

Mario's never acted as thirsty as he did in the ending, the fact that he even did after beating up Bowser even as a gag is retarded.

not him but the devs even said something like that when talking about the wedding amiibos at e3

>watching the ending before playing the game
why would anyone do this

Is,it really that much of a stretch he'd be interested in her? The Galaxy games kept saying shes his "special someone". Martinet has been ad-libbing "ahhhhh the preeen-incest ah peach" for years at events. Why are we even arguing this?

It is a stretch because it goes with the meme about him saving her just because he likes her compared to him saving anyone because he's a good person.

He's saved plenty of people, why should Peach be treated any different just because she needs help more?

A special someone doesn't have to imply romantic either, and Martinet could just be saying that Mario's fond of her.

being interested in someone is different from being thirsty for them.

So Mario has just been competing with Bowser this whole time?

Why couldn't they just get married instead of muh status quo

I think it's 2 cute seeing bowser and Mario competing like that

They need to make more games, can't tie up the knot here.

It was more of a tom and jerry ending than anything.

It's like asking why Zelda couldn't have been older since it's been 100 years so the story's a bit more interesting instead of muh status quo

The games end user, that's what'll happen

Metroid says fuck you

Mario is just knight save princess, don't make sense princess just leave he in moon to died.

this is the best ending since mario 64
the whole game builds up to a wedding which doesn't happen
charming and funny

>to die
They are clearly okay being on the moon user.

Imagine being this retard.


>Peach is asexual
Damn, Nintendo really bit the bullet didn't they?

Both bowser and mario have friends/underlings user. They are okay

>this is the best ending since mario 64
You would have said this no matter what happened, to be fair.

I see what you did there.

no, I'm serious
sunshine's ending was dumb with bowser talking to his son
galaxy's ending was meh "hello new galaxy"
can't remember what galaxy 2 or 3d world's ending was

>mlp pic
>no one replies

looks like the bad ending to me,
Maybe guy didnt got enough moons?

that ain't mlp nigga. that's panty and stocking, i think.

galaxy 2 rosa tells peach mario is her special one. in 3D world they beat bowser then game back to when where the game started.

the galaxy endings felt like they spent 5mins making them

3d world, oh yeah they travel through the pipes through the credits, wow, so memorable!

The whole ending sequequence of fight and ending is fan-fucking tastic. Loved it.

I'm not so sure about what the message is supposed to be with that tumblr portion, but it was a fun gag