Why are lootboxes, bad exactly? How are they different from buying something like a booster pack for a ardgame...

Why are lootboxes, bad exactly? How are they different from buying something like a booster pack for a ardgame, or regular DLC?

And if it's just ordinary gambling, then what's the incentive for companies to make lootboxes instead of just regular DLC?

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DLC you buy it once and thats it IF you want it at all.

Lootboxes generally have tons of good and bad shit you have to buy multiple times in the hopes of getting what you want, sometimes it would take hundreds of dollars to get the one thing you want so you don't bother at all feeling slightly left out.

What's the lore behind this cat?
Also lootboxes are cancer if they affect gameplay. I don't mind cosmetic crap, but why should a $60 dollar game have lootboxes in it? Lootboxes only make sense in a free-to-play game.

Look at all of the reasonable people that bought into Hearthstone. Look at Activision's patent on pairing. I knew that shit was off from day one. No matter how much I logically put together a free deck, it was utterly decimated by overpowered cards.

>What's the lore behind this cat?

It's a cat that looks cute and sits in a sink. I save pictures of the cats that get posted by anons, and then i use them.

>Look at all of the reasonable people that bought into Hearthstone. Look at Activision's patent on pairing.

I never played HS, what do you mean with pairing?

How are they different? Are you stupid?

$60 for the game

A fixed price for fixed content, you know what you are getting

You do not know what you are getting, and most games will add limited edition shit to entice players to buy until they get what they want

>booster pack for a card game
This is the game. You are buying the game, pack by pack.

Trading card games have always been bad value propositions and booster packs are, in essence, gambling. It's odd that it took this whole lootbox controversy for people to finally confront the obvious.

Because I can't pirate lootboxes REEEEEEEEEEEEE

Booster packs are also a sort of equalizer, because you can still get good cards through sheer luck without dumping hundreds of dollars on booster boxes.

Without fail I always enter threads with this cat as the OP.

I guess I'm the type of guy you could consider a whale, I have no problem with paying microtransactions or microtransaction bucks if I want something. I bought R6 siege for £25 and have spent about £100 on cosmetics since then, there are a bunch of skins that are about £16 each and I have them all. I also play a lot of overwatch but I have never bought a single loot box, just because I don't like the idea that I could get nothing. The defence that you always get something doesn't work because no one cares about sprays, voice lines or the basic skins. They only want the legendarys. If I could buy the legendary skins alone, I would, even if they were expensive. I just don't like to gamble. Although I should say I don't hate the idea of cosmetic loot boxes, I just don't have any interest in getting them.
>what's the incentive for companies to make lootboxes instead of just regular DLC?
Because instead of people buying the one thing they want for a smaller fixed price, there are people that will potentially pay a much larger amount to get it eventually. They also engineer the box opening process to make it alluring and addictive.

>And if it's just ordinary gambling, then what's the incentive for companies to make lootboxes instead of just regular DLC?
DLC costs X. you make that much money per consumer that wants it.
Lootbox costs Y. lets be crazy generous and say a lootbox has a 1-10 chance of dropping the specific content you want. so you make roughly 10Y per consumer that wants each specific drop and is willing to pay for it. so long as Y>X/10, the company is making more money

>>booster pack for a card game
>This is the game. You are buying the game, pack by pack.

>want something in all booster packs
can just buy the card without having to rely on luck, will likely be cheaper than buying all the packs to get the one card i want

>want something in 90% of games with lootboxes
better keep buying lootboxes goy

I hope Sup Forums will one day realise video games are an inherently expensive hobby and that you get the video games you deserve

DLC guarantees what you get, loot boxes are random.

Any competitive game with a semblance of fairness wouldn't "equalize" player access to game resources with monetized random chance drawings. There is nothing equal about TCGs played with actual cards, no matter what you do to rationalize it.

>inherently expensive hobby

t. someone who never pirates

What if they're bought with ingame currency only that you gain by playing the game, like in Forza Motorsport 7?

