Any PS2 recommendations?

Any PS2 recommendations?

Other urls found in this thread:

neck yank 3


I should start DBZ Budokai 3.

Ace Combat 4 and 5
FF 12
Grandia 3

mario odyssey

i always post a big ass list but never remember to save a txt.
oh well.
i will just recommend a few.
God Hand
Onimusha 1-3

halo 2
f zero gx

Viewtiful Joe
Jak Series

Road Trip Adventure

half life 3

Don't listen to these fags recommending Onimusha, I tried playing Onimusha 2 and had to stop playing. Controls are gawd aweful, I have to assume 1 is even worse and the only way 3 could be any good is if they completely redid the controls.
tl;dr Onimusha sucks

MGS is superior

>he cant handle tank controls
also yea they changed the controls for Onimusha 3

FFX, X-2 and XII
Def Jam: Fight for New York
GTA San Andreas

Is Ape Escape 3 actually good, besides the cute loli?

Pacman World 2. It's pretty comfy at times, same with Okami.

Dark Cloud 1 and especially 2
MDK Armageddon
MGS 2 and 3
Xenosaga 1 (series falls apart after that because NAMCO takes cretive control away from Monolith and fucks it alll up)

yea its great.
it just has 1 too many stupid driving sections and the framerate isnt as consistent as Ape Escape 2.
but its still probably the best ape escape game.


Ace Combat.

Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne

It's sort of like an adult Pokémon, but harder than Gary Oak's dick after you left Pallet Town.

I don't know what kind of games you like. But it is a nice platform for horror games.

Silent Hill 2-4
Project Zero / Fatal Frame 1-3
Resident Evil: Code Veronica X

There are other less notable ones too. Can't think of much else outside of whats already mentioned. Maximo maybe?

I'm sure someone has a more recent chart.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Onimusha an action game? Tank controls for an action game seems questionable.

Oni. I remember enjoying it when I picked it up along with my first PS2, it's pretty solid in my opinion, might be worth checking out gameplay to see if it's something you'd be into.

As others have recommended, Onimusha games were classics for me. The twisted metal games were fun too, if you're into vehicle combat games at all. Shadow of the Colossus is still good to me, and its cousin ICO is a pretty neat puzzle adventure.

most of the action games aged like shit. stick to the other categories

Best action rpg for the console.


i lol'd

jurassic park operation genesis is probably the best managment/sim game on the console. Battlefront 1 & 2 are obvious picks. Kingdom Hearts is Kingdom Hearts. God of War, Rachet and Clank, sly cooper.
I could go all day, what a fuckin' system.

San Andreas aged like shit, the controls kill me

Ace Combat 04, 5, and (especially) 0

its Resident Evil with swords.

Stand Alone Complex is pretty decent too. Fairly similar to Oni, but I guess Oni was inspired by GiTS before Stand Alone Complex was released.

not really. its not devil may cry or anything like that

any nice gems that don't het talked about here you guys can recommend?

everything in the thread so far ive played

God of War
Ratchet and CLank
Jak and Daxter
Ace Combat series

Besides that it doesn't have that many good games, just a bloated library while it also has the worst version of multiplats.

Just checked out some gameplay, and yeah, very similar to Oni. Might be worth trying this out, thanks for the mention.

>Death by Degrees
mah Nigga that game is fine, except for the infrared lasers early on.

i can recommend you:
>Spy Fiction
>Final Fight Streetwise (entertaining up until the final boss wich is bullshit, but arcade mode is pretty damn fun)
>Gitaroo Man
>Nanobreaker (really really like this game)
>Tenchu games
>Maximo games
>Way of the Samurai 1 and 2

some more, some lesser known PS2 gems.

This never gets any love, but I really enjoyed it back in the day.

Rachet: Gladiator

I liked San Andreas color scheme on ps2 better, but goddamn graphics and draw distance were shit

Castlevania Curse of Darkness

>Besides that it doesn't have that many good games
Yeah if you only like boring trash like the ones you listed.

>Can't list 1 good PS2 game
Face it, the PS2 is the most overrated console in history.

Now shut up retard

>All this weeb bait

Rogue Galaxy

>tfw i had to personally shill Red Star on Sup Forums, /tg/ and Sup Forums for years and now it's on every rec chart


What's the fucking point of doing webms of popular gifs if you're gonna mangle the bitrate. It's not even 3MB either.

I'm just happy that people ended up liking the series after all even though it died a slow, painful death and Christian Gossett hasn't lead a single creative endeavor since