Are single player story-driven games really dying?

Are single player story-driven games really dying?

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Why not? There's way more money in online stuff.

Maybe I'm stuck in the 90s, but I tend to prefer single player stuff. Maybe that'll be my downfall, resulting in ever increasing disappointment...

What about indie games? There's still some hope for good single player gameplay/story there, right?

Sup Forums still doesn’t understand the concept of business decisions

I thought those stupid telltale games like the gay lesbian one did well?

Man I love soup but are spoon driven soups dying?

I’m sure you only played the popular single player story driven games. There are some under the radar story driven games that never get mentioned. And if you really want story driven shit, read novels. Start with Haruki Murakami books

if you believe this youre a fool

Look at most of the AAA games this year and you'll notice that most of them are single player story driven games.

It'll be a cycle. With saturation of shit MP games that no one will play, companies will turn back to SP

>i thought life is strange was made by telltale

i dont even like that game but holy shit youre dumb

but you don't play those. maybe he wants to play things.

You're supposed to spend your money for half assed, clunky programs. What do they care about your preferences?

Multiplayer will always be the more lucrative games from here on out but as long as there is a market for single player games (And there is) we will always have new single player releases.

Are they? Nier Automata has a strong focus on the story and it sold more than Squeenix anticipated. I'd like to see evidence of your claim.

Fuck off

Sick of everything revolving around story. Maybe single-player games wouldn't be dying off if they were still games first, stories second.

Multiplayer games are cheaper to produce:
>design small maps compared to SP-sized levels
>barely any need for voice acting and tons of cutscene/cstomized animations which is also expensive
just give everyone the same weapons/class access and put some exp grind hamster wheel and you're good to go
>also easier to monetize with cosmetic cash shop and perhaps pay2unlock weapons faster and so on, while nobody cares about buying hats for single player games, especially first person ones

>There are some under the radar story driven games that never get mentioned

name some, pls

>Nier Automata has a strong focus on the story and it sold more than Squeenix anticipated.
Believe it or not but people constantly posting about the main character's ass may have something to do with it.

And yet they're branded as "underperforming" except for a few exceptions like Zelda BotW... And you see more and more AAA games with online compoments, micro transactions, and single player campaigns with a really simplistic and brief story that's kinda just there for the sake of putting a checkmark on that box, etc.

I guess you have conveniently forgot everyone bawwing about how sad it is too. I can see 2B' ass in webms and I don't care about waifufagging and I still enjoyed it.

Focus on story and photo-realism means they're stupidly expensive to make, and its easier to just shit out a vehicle for micro-purchases.

I didn't say they had to be a cinematic experience. I meant stuff like Silent Hill, Quest for Glory... even Diablo 1 and 2 have a simplistic story, but the campaign is definitely an elaborate experience, not just an afterthought.

2B's design really was a double-edged sword, but that was probably just as keikaku.

That part is just assfags and waifufags pretending they didn't buy the game solely for the ass.

Which single player games are underperforming? Zelda has a past of selling really worse, I remember a graph of declining sales after N64 ones, it's not their most profitable series, so BotW selling well does show something. RE7 is totally single player focus, and it has sold well. What else is there, Automata sold well.

Now some SP games did sell badly like Prey and Mankind Divided, but honestly those games have their issues and are bland & forgettable. I see them being their own enemies and not "the market doesn't want SP games".

I hope you don't actually believe 2 million people bought the game and made over a hundred threads here just for 2B's ass.

I wouldn't call those games cinematic experiences either though. Story being there =/= focus on story to the detriment of gameplay.

But way too many modern games just tell you a story and tack-on gameplay as an afterthought. W3, Uncharted, TLOU, NuRaider, Evil Within, etc. I get a "Well, it's a game, so we HAVE to have gameplay" vibe from FAR too many studios and publishers, and that's missing the point of making a game entirely. It squanders the strengths of the medium to simply replicate the experience you get from watching a film.

2B's ass isn't even that great, she just has wide hips. You don't even play as her for the majority of the game so I don't know why everyone makes a big deal over it.

They are competing with shameless online cash grabs now, so unfortunately yes, big AAA single player games are dying breed. Except maybe some console exclusives.

I really hope we'll see more AA games in future. Indies usually don't have enough money and manpower to even think about certain genres.

I mentioned Zelda already as an exception.