>You can't pirate lootboxes.

>can just buy the card

for 100 dollars, if you're playing Magic

But you can, fuccboi

they're fine if it's just cosmetic shit

I don't understand why people buy lootboxes for first person games, you can't watch your character using the outfits during gameplay, so why even bother?

>it's fine if it's just cosmetic

Right, because pic related didn't spell the beginning of the end, either.

er....oblivion didn't have loot boxes

They think that other people care about your skins


Fuck off neofaggot.

No, but it did create bullshit DLC which then spread across the industry

That's some fucking shit reading comprehension, fucko

Time is also a currency. You're paying with your time for them, hence, you're using real world currency to obtain that in game currency, hence it doesn't matter.

What purpose would a dev have to make you play more to get lootboxes with money that you can only obtain by playing, with no way to pay for it?

True, but if you enjoy playing the game, then that won't matter. It'd just be an incentive to play the game.

>Why are lootboxes, bad exactly?

As someone that plays dota, the problem with lootboxes is that most of it are fucking cosmetics that doesn't give any kind of advantage in the game. One would think "But then why is bad if it doesnt do anything harmful?", the problem with that is that valve focus way more in making cosmetics that in the game itself, so you have a low quality piece of shit broken game, and they keep using their resources to make more cosmetics, to the point that cosmetics are more important than the game itself, dota community being cancer and just buying all of it because "LOOK ITS SHINY" doesn't help either.

Let me know when a game with lootboxes actually spend its money more into the game than it lootboxes.

it's just an avatarfag at this point

because lootboxes is gambling

let's say you want your fav skin and you can get it for 3$ normally but with lootboxes you only have a slight chance to get it so you will have to rebuy them over and over if you want to get what you want.

They are also filled with useless junk like stickers or sprayers to leave an impression like you are getting some worth for your money when you really don't.

What's gonna be the next scummy thing in DLC, Sup Forums?

They'll start selling "Basic" games for 30 bucks and start splitting up everything into DLC packs, individual characters, cars, maps, modes, etc etc.
Some games have already done this.

I was about to say, that's already being done. They'll probably do exactly what you said, except they'd sell the game for 60 bucks anyway

And people will defend it. This bullshit is the reason why I aiming to be an independent game dev, I just want to make games that have no bullshit tacked on.
I specifically say independent because indie devs are massive shitters

If one can trade, sell or otherwise give lootbox drops to other players, then it's only as bad as trading card booster packs, which there isn't much wrong with. If you don't want do deal with opening a billion lootboxes to get what you want, there are other, less risky means to do so.

The problem is when lootbox drops are untradable. Loot drops that provide in-game benefits are made to prey on newer players and cause a feedback loop via power creep. This incentivizes devs to make games dangerously P2W, which is never good, especially for games that tout themselves as "competitive"

Loot drops that are purely just for show are made to prey on long-term players, because the endgame of any game with appearance customization has been and will always be looking as fabulous as possible. This incentivizes devs to put more and more development time into making more lootbox drops instead of proper content updates such as new maps, game modes, levels, dungeons etc

Legally it's not gambling. But it encourages inherently flawed game design, which is why it's bad.

You guys realize games doesn't take the same amount of money to make right?, games now are starting to have 4k textures in them, and that takes a lot of money, same with the graphics, you think games are always to be at $60?, would you be happy if they raise the base price to over $60 or let them make more paid dlcs?.

Things like GTA are a special case since its so fucking popular that the thing advertises by itself, so it end up resulting in a lot of people buying it

>Legally it's not gambling.

That's actually up for debate in some states.



From my understanding the budgets have been going DOWN but they've been doing everything they can to fuck people out of money.

only for indie devs

Either way, the more bloated the budgets of vidya have been, the worst we've been off over the past few years. The industry needs some massive downsizing, reign in DLC in make it less often and more substantial, make an emphasis over better presentation and efficiency over GRAFIX, let devs do weird shit more often rather than cosntantly pooting out the same shit every 6 to 8 months. Ditch Esports, stop pandering to normalfags, and make video games.

