Show your new kids, how you started and your endgame
South Park thread
I made anime Jaden
no endgame because I decided to watch the game on youtube since the actual gameplay was tedious as fuck. Would have been pretty made if I haven't since the ending sucked so much.
Yeah how the story ends is pretty retarded imo, but overall, the jokes are pretty good. I was lolling most of the time.
Some of the bosses were pretty cool tho
Doing my Black Mastermind playthrough now for that platinum trophy
>60 bucks for this game
I-Is it worth it anons? I'm glad I arrrrr'd my way to Stick of Truth, because it was short as fuck. Does this one suffer from the same length issue?
~17 hours to finish the story and all side-quests.
Use Elementalist's ult, blaster's fireballs, gadgeteer's lightning-ball thing, and plant-thingy's OP-as-fuck-wave-of-thorns-that-does-bleeding
nah, Fractured but whole takes a bit longer than stick of truth from what I remember. Took me about a weekend to finish the game
the game has SEVERAL gamebreaking bugs ranging from being unable to start up the game to the game permanently getting stuck on a quest late enough in the game you can't refund it
do not buy the game in it's current state
If you're a South Park fan it's worth it.
also the unable to startup bug can randomly appear when you've already invested time into the game, had it appear for me after 12 or so hours of play, and now I can't finish it no matter what I try
seriously do not buy this game, the bug situation is bad even by ubisoft standards
I tried various builds, but I agree the wave of thorns is OP as fuck, combined with blasters electricity on the fart clone I usually 1-hit a group of mobs
The size of the production team of this game is just ridiculous. I don't understand how they can need so much people to develope what's basically an indie game
and even then it launched in piss-poor state
I downloaded the game, the only bug I've encountered that the screen went black after beating the pimp in Cartman's house. I could still hear my movements and see the door prompt, once I left the house it went back to normal again
so is it a bug that you can't choose your race at the beginning of the game or are they just trying to be clever?
there's a very very nasty bug in the retirement home where it permanently gets stuck on combat loading, it's impossible to solve and if it happens even restarting a new game won't fix it
and there are a lot of people who get a black screen on startup instead of the menu
like I said, I literally cannot finish the game until it's patched
you get to pick your race later on, same with other attributes, religion is the last one you get to pick I think
Not really. Not for full price, or the price they're asking for it at least.
Just finished it not 5 minutes ago, only some collectathon quests left to do which I am not going back for. I actually turned down the difficulty as I was coming up to the final fights because of how tedious and flat out boring they were becoming.
It's not as funny as Stick of Truth was, it does have its moments, but overall it feels unfinished.
I have renewed hatred for Cartman, again, and "Mitch Connor" has to be one of the WORST characters in South Park.
I know that but is it a bug or are they saying "you can't chose your race" and then later "you can be whatever you want because it doesn't matter"?
I should add it only took me 18 hours in total, and has little to no replay value as you are given every class at a point in the game and the town has literally no exploration to it unlike the first game.
I finished it, works on my pc :^)
that ending sucked bad, but it looks like a sequel will come with how Chaos was talking to you
I dont think its a bug
Is this game truly a buggy mess? I know this game has Ubisoft with it, but I'm waiting for a price drop.
>you can skip the credits to the South Park crew but you can't skip the credits to the Oobisoft crew
I only experienced one bug where I couldn't open the Phone/Map, just had to restart my game.
It's not that buggy but it's not worth 60 bucks, far from it
no more than 200
wait for that price drop, dont buy the game in its current state, also it has 3 (THREE) layers of DRM, not sure if you'd want to buy something like that
>first time in videogames where sjw boogieman did something good by letting me clearly define that im a cute little lesbianfemale
I expected someone commenting on me being muslim, so far there was nothing. This saddens me
depends, some people can play it fine, some people get utterly and completely fucked
do you want to take that risk or instead wait for the prices to go down and the patches to go up?
this one was mine
I wish the game was harder, i don't know if i built OP or what but mastermind was piss easy
Why is everybody using black characters? Wasn't the difficulty thing just a joke?
the achievement, probably.
There's an achievement you can only get if you complete the game on mastermind difficulty while playing a black character.
Yes and no. Like Cartman said, it doesnt affect combat, just all the other aspects in life
I only know that you earn less cash and lower item drops after battles and while looting
I don't even know what it was, i just picked one that sounded the stupidest
You get nice dialogue
>Enter police station
the game is fucking great and hilarious. the only people shitting on it are buttblased redditor drumpf tards who are still mad over last season blowing trump out lmao
That's my plan.
I was lolling hard through that entire police stage, that boss was also one of the more difficult ones
>tfw tried fighting morgan freeman post game
>after like 30 minutes of hitting him you look it up, and apparantly you can only fight him if you're white
So you can get welfare.
wat, I wasnt even aware you could even fight him, he does give you a nice artifact if you're black
My favorite part of the entire game is the mid-battle party banter
"And to think I thought kites were lame"
"Glad I could change your mind on kites, Super Craig!"
