Unobjective Legion Pro and Con list!

Unobjective Legion Pro and Con list!

>Demon Hunters finally
>Steady 77 day content cycle
>Artifact Power and AK system makes catch-up easy, and deincentivizes power grinding
>Tons of cool new mounts
>Suramar probably the best looking quest zone ever produced
>New Shivarra/Succubus models :^)
>Artifact Challenges the best solo skill test since Priest/Hunter Vanilla quests
>Freedom of leveling path/dungeons through scaling tech
>Most rep gates/story quests now account-wide/removed (as of 7.3)
>PvP Presteige offers simple progression system with more unique rewards
>Most questlines aside from Legionfall have been solid
>3D armor elements expanded to gloves/pants/chests, armor in general more detailed
>New micro Holidays are neat little touches

Other urls found in this thread:

2 of those are right, can you guess which?

well he did say unobjective.

Suramar is okay but the entirety of Northrend is better

>Demon Hunters finally
Yes, I so love every fucking area in the game except low level ones being overrun with edgelords and their original donut steel character do not steel.
>Steady 77 day content cycle
>Artifact Power and AK system makes catch-up easy, and deincentivizes power grinding
Problem is that unless you get max amounts every single week for the entire expansion, you will ALWAYS be behind in AP.
>Tons of cool new mounts
Only faggots actually give a shit about collecting mounts and pets.
>Suramar probably the best looking quest zone ever produced
Twilight Highlands says hello.
>New Shivarra/Succubus models :^)
Only dumb thirsty virgin memesters care about sexy models.
>Artifact Challenges the best solo skill test since Priest/Hunter Vanilla quests
The artifact challenges are COMPLETELY dependent on RNG. If you get a shit roll and the enemy decides to do their moves in an order that you can't counter (meaning all but one specific way which rarely ever happens), you die, period, end of story. The definition of artificial difficulty.
>Freedom of leveling path/dungeons through scaling tech
Yeah because lacking a coherent storyline that ties the entire Broken Isles together is such a great thing, right? Fuck off.
>Most rep gates/story quests now account-wide/removed (as of 7.3)
Too bad they didn't do this when it was needed, AKA the Suramar shit on launch.
>PvP Presteige offers simple progression system with more unique rewards
Because copy pasting the prestige system from fag games like CoD is such a great idea, right? What a crock of shit. The best part is that, for some specs, you have to spend a shitload of time being a punching bag until your crucial pvp talent unlocks.
>Most questlines aside from Legionfall have been solid
Nah. Only one or two really stood out, the rest were mostly filler.
>3D armor elements expanded to gloves/pants/chests, armor in general more detailed
>New micro Holidays are neat little touches

You just sound like some bitter contrarian whose angry that his priv server is lagging or down atm

>it's a game made by nu-blizzard

Belf peach Butts!

I don't play private servers. I got suckered into trying them a few times from people I knew. Never again.

P.S. Just because I shit on Legion does not mean that I like previous iterations of the game. Vanilla is fucking garbage, and TBC is only marginally better, but still shit. Mostly because of class balance.

Fuck off shill.

are you able to think and express yourself through ways other than regurgitated memes?

Borean tundra is awful
Grizzly hills besides the meme music everyone raves about is just travelling for 10 minutes to reach any new quest you get
Zul'drak is boring and buggy af
Icecrown is boring as fuck and worst quest hub
Storm peaks was had it's up and downs, no pun intended
Howling Fjord was pretty alright for it's time
Dragonblight was awful, but the wrathgate made up for it, nowadays, not at all fun
Sholazar is alright

Blood elf booty is the best reason to play the game.

Of all the fucking zones in the game you pick to contest as 'best looking' you pick the motherfucking twilight highlands? Jesus.

Why the fuck am I still playing this game

I think im gonna collect 300 mounts then fuck off until next expac because Heroic KJ still hits like a fucking truck cuz of the prot pally bullshit

>AK knowledge prior to 7.3 was manually done
>Titanforging goes too high, blurring lines between tiers too much
>Lore surrounding Sargeras retconned so we have another arbitrary big bad post-Legion
>Class fantasy mutilated a lot of specs, some still in bad shape (Outlaw Rogue, All Hunter specs, etc)
>Amount of on-demand made up lore for 36 unique artifact weapons too much, should have kept one artifact per class
>Netherlight Crucible adds another layer of bad RNG, feels very disjointed compared to previous artifact progression
>Sylvanas/Greymane storyline all but dropped after the leveling questline
>Nightbourne presence post-Nighthold all but dropped, seems almost inconsequential
>Emerald Nightmare was a horrid way to introduce Emerald Dream finally into WoW, even if it was the entry raid
>Illidan's return had little/no interaction with major lore characters who should've been majorly impacted by his revival (Tyrande/Malfurion/Blood Elves)
>Still no armor sets designed around character races despite heavy aesthetic flavor being present for all
>Tier-bonuses plus Legendaries create "dead slots", making gear upgrades in those slots pointless even if high forged
>Artifact power still split among each spec, makes pursuing off specs less optimal than focusing all on one
>Argus landscape extremely clunky ifnit was designed for not ever being a fly zone as stated
>Server xfers remain paid services despite all servers being pretty much linked together
>Mythic+ system has been a great/acceptable way to recycle dungeons while making a true alternate path to high end gear for 5 man content.

