Archeage private server launched yesterday

Archeage private server launched yesterday

what class did you roll?

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The "there still isn't a fucking guild" class.

Think it'll be made today, the guy was just locked out from it.
Unfortunately he's ignoring the poll and going with some asinine name like "Nothing Personnel Kid".

Whats the point its pay to win garbage just like the real one. Shits hilarious sub humans gonna sub every time.

it's fun

I'd play it if there's a Sup Forums guild and we can pk niggers together

>due to a pretty high volume of non-English speaking players

Shut up shill faggot.
Fuckin server is owned by Russians who host it in NA to try and milk money from idiots that actually play. that's why they made kept it pay to win.

I think it's the free premium and the increased speed of just about everything. So now I can be on a boat faster and fish as a cat.

what else am I gonna play?

>Already have a cash shop in there
>As soon as they hook a few whales, will make the cash shop even worse than the base game, somehow

Calling it.

You'll be on a boat and get your shit pushed in by every dude who opened his wallet, then called a fag.
If you just want to have free patron and no housing issues so you can play dress up and jack off while typing naughty words to other dudes, then yeah this would work perfect.
So Sup Forums should love it.

>Fucking Warmane Tier Cash Shop

Pass, I aint playing a game just so some chump ruskie beats me with money

a good game


what did CR give again?

isn't it super illegal to have a cash shop in a private server of someone else intellectual property?

super duper

If youre out of the company's legal jurisdiction you can do whatever the fuck you want

Russia just happens to be that place very often

too late i've already contacted the proper authorities good luck with your russian p2w server lmao

I'm a simple fisherman with simple fishing needs. I'll just do what I did when I used to play at launch. Give them free stuff to leave me alone. It worked 92% of the time. Except for br's.

Isn't Archeage not even a top 5 MMO?

Why a private server for something so awfully received? It'll die in a month.

It was actually extremely popular during its launch, for good reason. Executed most of the content poorly however.

Can i play on EU?

as EU, yes
on EU? think they're launching another server in unknown months

what makes this stand out among all the other generic MMO's?

fuck, i mean as EU
what about ping?

world PvP with purpose

I've been waiting for an ArcheAge private server to play on forever, if it is done right. Did they get rid of the pay2win aspects? I hated having to spend mass amounts of dosh to regrade anything past celestial.

wow fuck that guy why isn't anyone else making a guild with the name that won the poll?

is the labor system still there?

Yes but it's massively accelerated

Nope, the p2w shop is still there. Only difference is it's slightly more affordable. This looks like a cruel joke.

>Did they get rid of the pay2win aspects?
hahahahahaha, no



weebs and furries

I thought the cash shop was going to be seriously curbed and almost entirely cosmetic. What happened?

Who gives a shit about this dead MMO that just wants you money?

Same thing that happened in the actual game; greed.

Did they increase the regrade chance on shit? Only way I'll play this game again.

Because this server is justa cash grab by some kids in Russia nothing more.

Well fuck is it even worth installing then? Can you even compete in PvP without paying?

I mean, the private server has increased labor rates you can make like 2k gold a day just using your labor. Not enough for me to play it or the actual game anymore.

People meme all the time about games being doa but this one actually died straight out of beta with all the changes they made.

So can a non-paying person play on this or is this still a $$$$ win?

>p2w private server

let me guess. the cash shop is going to sell off the limited in-game land for hundreds of dollars, right? yeah, go figure.

They won't get the chance before BR and Russians buy up all the land themselves with numerous alts and accounts.

There is still plenty of land available.

Can I get to 55 with this kind of build with alternating skillsets to level them all up?

To be fair the balance is better than the original server

That's not horrible. Get a Spear + shield or a 2h greatclub with healing power on it and you might be able to make it work

>Just now joining ArcheRage

Nigga, ArcheRage bad had a fully functioning server for some time now. Damn shame y'all are only just now hopping on the bandwagon. Shit was cash. Became the highest proficiency Fisherman in Nuia and our 10-man guild owned half the South-West housing province in Solzreed.

Good times. Hope y'all have fun.

Have they increased the regrade chances? Are crystals out the ass?

For the people screaming about a cashshop or premium, as a vet on the Russian server:

>Patron is free
>Experience gain is about 300%
>You regenerate labor at about 2x the maximum every 24 hours roughly
>Labor potions cannot be purchased from the cash shop, period.
>Five dollars of actual cash equates to roughly 1,200 points, enough to buy two Lunar/Solar/Stellar Scarecrows
>Every week or two, a unique bundle will be put on the store - once, it was a box for $10 equivilant that had a predator longlinger, Santiago's, a fishing hat and handful of gold coins for your house
>The anticheat is overzealously wacky - hardly any hackers because sometimes even just gliding over high mountains might trigger it
>Even though there are only two GMs, they they generally will hear out an issue you might have

Honestly, it's a blast. It's free. Try that shi out. They definitely do it a lot better than Trion for damn sure.

Oh, I did forget to mention that. I don't know if this was on retail at some point, but shit can't break 'til it's at first red (forget the name, Mythic?) and I don't think there's a chance for any gear to downgrade. There's higher chances for shit to upgrade but also I think higher chances for it to break, but crystals and regrade scrolls are generally cheap as balls around 11g-30g at the most.

They also have custom events every Saturday and Monday (I think) that award Metal/Wooden/Cloth Wisps and 1H/2H Wisps for every 6/12/18 sport fish you cash in. There's also events for Auroria PvP and for merchant ship runs but I never did those.

What faction has more English speaking players? East or West?

Also, what class combo makes the best use out of spears?


Fun is only an illusion.

Paladins, for 1H shortspear.

I'm certain it's better than Trion but that's a low bar.
What's to keep wallet warriors from getting super buff? Or from people making 10+alts and just hoarding land?
Maybe those are dumb questions, I only played retail ArcheAge until that first thunderstruck log box and I'm likely ages behind on how shit works. I'm not necessarily talking shit.
I like the free patron. I wish Archeage had just been a sub (basically patron) with no shop but it's possible i'm retarded.

And since my archeage knowledge is so old, how are missionaries or paladins now? Or in whatever patch the server is in.

Never played that game but I always wanted to, is it possible to make a viable warrior priest with a 2h mace and this kind of build?

fuck yeah