Ywn play a truly great game ever again

>ywn play a truly great game ever again

rip jedi knight and halo 3 damn

Must suck to be so bitter

>yfw having fun


>play single player game
>think of sad shit thats happened
>no longer have desire to play said game

Tell me the last game you enjoyed and I recommend you something based of it

..if youre not only here to shitpost, that is

sucks for you, ill be playing one in 5 days :^)

A Hat in Time actually rekindled my love for platformers. This is the first Mario game I'll be buying since Sunshine.

mmm, not him, but last games I really enjoyed

Mass Effect 3

I only have a PC.

MGS 1,2,3
Silent Hill 2,3
dark souls
Persona 5
Castlevania SOTN
i´m serious

>Mass Effect 3

well you're in luck, you will probably enjoy a dried up, dog turd. So there's lots of shit for you to "enjoy"

Play Quantum Break.

>Quantum Break.

Metal Gear Rising

It was fun, because it was the final chapter of an interesting trilogy, and there is nothing like it.

What does Mr. Good Taste like?

What’s wrong with it? I’m having a blast.

Hm, not my safest recommendation since I dropped ME3 and Fahrentheit both midway through, but try:

It got good stealth, several decisions and it shouldn't be too hard to pirate

its fun but i think its remedy's weakest game. the tv tie in was awful too

Dishonored is awful.

>ywn experience a genre defining game like gta3 ever again

It definitely is their weakest game, yes.
But I like the TV show.

agreed with this user here

I've had a blast this year with games I don't know what you're talking about

Half Life 2 + Eps

>its a "I have to validate my tastes and opinions with anonymous people on Sup Forums or else I'm less of a person" episode

Seriously. Some of you anons need help.

>It's a "I'm better than everyone else" post

Seek help user.

We've been telling each other we have shit taste and being general elitists for over a decade faggot

So is ME3 though.

SS13 is a perfect game if you're autistic

Which you are

Persona 4.
Killing yerself.

200 replies the post

The Witness was the best game of 2016.

Fuck off, I recently decided to install some games from my backlog and Underrail turned out to be 9/10

>tfw your favourite game ever came out this year
>tfw no other game will ever be as close to exactly what you want from a game as it is
>tfw it probably won't get a sequel, but that's honestly okay because it was just so utterly satisfying for you

Don't worry Mario Odyssey is coming out soon, there's your chance to play a truly great game
Now don't squander it by spoiling yourself.

what's the game, tripcunt?

Just say what game it was you aspie fuck why would you post something like this and not say the fucking game. I hate tripfags SO FUCKING MUCH!!!!!

but i just played it

Not even memeing, but I felt like a kid again when playing A Hat in Time

Gravity Rush 2.


>tfw video games hardly even interest me anymore and when they do I can't even justify spending money on them
>too lazy to pirate games
>can only play shit multiplayer games with my best friend anymore

What do, Sup Forums?

Drop your friend.

keep playing multiplayers with your friend while you still can

XCOM 2: Long War/WotC
The Long Dark
Morrowind (with/ 168 mods)

If you haven't, play Long Dark. It's pretty good.

NieR Automata

Just gave me that feeling I used to get with older games before everything went to complete shit

Why not? I could boot one up right now.

>you never played a truly great game
im still waiting to by something, everyone else has. closest i got to being genuinely impressed was deus ex.

to be wowed by something*
3am posting is not my forte