What the h*ck went wrong Nintenbros????
How do I justify buying a Switch now
What the h*ck went wrong Nintenbros????
What do you mean what went wrong?
No spoilers pls
>What do you mean what went wrong?
Pretty much everything
>shit story
>levels are just boring empty wastelands with the occasional enemy
>possession is a stupid gimmick and is buggy as shit
>no music
Nintendo really dropped the ball hard on this
>games not even out
>bitching for attention
fuck up
>hurr durr what is the leak that everyone is talking about
Fuck off back to mynintendonews
Fuck off Hat in Time pedoposter
This game will be legendary
>mentions leak
>leak is just the end of story
You must have not seen all of the gameplay from the leaked streams
Nah, nearly the whole game was streamed live. That said, its actually good.
>lalalalalalalala I can't hear you!!!! Mario Odyssey is the best game ever!!!!
>shit story
What the fuck more did you expect out of a Mario plot, did you want him to go super saiyan at the end or something
>levels are just boring empty wastelands with the occasional enemy
Nice, you took a 2-second look at the moon level and didn't bother waiting for the cavern section
>possession is a stupid gimmick and is buggy as shit
You're grasping now with dense opinions and straight untruths
>no music
No, pretty sure there's music, and plenty of it is really good (Moon caverns, Pauline's song, New Donk City theme)
>levels are just boring empty wastelands with the occasional enemy
This meme only exists because the streamer spent too much time in the desert doing nothing
feeling threathened yet? ahit is leagues ahead odyssey
is mushroom kingdom playable?
You go there in the epilogue/postgame
>Shit story
Wut i haven't played a major mario release since Sunshine but when the fuck has story ever been an important factor in a Mario game?
oh daddy
For all this time I was expecting a more inspiring experience, like Dark Souls II. Not only is Super Mario Odyssey on Nintendo Switch nothing like Dark Souls II, it doesn't even draw from the same influences. It's like the creators never even played Dark Souls II.
Fuck I need to stay off of Sup Forums for a while. How's the game? no spoils pls. Is the music a banger? Cuz it can't be a Mario game without some killer tunes.
Were you expecting more?
Nothing, it's just people shit posting.
Where was the stream?
It looks great. Anyone know any games coming out in Q1 2018? I'll get a switch if there's something worth picking up after I finish Mario and Xenoblade 2.
Yes fellow Nintenbabies, I think we can all agree that we love Nintendo but hate this game that is not out yet. Let us all start agreeing now.
Post games that did living hats better
I'll start
mario is a literal cuck in the end
Super mario 64 and Sunshine have that same no enemy wasteland feel and you fags still eat those shits up.
Mario gets a sex change.