Japanese """"""""character"""""""" """"""""""""""""design""""""""""""""""

>Japanese """"""""character"""""""" """"""""""""""""design""""""""""""""""
Seriously, how can anyone take this dogshit seriously?

do you ever get tired of shitposting?

Do you eve get tired of gobbling up Nip shit? Of course not, because you are a dumb virgin weeb

Because it's better than the alternative :)

i know that feel bro. i wish everyone was inspired by Watch Dogs 2

Looks cute. What is your problem?

i dont like weeb shit, i was just asking you a question. youre clearly very distressed about something

The only people who unironically use virgin as an insult are holes and angry white knights

Siero is cute. CUTE.

We dont just the same way nobody ever take your life and its worth seriously.

Then why are you playing weeb shit you nig.

Anime website

If I saw a little girl with a costume that elaborate trick or treating I'd give her like 5 full sized candy bars.

The kids around my neighborhood just show up in a ripped shirt and get hostile if you don't immediately surrender your candy.

Wow, I didn't expect the neofag immigrants to arrive this quickly.

I don't play no weebshit, just came across a video and found it hilarious that there were people retarded enough to gobble this shit up and ask for seconds
Maybe 10 years ago retard, non-anime boards vastly outnumber weeb ones

>non-anime boards

God, I wanna tear Siero's bald cunny apart with my human cock so bad

Kill yourself

Nice arguments, now fuck off back to Sup Forums

Cute as HECK

>actually triggered by being called virgin
Wow, i think youre seriously the first person I've seen it happen to

>tfw Sup Forums onii-chan won't stop talking shit about you

I want to give Sierokarte a big, wet, sloppy adult kiss! Feeling her tiny tongue coil around mine and tasting her sweet saliva! Getting charged one million crystals for the service!