What are some games that have aged poorly?

What are some games that have aged poorly?

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>not using Adblock
idiota de internet

The first Tomb Raiders and generally any games that used tank controls when they were still figuring out that whole 3d thing

Deus Ex. There, I said it.

The game of life

>tfw childhood phase was the most boring and limited part of the game

She's like 48.


Every single "RPG" that Bethesda has ever made, including Morrowind.

how do you define a poorly aged game?

When it makes you gasp when you replay it

This belongs on

The original Metal Gear for the MSX

So can we see how that ncis girl looks like now?

>how bad she looks now

She looked bad then

I would say Ocarina of Time but it wasn't even good when it came out.

>video game discussion

GO BACK TO Sup Forums!!!

Hasn't aged at all =/= aged poorly. Brainlet.

Well? What does she look like now?

uhhh mods delete this video game thread right now Sup Forums is for the discussion of Marxism and interracial dating like moot always wanted


It's not a very controversial opinion though.
It's one of my favorite games but it didn't age well at all. It just was an incredible game at the time because it did many things we now take for granted.

What am I in for lads? I got the game for my 26th birthday

Sup Forums is still having a tantrum over the Neofag shit, so they've been extra shitposty tonight.

Ever single late 90s game that uses 3D graphics, especially the n64 and playstation 1 titles, holy shit

What does this thread have to do with that?

glad you got the antler dlc its AMAZING.

what other games have such freedom?

kill yourself underageshit

Plenty of them. Dark Souls for example, which is another one of my favorites.

GoldenEye on the N64 is now unplayable due to being the single ugliest thing in existence and having controls gayer than aids.

Actually the N64 controller was fucking shit all around and clearly designed by aliens who had never seen a human hand.

Real underage defend this shit, because they grew up with 3d instead 2d, so fuck you nigger

Thief, Hitman, *shock, Dishonored and plenty of others. There's a term for these kinds of games, an immersive sim. And some people say they're making a big comeback.

not op but I have every site adblocked except Sup Forums. don't point fingers when this place inevitably runs out of money

Man, video games are a hoot.

Everything plays as it always did.
What you're really saying is 'What are some games I'm too stupid and lazy to play now?'

Are you meaning to say both System Shock and Bioshock? Because you would be incredibly wrong about the latter.

Who is she???

So that's the narrartive now, huh?

>Meme Souls

that's not the point. gta3 for example on it's release was a one of a kind experience, today there's a ton like that and every single one of them is better.

She literally just looks older now.

>aged poorly

Gameplay doesnt age. Though old games look nicer when they werent going for a realistic art style

This desu, she's just ugly. The only reason people liked her is because she was babby's first perkygoth.


For 3D games as tech improved devs could get rid of the janky feeling that older games had. It didn't affect all 3D games but there were a shitton of clunky games on the PS1 and N64. It even affected some PS2 and Xbox games. Unfortunately this growing tech also came with gameplay being dumbed down. So while games got less clunky they also got less ambitious.

Games dont age

She aged 30 years.

Videogame discussion is now on Sup Forums

Does she know about all this shitty clickbait about her?

>The only reason people liked her is because she was babby's first perkygoth.
Feels good to be grandpa enough to have had Winona as my first goth boner in Beetlejuice. And she STILL looks pretty good.

You must have ridiculous standards, she's not all that ugly

Best girl was that Israeli chick who is actually S American

Ziva. She was a lot better than Kate, that's for sure.

I love how every time the cancerous posters get called out they then set out to prove everyone wrong by going into shitposting overdrive and acting like retards

You are cancer, fuck off

wall status: hit

still haven't pointed out how this thread has anything to do with Sup Forums. It's like some kind of autistic ritual to tell people to go back to Sup Forums now.

>Hey, this Neogaff controversy really isn't about video games. It's about a video game forum and its shitty owner, so we feel it's best you take it to the political board of this webs-

The Pokemon series.
Sun and Moon was when it really showed it's age.

Plastic surgery is creepy

Theres been a bunch of faggots shitposting even moreso than usual. just ignore them

From 6/10 goth girl you'd finger and let give you a blowjob to 65 year old trailer park manager.

she's not normal-person ugly she's actress ugly

So, the natural order of things.

>playing the first Hitman game now

Kill yourself instead

The first Persona, I want to finish it but I can't get myself to do so.

Neck yourselves in the face

world of warcraft

She should change her hairstyle, it doesn't fit her face anymore.

Its so fucking bad
>no checkpoints or manual saving

I play that game through fully at least 2 times a year. You're just too young.

beautiful eyes desu senpai

why can't women leave their eyebrows alone

Show died when DiNozzo left desu.

There are games that hold extremely well and even make me question why some current games aren't even half as engaging or fun.
This is one of those.

She doesn't even look that bad. If your wife looks like that when you're both 50 you have it made.


blame 2D

I'd say the faces still look kinda good.

>Fuck up something
>Throw away 30 minutes of mission
>This happens almost every mission
I'm not gonna touch it for the rest of my life.

>tfw brainlets unironically believe games can age

>Garth Marenghi's Darkplace

>true ending is DLC

Fuck this shit, I'm gonna burn down that smug ass tree once I turn 26.

not really. Every beth game came out aged

she must have had surgery, because she doesn't look 48

>tfw brainlets think that retarded moe face conveys any kind of emotion.

First pic is like 17 years ago.

I want to impregnate Satania

>not using uBlock Origin instead

I will never understand why people like Bioshock. It's gameplay is terrible, it's story is bland. The only good thing about it is setting.

I mean yeah she's old now, that's about what I expected she looked like

Holy shit it's Chyna from the WWF.

That massive jaw was always going to explode out of control when her fatty deposits rearranged with age. Do people just not see genetic predispositions coming or what?

Who got hit worse by age?

Then don't fuck up.

Cassandra Peterson still looks pretty great for being 66. I'm sure she's used her money to keep that look though.