Holy fuck GOTY hands down

Holy fuck GOTY hands down
>Single player story driven game with literally none of modern gaming's sicknesses attached
>INSANE pacing, absolutely fantastic
>Nice enemy variety, even better boss variety
>Cavalcade of great set pieces that are atmospheric and immersive
>Open levels that incentivize exploration
>Combat is satisfying as fuck
>Story was a great sequel, also satisfying ending
>Plenty of unlocks post game, great replayability
Even though I miss the old cast of VO's, and the soundtrack is a little drab, they're just nitpicks. Based Shinji and Co did it again.

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I agree with you it was really good

Sadly the first one was so fucking shit no one believes this was a good game

I enjoyed it overall but I fucking hate that I can't use the costumes I unlocked in Classic.

>the first one was so fucking shit

Is this a few people being ironic?
The game was pretty awful. I even complained about the first being incoheret and messy, but this was an unpolished turd that I bought day 1 expecting a better Evil Within 1.

Its literally worse in so many ways, and your gross exaggerations aren't really helping.

Mikami didn't even work on this game.

>none of modern gaming's sicknesses attached

>overexplanation from sidecharacters on what to do
>forced diversity cast
>dumbed down gameplay from the original


One thing I particularly like about the open levels in chapters 3 and 7 is that the pacing doesn't suffer. You might think that spending 5 hours on chapter 3 and 7 but only 40 minutes to an hour on a linear chapter would make it poor in pacing, but those open levels were pretty well paced in my opinion. There tended to not only be zombies around every corner, but the level design was conducive to the stealth and there were great rewards to exploring and doing all the sidequests, like finding the sniper rifle, getting the anima ghost side quest-chain, and so forth. It could have distributed its enemy variety a tiny bit better but as it was I think it was great. Fell a little short of the first game in several ways, but ultimately they don't make games like this anymore.

It's not as good as the first by virtue of everything after Cameraboi being rushed as fuck.

The section going through 'hell' was pretty neat though, especially when those dog fucks showed up

This thread is ironic shitposting, right?

Gameplay was fine but the story was shit and ruvick was shit I couldent give less a shit about him and I'm glad the second game agrees

>Joseph won't get his story wrapped up

They aren't paced well at all though. They are unrewarding most of the time, offer nothing but tedium and filler, have tons of backtracking, AND the enemies respawn. Its good for "Farming" otherwise, pointless and poorly designed, moreso when they lock areas out unless you have a scripted quest trigger.

i suffered to beat the first one i thought it was so fucking bad i got a key of the sequel from a friend and for some reason once i started playing i couldnt stop that was a heck of a fun thats how sequels should be done im happy that mikami was dropped for the sequel he was probably the responsible idiot without skills who made the first game shit without him the direction we got this amazing sequel, fuck mikami thats what happens when u kick in the nuts a japanese idiot with exagerated confidence kick him out and someone will make a better game ffs

They threw away the story for the first.
Nothing really makes sense, Seb is a whiny asshole who voices everything he does, inbetween the fallout 4 dialogue segments that are entirely pointless.

he died in the first game tho

Confirmed alive in the DLC and the second game

Next DLC user.
with a tease of TEW3 at the end

Play the DLC

What do you get out of being factually wrong on every point?

Mate, you got it backwards.

it took me 4 fucking hours to complete chapter 3.

4 fucking hours.

but I loved it because I was checking every goddamn inch of the area and killing everything.

Do you not know what a sentence is?

i played and i dont remember about him can u gimmie a hint what happened ???

>literally none of modern gaming's sicknesses attached
Pointless open world meme
>INSANE pacing, absolutely fantastic
Except the game falls flat after Stefan

>praises TEW2 like the saviour of gaming
>shits on TEW1

I can't even tell anymore if this is shitposting or just retardation

Nigger it's true. Anybody who played RE4 in its heyday or at all can see that

The Executioner DLC shows he didn't die.

Prove me wrong. I have footage for every point im referring to.

The open areas dont even have any detail too them, its all haphazardly pieced together. Even funnier that the linear sections all use the same hallways and assets. The game is such a fucking lazy mess, with so many bugs and issues.

There's such a massive pile of shit issues in this game, its a huge shame it even released.

im on chapter 4 atm,
the ghost lady is freaking me out because she pops up randomly around town.

when the fuck can I actually do something about her instead of being a little bitch.