I am getting more and more sad with WoW. I never really played to raid or pvp, I just played to explore the world and find neat details and shit. But the areas in Legion are so restrictive. I loved Argus because there was so much stuff to look for, but now that I found all the hidden chests and rare spawns, I can't help but feel I have nothing to do.

Go home neogaffer

I highly suggest that you go look at Twilight Highlands again. Shit is beautiful. Cata did a lot of dumb, shitty things, but its zones were not one of them.

Vashjir is good too.

You're right about Borean Tundra, but I enjoyed my time questing in the rest of Northrend the most out of any location in WoW


>Every class has tier 21 sets that change the rotation

>BM hunter tier 21 set just makes your two of your three buttons stronger and lowers the cooldown

Why are there so many recent shill threads for WoW?
Hey marketers, can you relay back to Blizz HQ to fix the faction imbalances? tyvm

>tfw doing mythic KJ progression with a bunch of 4channers
This is hell, this is memes

hahahahahah hey prot pally do you like Fel Claw hahahhahhahhaha GET FUCKED LIGHTNIGGER

post gnomes and / or gobbos

I'm more than happy that they remove the fucking power some sets give in this new raid, so that dungeon gear can still be somewhat competitive

>1 artifact per class
Just wouldn't have worked because of the existence of specs. Can you see a prot warrior tanking with the fury swords? Or a holy pally healing with Ashbringer? Or a hunter poking things with a bow?

Just reroll already Fiskie

PLEASE post more

>doing tomb of soakgeras in Mythic

not worth my time, I hope Antorus has more creative design than soaking shit

Sauce me up daddy

You're saying it's hard to soak?

It's not like there is anything better to do anyway

Argus seems to have little soak and more Interrupt timing with the adds, IIRC the adds have two interruptable attacks but interrupting one makes the other uninterruptable so you have to pick wisely

Warrior artifact could have been an arsenal of Vrykul fabled weapons or sime such. Holy paladins already heal with 2 handers so yes I could see the Ashbringer being used to heal. Hunters never should have been melee. We didnt need another melee spec.

Holy fuck this

>everything I dont like is a shill thread

I'm saying it's boring that the mythic encounters add soak on top of soak

>completely gutted survival hunters
>reduced BM to a 2 button spec

Wow fighting the legion again after Classic, TBC, and WoD, wow. Great game wow.

Fucking Blizzard is the worst when it comes to re-hashing content for games they're trying to forget about but there's still those 1.5mil retards who won't let it die.

Yeah it's boring, but gotta get that curve to show off on Sup Forums

Artifact challenges aren't dependent on RNG, you're just pulling stuff out of your ass at this point.

>no thicc goblin gf

why even live

user, you are Completely Wrong!

The BM Hunter is a three button spec, Marksmanship is a 7 button rotation you macro

I think I addressed this user.

No, fuck you. I'm still upset about Survival. It was my absolute favorite spec since Cata.

>Fire mage got a lot of crits in vanilla yeah?

>Yeah it was fucking cool mate

>Yeah haha how about we make criticals a part of the rotation, duuuuude

>Holy shit man Yeaaaaaaaah lets do ittt

and on that day fire became useless and frost became king

Highmountain is were I want to live out the rest of my days

The irony is Fire was king and Frost was shit until 7.1, meanwhile Arcane has been a huge Meh all expac.

Not sure if that's better or worse.

best thing about it is the porn


isnt that a man

DPS charts say so, friend, Fire and Arcane dont even come close

I play BM hunter and I feel trapped to my character/class because I did all the quests (story, suramar, argus) and it takes you back so much if you want to switch mains. How can they fuck up hunter so much? I just want my stealth back man

>Demon Hunters finally
>Steady 77 day content cycle
>Artifact Power and AK system makes catch-up easy, and deincentivizes power grinding
>Tons of cool new mounts
>Suramar probably the best looking quest zone ever produced
>New Shivarra/Succubus models :^)
>Artifact Challenges the best solo skill test since Priest/Hunter Vanilla quests
>Freedom of leveling path/dungeons through scaling tech
>Most rep gates/story quests now account-wide/removed (as of 7.3)
>PvP Presteige offers simple progression system with more unique rewards
>Most questlines aside from Legionfall have been solid
>3D armor elements expanded to gloves/pants/chests, armor in general more detailed
>New micro Holidays are neat little touches


>hey remember when shamans didn't have any totems


>lets make that a thing

>you will never offtank with a taunt totem in low level dungeons again

at least resto and Ele are fun

DPS charts say Fire is best on actual bosses where dps matters and not Freeloot bosses like Goroth and Sisters

Yes a man is fucking that elf user, what's the problem?

Game is shit. I'm full Heroic raid geared but because I don't have BiS Legendaries I'm being declined from raids and LFR shitters are beating me in dps and guilds are telling me that I must have a fully unlocked crucible or I can't raid with them.

I don't think Shaman totems should ever have been a thing. They're awkward as fuck really. They should have been auras.