>From my understanding the budgets have been going DOWN

Are you retarded?, you think that the technology applied to actual games are made by the same amount of people that made the technology for things like the ps1?. making 4k textures are way more difficult than making 360p textures, go take a look at battlefront II at 4k and you will see how much effort is put into the textures(shame that the game still sucks).

4k is a dumb meme and offers nothing of real value, and it won't for years. Same thing with VR garbage.

Digital goods that require no production cost.

It actually makes me enjoy a game less and want to spend less time in it. I already have pretty limited time to play video games and it really sucks when a game wants to make me grind out shit by requiring me to spend more time than I'm physically able to with my schedule just to access things that were advertised as selling points when I bought this $60 game. It just makes me feel burned while playing the game and completely detracts from the experience.

The argument of "Well, so what if you have to grind for an extra 40-80 hours to unlock stuff? If you like the game you'll already be playing it a lot!" ignores the fact that some of us have jobs and/or busy schedules and despite loving certain games just aren't able to put that kind of extra time in within a short enough time period to make it worthwhile before the next set of games comes around. I'm sure it seems fine to kids or NEETs with little to no responsibility who can just play games 12 hours a day every day, but for those of us with other commitments it means that the $60 purchase goes way less far in the way of actual accessible content and that fucking sucks.

>4k is a dumb meme

pc were literally calling the masterrace for being able to play their modded skyrim at 4k resolution and jerking off over anything 4k, now that consoles have it its now dumb?

I dont know what kind of mental gymnastics people applies to themselves to say that lootboxes aren't gambling

I never cared for it, and no one that actually gives a shit about vidya should either. Consoles should be striving for performance, but that won't happen because publishers are fucking retarded and the average mainstream consumer is even dumber.

>pc were literally calling the masterrace for being able to play their modded skyrim at 4k resolution and jerking off over anything 4k

Those assholes are idiot memers, too.

The fact that you ask this proves you are a retard and are not interested in the answers.

because it's a treadmill that plays around normal buyer's mindset.
You want to sell cosmetics - sell them in dlc or in game shop. I would like to see how would you treat skill cards or other in game items if the game outright tells you you can buy them with money. All the random boxes change is randomize the cost when you try to get something.
And if you wanna talk about ingame drops it's still a stupid animation that servers no other purpose but to reinforce gratification of random drops. Do you not realize how much time of your life you spend looking at the same animation over and over just because of emotional rollercoaster?

Compared to the thousands spent opening booster packs to get the same card

No it does, although i'd never buy a game with lootboxes

How is punctuation, hard exactly?

Learn to use a fucking comma before you attempt to beg the question on a Zimbabwean Turtle Jousting Forum.

Forza 7 doesn't even have real money transactions, it takes like maybe one race to get enough money for the cheapest lootbox which is 20k credits, the most expensive one is 500k which also doesn't take all that long to grind if you play the career mode, maybe like one league of 5 races and you're done.

>complaining about punctuation and grammer on Sup Forums

OP here, i use many different cat pics for making threads. If you want me to use your cat in the future, then post it.

I hope lootshills are paid in lootboxes.


Beat it kid

You forgot the period at the end, kiddo. Looks like you're a pleb after all.

Im not a shill, i'm just too lazy to look it up.

I want in


Go away, chinaman

Booster packs are retarded jewery too. Don't touch a CCG unless you can get singles for a respectable price or opt for lcgs

So don't play Magic the gathering, ever

Meanwhile Trump hits legend like 4x a year with fresh f2p accounts just for shits and giggles

Take mine.

You are shooting yourselves in the foot here. By comparing loot boxes to collectible card games you are literally admitting that loot boxes make out the core part of the game, around which everything is centered. So games should be more honest and add "slot machine" or something similar to the name of the genre.

That is sound advice.

Im just trying to grasp the concept, i don't plan on using lootboxes ever