Do you even read "gaming news sites" any more?

Do you even read "gaming news sites" any more?

I read about 3 ~ 4 regularly for actual game content (e.g. announcements, trailers, release dates), but most of my info comes from twitter, youtube, or Sup Forums.

>sometimes RockPaperShotgun (but not John Walker)

Other urls found in this thread:

Didn't they post yet another "gamers are dead" article like a week ago?

I think there was something recently, which was weird, since I thought they'd sided with "the gamers" at the time

Sorry, your stealthy attempt at discussing drumpfkin poltard shit wasn't subtle enough. We believe in making this site a safe place, free from toxic behavior. Enjoy your ban fascist

How long until scandal with Escapist btw? Your bets?

I read Eurogamer now that they stopped pumping out articles about Sarkeesian.
They do some interesting unique articles, reviews are pretty irrelevant for me.

I liked RPS but after that blizzard interview they went super politics heavy and I just dropped it.

What Blizzard interview? I kind of out of the loop here.

Yahtzee is the only reason why The Escapist hasn't gone bankrupt yet

Wow fuck off

I think RPS has gotten a bit better. A lot of the writers from "then" have left, and the new writers seem happier to focus on games. JW is still around though, so you just have to be wary.

Siliconera, that's about it.

Every single outlet mention by you is filled with sjw staff who loves to shove liberal propaganda into every article they write and their social pages are nothing but telling how trump is mean and we need to tolerate islam,

I follow independent content creators. Granted, they are dependent on what some outlets feed them in order to have any info to share, but at least those independent content creators have an unbias and critical view that don't follow status quo. Even the articles they share they usually have a critical position regarding what was written.

Don't follow websites. Follow independent thinking.

The escapist doesn't need a scandal for you to avoid it like the plague.

I'm a PC gamer, so the selection is a bit limited

>get triggered by liberals
>go find safe spaces and hugboxes where they regurgitate their opinions like fact

Good one, you sure showed them as an alt-right gamer!

Yeah except mainstream sites censor everyone who isn't far left
Kek looks like NeoGaf refugees are here

Nope. Never really have. I used to frequent vg247 cause I liked their format of short and to-the-point news, but at one point they decided to be more SJW and I dropped them.
I really only frequent Sup Forums and a gaming blog/website from my country out of habit.

isn't it dead now? I thought they laid off anyone that wasn't Yahtzee in their recent article.

>Do you even read "gaming news sites" any more?

No, if it's a game I'm potentially interested in I will hear about it sooner or later anyway.
I don't need to know the exact release date five years in advance.

I used to play roleplaying games on the Escapist.

I'll be legitimately sad when it goes away.

Did you hear about the massive sexual assault scandal on the video game forum NeoGaf? What a communist SJW shithole. Videogames

They were pushing a narrative SUPER heavily.

The ending was comically awkward.

>they laid off anyone that wasn't Yahtzee in their recent article.
they announced it in a forum post, and want volunteers to keep running it.

so it's dead-man walking at best

gematsu is the only news site worth shit

they recently fired all their staff except the people who stream and yahtzee

at this point the whole site is just yahtzee cum socket

My go to daily sites are Kotaku, Polygon, and previously neogaf. Most other sites get too political or their commenters are toxic consumer first ideologists.

And then the Blizzcucks backpedaled.
Anyone visiting those websites should just die in a fire.

wtf i miss nuovogaffio now

what a fucking stupid bait

It's literally perfect.

Not videogames, fuck off back to Sup Forums

Eurogamer, they do quite a few decent articles, I think they did one on Stalker modding the other week.

They do occasional sjw shit no one cares about, but its like 1 a month, I can ignore that.

t. butthurt Neogaffer

>thread about videogames websites
>not videogames

Back in the day I read Gamesradar and Gametrailers, but those were about 10 years ago. Nowadays I sometimes check PCGamer cause they seem to cover Dwarf Fortress stuff.

The only reason people ever went to The Escapist was for Zero Punctuation.

are you mad that your precious gaf safespace has been destroyed?

I only read my local Czech sites like hrej and games cz, they are still surprisingly free of leftist bullshit

Read the sticky " If you want to stay on Sup Forums, then talk about VIDEO GAMES", game sites are not video games.

t. mod

>implying Sup Forums ever was about video games only
Stop being a faggot

>games websites are not videogames
>talking about the state of gaming press isn't related to gaming or the media.

What kind of brain gymnastic is this? Is this the first shockwave of neofags flooding this board, trying to obscure the discussion because they are still suffering from ptsd?

>Politics inserted into video games and game websites that actively affect video games have nothing to do with video games.

We know neogaf mods and hotpockets are the same shit, fuck off or ban me

I like mynintendonews

>muh Sup Forums boogeyman
Is this trend some kind of new incarnate of mccarthyism?