I played RE4 in its heyday and I prefer TEW overall. In fact, I've liked every Mikami game I've ever played.

>Pointless open world meme
Open levels aren't the same thing as open world you fucking retard.
>Except the game falls flat after Stefan
I'll bet you're the same type of pleb who thinks Bloodborne's second half falls flat too.

nah thats what you get for scrapping a retarded jap director like mikami for the sequel, you get a much better game, TEW1 was a mess

I think you're retarded user. How does getting extra weapons you're going to be using for the whole game, having enemies around every corner, side quests that take you to new areas that get you more weapons and ammo count in any way as filler? I think you're talking out of your ass.

Theres a scripted sneaking segment quest where you "beat" her by shooting yourself. The writing is great.

Why did Kidman turn into Ada wong at the end of the game.

Mate should i buy this wih refunded 60 quid in psn wallet? Never played 1st but it sounds and looks really shit. Also i like anythig resi esk or horror and action. Is it worth 44 mcuk bucks? Its either this or wolfenstein and i havent played old blood or 1st of that.

I can't believe you maybe you played RE4 HD or some shit on x360 but RE4 on gamecube or even the ps2 version was a better game upon release than TEW ever was. And to thus day RE4 is still way better than TEW. Graphical glitches and bad textures aside the story was just hot ass and the game play even more robotic than old RE tank controls!

What the fuck are you talking about? Weapons, fair enough, but they should still be easily accessible in a game like this.

Ultimately you don't need weapons, because you can lose enemies almost instantly by rotating around any solid object or hiding in bushes you fucking retard.

THe side quests are literal short hallways that YOU ALSO HAVE TO BACKTRACK THROUGH. They aren't interesting in the slightest, and just used to offset how most of the game is just trying to pad itself out. Nothing in the game is well done or scripted properly.

They even take multiple bosses from the first game and reuse them.

I beat it on Nightmare, again, prove me fucking wrong you retarded faggot.

Wolfenstein is a GOOD FPS
TEW is an average survival horror game

How is the story in 2 ANY better than?!

>Some gay photographer
>Some pope nigger
>Da ebil conglomerate plotting to end humanity

I don't see how this is any better? At least the first one had some kind of mystery in it, and if you don't suffer from ADHD you would take time to read the notes.

The second is a complete and utter disaster of a game.

You're literally belligerent. I didn't expect anything else, though, and the game itself proves you wrong.

Play the first one of both Wolfenstein and TEW, especially since the first one is on sale on psn for halloween
Why the fuck would you play the sequel first?

What are the chances that someone on PC could mod in a skin for Kidman so that we can play as her the entire campaign instead of just for those brief moments at the end of the game?

I'm surprised Tango/Bethesda didn't offer a Kidman skin as an unlockable. She's super cute and pretty in this game. They manage to make her look like the 30 year old that she actually is while still making her look pretty.

Not him but i was a pure mele build no magic in bb and guess what i new game plused ds 2 and 3 and i got bb after ds3 and got stuck on that shitty electric animal boss in bb with mele build and cos its dead online i couldnt even progress. bloodborne of all games is shit and i love my ps4 and pc . Cant say just ps4 might get banned

Hop on discord and I will prove you wrong on every single point you have to make. Instead of you talking like a retard and not providing any actual points

>>INSANE pacing
Yeah its pretty insane

Wow walking towards a distant object in pitch blackness, then doing it again for first 15 minutes. "What...the helll????"

Now I understand.

I'm also in the minority of those that really enjoyed it, sad we won't get a TEW3

I've played almost every release of RE4, but my first experience was its GCN release when I was 14. I really enjoyed some of the clever things I could pull off in TEW like luring enemies onto dead bodies to burn a load of enemies with one match or setting the bales of hay on fire to kill multiple enemies.

A Joseph DLC setting up Ruvik as the antagonist for TEW3 would be fucking perfect.

>sad we won't get a TEW3
That's what people thought after the first one came out. Then out of nowhere they announced a second part.

What are the worst versions of RE4 and which are the best

I played wolfenstien for ps3 that mp one and it was worst game ever made and for evil within i dont like linear fucking one time games especially horror ffs so evil within 2 changing it up sounds like ita what i want as in 1 it doesnt do that i guess?

Keep posting this, it makes me feel better about not having an awful taste in video games.

