Why are eastern-written characters so much better than western ones?
Why are eastern-written characters so much better than western ones?
Because you're a weeb and that biases your opinion.
Why the fuck does the west need to write characters? PS4 retards will lap it up regardless.
Pancake ass
Becuase you've never read a book?
Yes of course. Just think about how deep of a character your redheaded tsundere stereotype is. Truly a character that will subject to studies for ages to come.
Asian writing is fucking abyssmal. Look at any japanese, korean, or chinese movie. Fucking christ, they're awful.
Even halfway decent movies, like Oldboy, are fucking awful in their writing. Decent premise, good action FUCKING AWFUL writing and DREADFUL acting. "I'm a dog, bow wow!" - this is considered amazing adlibbing in asia.
If you're talking about females, I agree. They're treated more as actual people and not some totem the devs can virtue sign with.
You mean drawn?
>Two right hands
Contrarian of the day award
Even Sup Forums disagrees with you and that is the designated westaboo board
Probably ESL.
Misty reminds me of stacey dooley
It's a copy paste from the other thread
Because they're writing characters instead of just making mouthpieces for their personal opinions, political or otherwise.
>actual people
Bullshit, they're pulled from a template of archetypes designed explicitly to pander to waifu-fags.
Is it time?
Misty or Lana?
Which one is the better developed character?
Who did you not get to screw and was your self-image threatened by a cartoon?
How is that a bad thing?
you already know the awnser.
it just cant be said out loaud because reasons.
Yes, it's time for you to post the source, you phoneposting faggot.
Misty was a cardboard cutout most of the journey until she left.
Because west need strong independent women in each character.
Lana developed the better character alright
Yes it is. It is always time.
Misty is 100 times better than Lana.
Are they breathing under water?
>Misty is 100 times better
Can you provide visual evidence for this statement?
I beg to differ
Lana is the best
Misty is a classic iconic design, Lana is basically already forgotten.
>tfw you will never experiense Loli time
I could but the jannies would remove my pictures and the mods ban me.
>the new female water type gym leader after a series of male ones
>Lana is basically already forgotten.
You wish, nostalgiafag
>you will never taste Lana's exotic sea salt seasoned cunny
kill yourself
Where do you think we are?
you first
the only low test here are fatfags.
The technology will be there one day! or you can just have a daughter and take her to the beach a lot
You sound like a faggot.
Have the neofags already started posting?
>using off-model fanart to try to prove your point
Yeaaah because the Lanafag wasn't doing exactly that now was he?
The whole thread is fanart baka
T. Pedocuck
Yeah but there has never been any official art of Misty with huge tits or anything. She's usually drawn with a petite body.
You could have made a decent argument here but you used Misty as an example of "Good Writing". The Pokémon series is written to be as basic and milquetoast as humanly possible, there is nothing special about her writing, or any other NPC's writing for that matter.
Watch better films you pleb
Cuck has no meaning
t. neofag who came here after his site burned down
if you say so
It means you let youre spouse cheat on you, and if you are a pedocuck, you're probably Neogaf.
Quick, give me a good loli artist!
Misty is sucha interesting character..
cute lolis have been on this board longer than you have.
But I don't have a wife
And neofag hates little girls
If you can't see my post is jest, you're an autistic faggot.
Misty obviously
>Why are eastern-written characters so much better than western ones?
Too much emphasis on realism. Just look at DC and Marvel. It's not a bad thing or a good thing it's just the fixation with "quality".
Since from there you have the massive radical shift from that to cartoon level of stupidity we see that's as bad as my chicken scratch drawings.
You would think there would be a gold standard and it would've been placed by warner bros or disney. Yet no we have shit with freedom and diversity or you have high quality anal realistic crap with very restrictive writing.
Which makes the western golden rule very flimsy in that regard. Yet you end up realizing it's because of a bunch of gate keeping nonsense is what holds the west back with it's vindictive style.
The east has their own rules but their golden rule seems more open and free but it's doesn't push quality to its limits.
right is sesxier anyway.
new and improved
Because of evangelical conservatism and feminazi pseudo-moral busybodies
>Facebook filename
Literally every Japanese female character in games/anime/manga are designed to virtue signal to pathetic otakus try again please. I mean it's so bad that if a story starts off without any lolis they fucking put a disclaimer that they're coming eventually.
>I mean it's so bad that if a story starts off without any lolis they fucking put a disclaimer that they're coming eventually.
what did he mean by this
dumb phoneposter
Let me ask you niggers something
Would you a JS if you knew for sure you'd get away with it?
Oh good it's opposite day already.
What the fuck am I reading
>virtue signal
Do you even know what that means or are you just using buzzwords you don't like to convey how much you hate something?
Nice projection faggot.
>all these neofags shitting up every thread
Post pokegirls you fucking pathetic faggots
To be fair nobody uses it correctly any more.