>Game is shit, people invested more time into it than me

>It isn't muh Vanilla


Beast Mastery should have been morphed to be the first Ranged tank spec, focused on pet management as tanks.

Survival should have been a more trap focused take on the traditional Hunter/Bow/Pet formula.

Rogue Assassination should have been morphed into another ranged spec, focusing on poisioned/explosive arrows, or throwing knives/stars/kunai/explosive tags, and/or grenades.

Tell me what we got was better, I dare you.

they pretty much fixed totems in wrath by giving you a button to plop 1-4 of them down at the same time while also increasing the radius to 30 or 40 yards (more with talents? i forget)
yeah you weren't the most mobile but at least it was unique, it feels shit that all totems are cooldowns that are only up for a few seconds then they're gone
i'd be kind of okay with them as auras, like you put totems on your back like some tauren do

>Beast Mastery should have been morphed to be the first Ranged tank spec, focused on pet management as tanks.

Nah BM should have been a melee summoner spec. Too bad the engine doesn't really allow control of multiple units. Oh wait, it's the WC3 engine. Fuck you Blizzard

>Beast Mastery should have been morphed to be the first Ranged tank spec, focused on pet management as tanks.
Awful idea, terrible
>Assasination Ranged

Thank god you don't work at Blizzard

>Legion class design could have actually been worse

>ret pally has 3 of the BiS legendaries and getting more and more drops
>DK isn't getting anything
>rogue isn't getting anything
Does Blizz just really want me to play my Pally?

>i'd be kind of okay with them as auras, like you put totems on your back like some tauren do
Exactly. I'd keep the old totem idea as a handful of "wards" like from WC3. Healing ward, stasis ward etc.

They make Rexxar/Misha a ranged tank in HotS, it could work.

As for Assassination, I think it's pointless to make a second dagger spec, especially one focused on bleeds and poison and making a huge mess, basically the opposite of what you do when you try to assassinate someone.

but the elf is male

speaking of which, how come they've never added totems/hunk of tree as weapons like the tauren unit in WC3? that was cool as fuck, especially if they made it race specific or something to give people an actual reason to play tauren

here's my 2 cents as someone whose played wow for 13 years now. The game is pretty boring but that's not a bad thing

The point of bleeds and poisons is that no matter how strong the target is, and not being able to kill them in oneshot, they will die to the poisons and heavy bleeding, no matter the outcome

>how come they've never added totems/hunk of tree as weapons like the tauren unit in WC3?

Because they're stupid. There's a lot of iconic stuff from WC3 that is strangely left out of WoW. Like where is the Tree of Life building? It's the NE town hall but it's nowhere to be found.

Maybe it's a gril and she's just flat
I'm pretty sure they do have a model for one, if I remember right Cairne used it

Assasination spec could be a Secret agent type deal, With lots more utility than the other 2 specs involving tools and shit

Outlaw is fine, thematically, Roll the bones is pretty bullshit tho

Subtlety needs to die in a fire

>Enhancement could have gotten a totem and brought back the 2h Enh dream for an expansion as their artifact weapon
>Nah Doomhammer is an enh weapon now

maybe it's a gril with a feminine penis

>hating on doomhammer
party foul

If Doomhammer is an Enhance weapon then how the fuck did thrall Kill Deathwing from a million miles away

Doomhammer should have been the elemental artifact, if they were going to pull a weapon out of their ass for one of the spec they should have made it something awesome like the Demo Skull by making some Totem of Smashing People's Fucking Faces In with Windfury Procs.

They even had highmountain to give off a shaman tauren totem out of their ass.

wasn't thrall a shaman hero in WC3 wielding doomhammer? makes sense it would be elemental
i might be remembering it wrong tho
they also have the added issue of tacking on an off-hand, and i couldn't give less of a fuck about the lore of transparent-glowing-elemental hammer but they can't just have the doomhammer and nothing else so...

What booty?

>Blizz makes survival melee hunters
>the rexxar dream a reality
>their artifact is a fucking shitty literal who polearm

He didn't use Doomhammer for that. The Doomhammer wasn't even used by a shaman to start with. As for Thrall, he's a story npc and doesn't have to cohere to a strict enh/ele split. He can use hammer as a catalyst, but that doesn't make its main purpose not smashin niggas.

WC3 shaman used claws and were basically elemental shaman.

Pro: more Tauren

And before him it was wielded by a line of warriors. Thrall used it in essentially the same way that enh shamans use it.

>they also have the added issue of tacking on an off-hand
That's just the nature of the game demanding every hand be filled.

Thrall cast all his spells through Doomhammer though

What's so bad about it?

>He can use hammer as a catalyst, but that doesn't make its main purpose not smashin niggas.

>rewatch this
>all that hype for broken as fuck sub stealth, shadow priest revamp etc
you feel it too, don't you?

Yeah but it's an artifact weapon because it was Thralls.

Having to rely on 19 other people to do what their supposed to do

>He doesnt like Voidform

My god man what have they done to you

>This post

Ion get the fuck out of here. And stop playing WoW with your tablet and shit, you're embarrassing everyone else around you.