Stfu and go back to pol ffs


No. The general consensus here and elsewhere (both among the gaming population and critics) is that TEW2 is a good game. It may not have been an amazing sequel on the same amazing caliber as Resident Evil 2, but it's still a good game. It's at the very least a 7.5 or 8 out of 10 game.

The people who say otherwise are just your average Sup Forums contrarians. And they make up a small (but extremely loud) minority. Don't let them try to convince you otherwise.

Fuck you the intro was the worst overload of exposition l have ever seen in modern media

Are you a fucking moron?

This is you You said you played the first and then said you never did. How about you just kill yourself you illiterate retard.

What the fuck are you even trying to say you sperglord

Holy fucking shit learn proper English

>I don't like linear horror one-time games
>I like resident evil though

Fuck off. Most people realize EW2 is fucking terrible. Its not even an issue of contrarian posting, people can literally post footage of the game being completely, objectively bad.

I havent played first dolt cunt why be like that? Im not screencappi g my phone fucking take my post as is or die

PS2, Zeebo and the original PC version are the worst. PS3 and 360 are mediocre because of a lack of AA.

GCN, Wii, new PC version and the PS4/Xbox One versions are all good. My illogical nostalgia answer would name the GCN version as the best.

Goddamn where did you learn to formulate sentences?

I liked re 1 and re 5 and re revelations 2 never said 4 or owt else?

So you are completely unaware of what you post?
You posted both of those. Are you clinically retarded?

What's the old PC version and what's the new PC version? Also what made the old version so bad?

>No. The general consensus here and elsewhere (both among the gaming population and critics) is that TEW2 is a good game.

Didn't it bomb in sales?

Paarl is an optional boss.
How the fuck do you get stuck on an optional boss, you literal mouthbreather.

Too many fucking cutscenes, TEW was already stretching it a bit too far but this went full CINEMATIC EXPERIENCE.

Ruvick was fucking trash his personality was as dull as his bootleg assassin creed look

Photographer was literally a villain from Dexter before it went to shit

God complex guy played on sebs regrets which made perfect sense for a villain to do

Actual final boss was strong because she was just Sebastian corrupted by the machine

It almost shocked me how good the game was but I went in 100% unspoiled. I guess that helped.

I didn't expect it to be multi-region open world. That was the first shocker. It literally felt somewhat, yes, revolutionary. At least for its genre.

I also never expected them to actually do story and cinematics this well. The whole last hour literally destroyed all the Hollywood shit of the last years. I genuinely cared about the protagonist and his pure loli daughter and those amazing, pinky-white feet I'd love to lick and nibble on until my dick gets so hard I just had to force it in and forget myself until she tears up again like in that one scene but has gotten so used to the movement and the need for being filled, she can't stop bouncing on it.

Pretty good game. I also loved the mini games.

Why not do it now user, the purpose of an anonymous imageboard is honest discussion.

Stop fucking replying to yourself, you already posted in this thread.

Cancer worse than reddit and tumblr combined this site.. confirmed that this literally is a virtual digital form of cancer . Im asking should i buy it i shouldnt have even said or had to explain what games i played but i tried to avoid being raped by a bunch of timblr and reddit autists as this isnt supposed to be reddit or tumblr?

No, it was just very good. The only thing that bugged me was how shit climbing looked but I assume it was a last minunute decision to make it this way and prevent worse bugs.

>I also loved the mini games.
You mean the shooting range taken straight from Resident Evil 4?

Forgot pic

>It literally felt somewhat, yes, revolutionary. At least for its genre.
Jesus christ the neofaggers are here already

The first PC version came out around the time of the PS2 release. The original lack of mouse support made it almost unplayable for me. It's based on the inferior PS2 version and originally was actually worse than the PS2 version because they forgot to put in any of the lighting effects the game was supposed to have. I'm not certain, but I think some studio at Ubisoft is responsible for porting it.

The new PC version is on Steam and works great, no issues I ran into.

Do what daily?

your not actually defending your point, only making it look worse than the first part.

At least TeW1 had better characters than 2, which had ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

thank god Kidman returned, that was the only redeemable thing about 2.

what the FUCK are you even trying to say I don't even understand your posts

Why be like that when i asked should i but a game and said why i didnt like the lrevious ones before? Explaining i played hem as well? I even took a screencap? Im leaving for good and fuck of if you reply im not gonna bother look fucking cancer

Do you type from your phone with sausage as fingers or fucking what m8?