Resident Evil 7 was branded as under-performing by Capcom themselves. Even if they sold a lot of copies, they don't give a shit. If they brand it as "under-performing", they will go for schemes/paradigms that make them more money. It's money that drives the world, man.

Some people just won't accept that people actually liked Automata. It's sad.

>I remember a graph of declining sales after N64 ones
TP is the best-selling game though, and BoTW is doing really well too. The only one that didn't sell too hot was Skyward Sword, as that came right at the end of the Wii's life and some retards were put off by the controls.

And didn't RE7 underperform according to Capcom?

Story makes gameplay more engaging. You should fuck off. Play Tetris or Chess if you don't want story.

Sort of, many companies are exploiting the trend of Games as a Service bullshit because it prints money.

With Overwatch getting "GOTY" last year , it's guaranteed that many men in suits will follow the idea of making mp games like that, where you just update it every once in a while with a new loot box and be done with it. PUBG and GTAO certainly didnt help too.

Single Player games of quality with no bullshit like Prey or NieR Automata are becoming quite hard to get, I mean for fucks sake those two are the only great SP games I played all year. And look at what happened with Viceral recently. It's fucking sickening.

They just said RE7 hit their sales target, while the launch was underwhelming.

Also you have to count how RE6's reception was terrible and past flops tend to have an influence of sales on the next game of the same franchise. Also I want OP to substantiate people don't want SP games anymore, perhaps, just perhaps some games do flop because they are uninteresting single player games? Often if you have a new IP you need something to stand out, the AAssCreed type IPs have a history behind them, they're still coasting on that good game of the same franchise.

Don't waste your words on him, it's probably ACfag

Prey is mediocre as fuck at times, its name sounds generic and it really feels generic when you play it too, no wonder it's selling like shit, it's just an okay game that fails to impress anyone who has played System Shock 2 and even manages to be worse than Bioshock at times, in things such as weapon variety and no ammotypes.

Now Automata is a great game that has sold more than the publishers anticipated, so there's that.

Actually no, most games that focus on story hamper the whole thing because of narrative. Story should never be first to a solid and fun gameplay. It's the reason I enjoyed TLOU's multiplayer more than the campaing, non interrupted, tense third person shootan where you could just fucking play the game.

I might just be biased because I just fucking love anything that is remotely close to SS, regardless of how meh it gets but do agree on NieR and I'm glad it did well so we get more of madman Taro.

Right, it hit the target they wanted it to have already hit at or near launch months and months later.


Fuck off Todd, your games still suck

people only pay money for games with online multiplayer or other online benefits (mod library), because they can pirate everything else

>Gameplay first, story second

>story second

How did you miss that bit? I didn't say no story at all, you simpering shitwit, I said we shouldn't focus on story primarily.

Story is there to give your actions context, to support the gameplay, not to be the primary focus while gameplay takes a backseat.

>just perhaps some games do flop because they are uninteresting single player games?

Maybe people are getting sick of the "movie with some gameplay mechanics cause we gotta have em" pattern seen in so many games like Outlast, Uncharted, etc.

Perhaps we'll start seeing quality single player campaigns become almost exclusive to indies and lower-than-AAA-tier studios.

Reminder that story driven cinematic games peaked 15 years ago

*turns off monitor displaying torrent progress of Skyrim*
W-what's up, Todd?

Good fucking taste my bro

Ew user, single player games are so antisocial. What are you, some kind of friendless nerd? Guh-ROSS!

>mfw playing max payne 3
>i have no face anymore after playing that piece of shit

>Comparing Max Payne to the turd that is Mafia

Stop posting, please.

What about games with quality single player campaigns but not a lot of story like Duke Nukem 3D, Doom, Diablo, S.T.A.L.K.E.R., etc? Are those going to go the way of the dodo as well?

Absolutely not. There have been many great single player games this year.

This is just game journalists spinning their wheels because of some dumb EA shit.

Story is part of gameplay. If story is good, gameplay is more addictive. If you think gameplay is just hitting enemy properly you are retarded.

Well, DOOM came out and was pretty much universally acclaimed.

This guy is right

BING BING *1UP* WAHOOO is all I need in my games.

The thing is that you need your game to stand out from the rest if you don't have ample marketing or a solid fanbase established from past successes. People knock on COD franchise but don't forget it was built on the back of the COD1/UO/2 and also COD4MW, which were all good games. Many of those big sellers did try to do something new, COD4 took the series outside of World War II which grew stagnant, and they added new things to it regardles if people dislike killstreaks and perks, you can't say Infinity Ward coasted.