"Who says I changed my mind?"
Craig is best boy
They knew exactly what they were doing when they added face paint as an option.
>go to steam store
>nearly every review is about how it crashes to desktop all the time and how it has less content than the first
Nice bait
Yeah he's a really tough boss
the only fight i lost in my mastermind playthrough was to him after i switched my character to white at PC principal
mostly because my DoT burst couldn't deal with his 9999hp healthpool while he oneshotted everyone
They've never said straight out that Kenny is Mysterion until this game
I finished it, I didn't really enjoy it as much as Stick of Truth, I guess because it felt somewhat repetitive and as funny though it still did have good parts.
I didn't really like the combat system because there were annoying gimmicks like enemies who could bump up their turn, waves of enemies joining the battle in the middle, real time countdowns forcing you to take turns really fast. All in all it just felt like it didn't want to be a turn based game because it kept ignoring the rules and doing everything to prevent you from predicting things and controlling the battlefield based on the current turn order.
>locked up in Butters his room because his dad grounded you both
>need to escape the room somehow
>climb up his window
>splat down on the ground
>you are dead
I feel like most of these buggy experiences come from the PC version. Not saying the console version is bug free or anything because I have ran into a few, but nothing really game breaking or anything
Black Panther head includes blackface by default
Is it even necessary to say it?
i pirated the PC version and didnt encounter any bugs yet
Looking back at the entire year, that is supposed to go down in history as one of the greatest videogame selections of all time, this is my Game of the Year. The Japanese and American videogame industries have forgotten that videogames are supposed to make the consumer feel entertained, not bogged down with chores and micro-transactions.
>not bogged down with chores and micro-transactions.
that only bug i found on PC was occasionally the music from when you're selecting your gender in the councelors office won't stop, but restarting the game fixed it
dude, you're not supposed to hit the thing at all, they even tell you what to do in the game, you're supposed to push the white cops into the splash area so the monster eats them, dealing massive damage to it
I'm talking about morgan freeman bro
shub niggurath was piss easy because that's what i did
with the massive plantmancer AoE knockback that bleeds
It is because South Park strictly adhere to the narrative rules where nothing is what it appear to be until it is directly stated that it is.
I want to breed call girl
there's a loading screen tip advising you to go pick a fight with him
>mfw the second ending credits
It just kept going and going.
Feline suit a best. :3
Yes they have. The episodes with Cthulhu explicitly show us. Plus it was pretty obvious even in the first Coon episode.
oh shit I misread your reply, desu I havent lost any fight on mastermind difficulty
probably havent read that one
>Plus it was pretty obvious even in the first Coon episode.
The joke was that it was obvious as fuck and nobody said anything about it.
I just quit the game during those credits, apparently it doesnt save :(
she knows
That just makes her even better. You just know she's totally tsun for us.
I can't get the Put it Down song from season 21 out of my head.
>pc fags
>The episodes with Cthulhu explicitly show us
I'm pretty sure it wasn't "explicitly" show, rather heavily implied
it could just as well had been a red herring, not that unlikely considering how south park tends to have retarded twists
there's a lot of loading screen advice, most of them meaningless
>if you're having trouble winning in combat, try getting better at the game
>basic as shit production values
>basic as shit mechanics
>average South Park animation
>still buggy as shit, gamebreakingly so
Mysterion shooting himself in the head and then waking up in Kenny's bed is explicitly shown.
Not really related to the game but why is Cartman so weird this season? I only just caught up. Also Heidi should have been in the game
weird how? still seems the same angry asshole as usual to me
Does anyone know what happens if you earn (or cheat) $5000 and buy the ninja life contract?
im not even sure if its possible to have that much money at that stage of the game, after having finished the game I had around $300 on me
All the ninjas despawn or are replaced by different mobs and you can take a selfie with the guy.
What we are shown is Mysterion shooting himself and Kenny waking up in Kenny's bed, that doesn't mean they're the same person.
That's my cis heterosexual white russian christian chaotic boy.
This. Even using the scrap resale trick would take forever to earn $5000. I completely forgotten that he was locked behind that.
You can buy it later at City Wok, it's at the bottom of the list. I'm curious if he finally takes a selfie with you.
What if you don't have all ninja achievements yet? You get locked out of them? Of course, playing fairly this should be nigh impossible...
So you're just retarded then? Good to know. Feel free to explain the end of the episode with Kenny being reborn after killing himself as Mysterion then.
It's explicitly show later on that Kenny's mom literally rebirths him after every deathand places him in his bed.
He's all suicidal and shit now, at leadt in the first 2 episodes
I got stuck with no costume on after talking to wendy. anyone else dealt with this?
kinda like me IRL
Does this game run like shit on PC?
Wasn't the suicide thing just a joke during one episode? He was just looking for attention in the end, seems like the type of shit Cartman would do.
He just doesn't know how to handle Heidi and afterwards it looked more like he just wanted attention.
depends on your specs, the game requires atleast 6 GB ram
>I'll take the pledge! (No one cares)