What good characters besides Kidman did 1 have? Joseph? That fucking loser who offered nothing to the game?, the doctor who had no personality? Where was the good characters in 1?

Nothing wrong with that. It's a horror game and mostly linear anyway. I don't even know what kind of games people love so much when they can't stand waypoints. Minecraft?

>overexplanation from sidecharacters on what to do
Can't recall.

>forced diversity cast
One of the very few games that have a black antagonist. Stop pretending to be redpilled and cool when you can't even stay true to it in the same sentence.

>>dumbed down gameplay from the original
That's just wrong.

You literally have to be braindead to believe TEW1 is better than 2. It does some little things better here and there, but that's about it.

Jesus Christ, was it awful to fight zombie with bazookas and machine guns.

>No, it was just very good.

>The only thing that bugged me
Not the countless bugs? The scripted scenes and quests that only open up by following a linear path? The constant radio chatter?
The fallout 4 style dialogue for no reason? A first person stealth section? The awful puzzles? The countless bugs? The dumb as fuck enemy AI? The clipping through walls and the world? The mediocre bosses? The ladders where you can reset enemy AI and have them not be able to hit you? The lack of detail in the world? Respawning enemies? Backtracking for almost every quest through the same areas? The fact that the bullet shoot from the camera instead of the actual gun (meaning bullets are aligned to the right), the broken animations? the fact that guns dont have a consistant hitstun and some enemies randomly wont stagger (Sometimes), the fact that the shotgun isnt even a crowd control tool and is complete shit? The hollywood style story telling that is drawn out, has the character self-reflect constantly, and how bad the overall writing is?

I mean there's more.

I didnt play the first and asked should o buy it you were hostile as fuck and ive played wolfenstein fpr ps3 not the new ones as i havent got time to for them but first evil within is shit . Im leaving you autists to shitpost and be cancer to someone else as thats all you have in your tiny little lives

this. Times nine tryllion
How can anyone prefer the second one to the first one is beyond me. The second one is not a horror game. it's a GTA with zombie mod slapped onto it.
Definitely picks up in the last 15 % but that doesn't make up for the bland experience earlier. Startted replayng EW1 and it's so sweet from the first minutes.

No i have turned spell check off and fast typer as i always get cancer screamig at me for having it on so what do i do now idiot fuck off

As opposed to what though? Some Mobius team members? LITERAL WHO'S with a backstory that fit on a explained on a coaster?

They've literally scrapped first person view from the game because it was too obvious they're ripping off on RE7, lmao.

holy fuck the eternal state of this user

It was literally my first post. Did a Evil Within 2 developer rape your mother or something?

I will never understand video game cultists.

Uh, yes? Although it clearly improved the RE4 mini game and the Tetris one is great too.

>"maybe I should get back to that whole finding my daughter thing"
Heartly kek.

Oh, sorry I didn't consider all those Slavic parkour zombie games that are more brawler than horror.

Not him, but ill combat your retard

>Nothing wrong with that.
Having waypoints in a survival horror takes away the risk and thought process of engaging areas. Not like the enemy has competent or good AI, but ignoring that, it just makes it generic third person shooter (which it borderline is, depending on how you look at it)

Its the Operation Racoon City of Evil Within

>Can't recall.
Pay attention instead of replying to that point then

>One of the very few games that have a black antagonist.
I dont care about this, dumb point he made

>That's just wrong.
The gameplay was 100% dumbed down. It has 4 fucking methods of avoiding death, an auto dodge, a glass bottle counter, a last stand skill, and an auto stim skill. Its super casualized first of all.

Second, the AI is completely brain dead, and stealth is super exploitable, moreso with a set of proper skills. The shotgun has no CC for one, the hitboxes are fucked, you don't need to manage matches anymore, and you can run by 90% of the enemies you come across because there is nothing stopping you from leaving most areas.

There's not a single thing improved from the original in terms of mechanics, in fact, a lot of stuff like climbing, actually breaks things and makes it more annoying since he will cling and climb random shit when you dont want him to.

Fuck off with your off topic nonsense.

You are fucking retarded if you think this game is any more than an action game with horror themes.

There is nothing scary about this game at all.

Enjoying it so far.

Stefano a shit, game gets much better after you kill him. Feels like he is just early game padding.

Open world works quite well as well, it isn't really open world though.

>Is a retarded pedophile