All the big sellers, GTA, Battlefield, Assassin's Creed, Halo, and so on, not sure if Dark Souls fits the bill yet, regardless if it's MP or SP your game needs to stand out from the rest, and those games were pioneers of some gameplay mechanics. Halo didn't get prominent by reskinning Doom with alien sprites, it tried something of its own. All those games, you have hey in this game you have a fully realized urban setting where you escape the police, steal cars, and this one, you can use vehicles such as planes tanks and shoips, this one you can blend with crowds of people and plan assassinations, and so on, those games weren't just one more in the crowd.

Then you have games such as Lawbreakers, Battleborn, Lords of The Fallen, those games look like "me too" style games, they don't stand out and rather than carving a niche of their own they just go with the motions and try to get an already existing fanbase. I don't know if the new Mordor game is selling well but that shit is the epitome of been there done that, open world arkham combat again, no thanks I don't want that even for free.

I don't want some not-DarkSouls either, give me something with an identity of its own, you creatively bankorupt pieces of shit.

I hope not. Some are pretty popular, like The Witcher 3

Mafia 1 is amazing you little turd.

You're amazing.

I want to like Prey 2017, but it is often underwhelming on so many fronts, exploring the exterior of the ship is boring as well as all no gravity sections, the level design is hit or miss, some parts have cool stuff to be found by climbing, some feel too small with barely anything to explore, the amount of weapons is very underwhelming I mean we got a wrench, pistol, a shotgun and some raygun, then a stungun and a glue gun, and 4 types of grenades, and no ammo types. It just feels really barebones, and together with the enemy designs being dull as fighting them being dull brings the game down way too often.

I mean I started to realize Bioshock did some things right after playing Prey, I played SS2 for the 1st time right before Bioshock and thought SS2 was better, but at least Bioshock's setting was more interesting than the placeholder_space_station that Talos feels like, there's nothing it the setting that really clicks. Having an inventory is nice but then Bioshock's splicers felt better to fight, might be because headshots were a thing where in Prey it's like who cares just shoot center mass always, unless I'm missing something. Bioshock and Prey just trade blows and that's not really good for Arkane if their game just look like a generic take on System Shock 2.

Overall I can see why this game doesn't set the world on fire, before I played it I went with low expectations because footage of it is quite boring to watch, morphing into objects isn't very interesting. I don't know it just manages to be okay which isn't enough for a lot of people.

>Maybe that'll be my downfall, resulting in ever increasing disappointment...

Nah man fuck that noise. Cheer up bro. You have a nearly infinite back catalog of games. I guarantee crap trends of today will eventually end. Then we will get great games again. Just works in cycles. There's still good games even now.

There are plenty of games out there to play. Why do you contrarains complain way too much about modern triplrle AAA games? Just play some old games and enjoy your peaceful sunday. It's not that serious.

Can't speak for a story-driven indie, but I've spent hours playing single player indies. Try these:
>The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth (twin stick shooter with religious themes and tons of items/enemies/bosses)
>Shovel Knight (old school platformer)
>Stardew Valley (Harvest Moon-type game with farming, gathering, building)

Also I'm sure you've got an enormous backlog. There's nothing wrong with just going back and replaying your favorites.


While story isn't a big part of them, I enjoyed Hollow Knight and Steamworld Dig 2 a lot from this year, both are great small budget games.

What do you eat soup with, dingus?

It's more because AAA is a bubble ready to burst. Go big or go home is unsustainable.

Newsflash for you: not every single product out there is going to be selling as much as GTA V. There are winners and losers in this competition, consumers don't have endless money to spend so you have to have an edge to stand out.

If the recent catastrophic failures of several multiplayer-only games has told us one thing, it's that there isn't enough room in the market for purely multiplayer games, and single player games will always exist because people will opt to play many single-player games over many multiplayer games.

exclusives still seem to want to push for single player experiences, like uncharted, horizon zero dawn, and nintendo games, so we'll always have those.
And yeah, go check some indies bro, there's some fine shit in there, if you like bullet hell and platinum games stuff, Furi is a masterpiece, albeit kinda short

Only interactive movies focus on story primairly not story driven games like SH, MGS or TLOU you idiot.