Who did you marry in skyrim user?

who did you marry in skyrim user?

My sword and shield.



>threading your own post
>marrying worst girl

A ton of people. Fed them all to the Ebony Blade.

All the little girls.


Morwen is best girl.

>Molag Bal's used goods.

Muiri. All other races are weak compared to the Bretons

The haughty Altmer in Windhelm that owns a stall. Smug and posh sounding women defiantly do it for me.


>not marrying a strong, war-like Nord goddess
How does it feel to be objectively wrong?

>Modded Ysolda
>Give her huge tits and a big ass
>Deny her her dreams of becoming a merchant, making her my housewife
>Only have hot anal sex with her
>She's always there waiting for more when I come back from my travels

I've done this like 3 or 4 playthroughs

Serana obviously. she's best waifu in gaming history

The people in these games are all the same emotionless, undifferentiated husks and there are no unique body models either. What difference does it make?

user Ysolda got BARBED


The woman who moves into your house in Solitude after you become Thane. I forget her name but she was awesome.


>tfw you can't marry High Queen Elisif
>tfw you will never get High with your Queen

>being a consolepleb

So where to get skyrim sex mods?

Is there a mod that lets me add goblins? Lots of goblins. I want to become the Slayer of Goblins

That woman in the Dibella temple in Markath.
She did send some killer thugs after me though because I stole something from the temple during the Sanguine story line.
Only after marrying the AI had me encounter the killer squad.

I had her raped to death by horses while nutting to her for the last time.

Unironically what is your favourite city in skyrim?

I dunno, but I do know Immersive Creatures adds goblin tribes who beat eachother up and wandering Thalmor have trained goblins much like it adds trained dogs for Empire and trained wolves and giants for Stormcloaks. Falmer are technically goblins anyways with the added notion that they are mer.

Good taste.

Jordis the Swordmaiden. Also good taste.

Sylgja is another good choice.

I feel like "playing" Skyrim again, should I DL the original or the special edition?

>not marrying skyrim's best smug, lydia

unironically they all suck ass

Riften despite the criminal element. I don't like the house though the entrance in the bedroom bothers me.

Best house is Pale House.

Special Edition is pretty pointless.

Never tried Immersive Creatures before. Based on the description and screenshots, it just looked like a bunch of more quickly retextured monsters and nothing too fun.

original for mod support

Special Edition is 1000 times better for vanilla.

I married that orc bitch to save her from being a cumdumpster for her clan.

Well you're right but it does change up the enemies decently enough, although I question some "Immersive" choices (fucking dwarven mechanical dragon really?)

That girl i played tag with

Is this a euphamism?

Muiri is a horrible murderous slut though.

So am I!

>sword and shield
>not two handing like a proper warrior


aside from the cannibals, the demonic house, the corrupt officials, and murders happening in the street it's pretty comfy.

You like them big huh?

>hot anal sex
things don't go up poopers

You can have one goblin or become a goblin, just look up goblinette

i made her extra thicc and the facesitting sessions were a common thing in our campfires

morthal is peak comfy, I want to live there

>walk into city
>in demonic daedric army
>running around with an undead skeleton and holding a two handed axe made out of dragon bone
>kid walks up and asks to play tag with me
>say yes
>tag him
>jump on a roof and laugh as he can't get me
>he teleports behind me and tags me

bethesda games are unique

if your big on mods the original. if not the SE



the redhead

>He plays skyrim

"whom," dumbass

Who? The Housecarl from Riften?

Jordis the Sword Maiden.

riften I think. If I had to pick somewhere to live probably whiterun

I've seen this before but I'm not sure what mod it's from.

I'm also an aggressive plebian when it comes to mods, though

Made myself a pretty wife in creation kit.

>not purifying her

That's not possible is it?

>got sick of using spells to have sex with Sexlab stuff
>download mod to start it by conversation
>rarely gets sex now


I want haelga to sit on my face

Not without mods

I thought you could bring it up though but I haven't played the game in a long while.

You can purify her but you can't fix that giant gaping hole that your tiny weiner easily slides into.

None. I'd rather get in the shower with them before being told to get out, since I'm a true gaffer

Jenassa of course, nobody else have ashfever?

Its part of the bijin series

markarth looks really cool

Hell yeah motherfucker

I married that angry lady with the fat titties who hated bears
I think her name was temba or something

Muiri is cute desu

Immersive is a fucking meme-term in Skyrim modding.
"how are we going to call our creature mod with all kinds of crazy stuff?"
"Those mods with immersive in their name are getting dl'd like crazy how about IMMERSIVE creatures"

>not using spear and shield

i hate neo-v

Over 200 hours and I've never done this. Or completed the main quest.

Skyrim lewds are hideous, I advise against it friend

There are no Spears in Skyrim

Good to see a fellow patrician

Top sweetie

>not getting Defeat and/or Sanguines Debauchery
Are you even trying to get fucked?

>tfw a qt bosmer will never ask to see my wood

do you play on a console or something?

>can't spell his wife's name right

Special Edition is objectively better than the original due to performance improvements and it not being as much of a buggy mess that crashes every 5 minutes.

However SE has no mods

her modded version makes my peepee hard

Keep your pecker out those freaks if you want to keep it.

no one because im a not a fag

I hope they carry forward some elements of TESO into TESVI. Seeing Bosmer actually having their little horns and stuff is nice.

I sacrificed my wife to a Daedra on a mountain, I don't want to talk about it.

It was the Dunmer from Winterhold College, and I was getting really fucking tired of her repeating her two lines post-marriage,
I liked her during the quest line and then she just turned into a cardboard cutout all of a sudden.

Yup it really is.

Top mercenary, good taste.

Heavy Armoury adds spears.

Having the racial crafting styles would be really great.

Man her quest being a buggy piece of shit and her ugly ass hair under her hood really turned me off, not to mention how boring she is.

>I liked her during the quest line and then she just turned into a cardboard cutout all of a sudden.
aka every skyrim companion

Without mods.

>only ever married one woman way back when Skyrim just came out
>Muiri, that stayed in her alchemy shop in Markarth and I would sometimes go back there to fuck and get some food
>years later I play through the Dragonborn DLC
>all those delicious Dunmers girls that made my dick diamonds

At that point I had sex mods so I gave no shits about the ingame marriage but goddamn.
Is there even a mod that makes marriage more interesting?
Like lets you take your wife in dates, give her a preggo belly or something.
Never bothered with the adoption shit either.

if you played on xbox dumbass

>without mods
For literally what purpose?

Can't find a face that isn't way to moe and a body that isn't like jessica rabbit.

Ghorbash. Or Erandur.

I had no idea this was even something you could do in Skyrim.