>kill a dog
>it drops shotgun ammo
Kill a dog
>use Steal on enemy
>"stole enemy eye!"
>prehistoric ruins never visited by the modern human
>there are no items there
>kill a guy with a shotgun
>It shoots a dog
>visit lost ruins, traverse obstacles to get through
>25 setpieces of retarded baddies standing around
>alien space ship
>human ammo everywhere
>girl you grew up with got molested when she was younger
>You have to fight her as a deformed creature reminiscent of a mermaid
It works because its something everybody goes through
>kill a ghost
>it drops a medkit
>ancient ruins that have been undisturbed for thousands of years
>currency found there can still be used as legal tender
>kill an enemy that's attacking you bare-fisted
>they have a better weapon than you on their corpse
>Kill an enemy that's wearing really good gear
>Doesn't drop anything
>Picks up dead bird with flies hovering all over it
>Unlocks achievements
>kill a roach
>loot a rocket launcher from it
Have you never killed a dog? They actually drop those
What the fuck? Why would you kill a dog in the first place?
>kill a Redguard
>he drops a book
>collecting boar hearts
>most boars don't actually have hearts
>kill a fly
>it drops 30kg chestpiece armor
>enemy can unload on your full auto for minutes at a time without running out of ammo
>kill them
>they have no ammo or very little ammo and you can't loot their gun or armor
>on easy mode
>drunken bandit hits me 6 times in a row
>Collecting boar hearts
>Boar has three hearts
What game? Sounds cool.
>ludicrous gibs
>all that's left is an eye and a skull fragment.
>loot intact armor set.
>ancient ruins filled with apples and oranges
>random locker in middle of a town filled with endgame weapons and armor
>kill dude with flamer
>all that's left is a pile of ash
>loot a carton of cigarettes.
It bit off somebody's hand when he was trying to load his shotgun, your character cut the dog open to get the shells out
I really like that if only because I can still gather the loot from a body eve if the only part of the corpse that hasn't clipped through an inaccessible area is just a foot.
>kill a shotgun
>it drops dog ammo
> kill enemy holding a weapon that I don't have
> can't loot the weapon
This is the most retarded shit games can do
>>prehistoric ruins never visited by the modern human
>>there are no items there
>visit ruin
>pristine, unused armor and weapons in it
>visit dungeon
>skeletons in it
>pickpocket aristocrat
>barely any money on them
>steal a fucking pencil
>everyone wants to kill you
>sell, sell, sell, sell, sell, sell, sell, sell, sell, sell
>vendor has x currency left
>sell something else, fuck up math
>400 over burden
>cancel transaction
>do it all over again
>Kill the villain
>Stuff 500 pounds of gold into his decapitated head
>kill a ghost
>it drops bones
Wtf screenshot?
>find shotgun ammo
>dog included
>NPCs only have a set amount of money on them and so you can't just sell your entire inventory to them
>some NPCs are also picky about what they'll buy
These things are kind of annoying when playing but they make logical sense at least.
>kill rat
>it drops gold
>>kill a ghost
>shit has a VAL of 5000
>vendors only buy it for 4250
Yeah you have a point
parry it's shit
>Enter treasure cave for quest
>Literal piles of gold coins and bars lying around
>Can't take any of it
>Quest reward is a handful of coins with some pity item thrown in
>sacred ruins closed off the modern world for billions of years
>baddies are already inside waiting for you
ffs let me explore it first
>items dropped from inventory are actually modeled
>you can just pile up models in a single area until the game shits itself
This is the only one posted that actually bothers me
haha xd video game logic is so wacky amirite redditbros!
>kill thing
>it drops thing it's not suppose to have
>read thread
>it produces butthurt Reddit posts
>Bandits and raiders are many, many times the population of the cities
t. Redditor trying to fit in
Devs basing random drops on "hurr game balance", while ignoring in-game logic and common sense.
This is a problem, and this thread is telling you why. Stop blaming other other websites/muh board culture, and fix this shit.
>Kill cyclops
>it drops 2 eyes
>This is a problem
It's really not, only autists think this is actually a problem. Other people just laugh at it and move on.
Would you happen, by your own definition of autist of course. Not be an autist?
fuck yourself kid, do anything reputable before trying to judge others
yeah clearly he's trying to fit in by doing the opposite of everyone else moron
do you retards even have two brain cells to rub together?
My two brain cells are thinkulating that this just might be an instance of samefagging based on the similarities in writing styles.
>break an oil drum
>a soul flies out
oh fuck
It obviously is, he's just still in his edgy newfag phase
What is the sauce of this image?
>kill dog
>drops soul of a nameless soldier
dark souls 2 was weird
The dog ate a soldier, dummy.
>go to gf level
>loot an underwater chest
>find a LIT TORCH
>kill rat
>it drops, 1 pelt, 3 gold, an iron dagger and the deeds to a small property in the local village
It's from a Britbong talkshow
>female host makes male guest take his shirt off
>she starts feeling him up
>out of 100 audience members, 99 roared with applause!
>sell gun to trader for 40
>trader selling it back for 400
>kill a cyclops
>drops two eyes
>kill unicorn
>drops two horns
What if it was a two eyed cyclops?
>Carve gypceros pretending to be dead
>Gypceros head
That's Nobody's business
>kill a skeleton
>it drops 1 (one) bone
Maybe you broke or destroyed the others while killing it
>kill rat
>drops humanity
Are you a wizard?
That's been explained
>Kill a robot
>it drops G
>kill a white guy
>no one cares
>play video game
>something that doesnt happen in real life happens for the sake of playability
>Kill a Nazi
>it drops a redpill
>kill a nigger
>neighborhood becomes safer
>be american
>say 'nigger' outloud
>he gets killed
>drops shat on pants
>Mob shoots unlimited arrows at you
>You kill mob
>Only has 3 arrows
Makes sense for skeletons to be in a dungeon.
>rolling around breaking big vases
>there is turds in it
>kill skeleton
>drops meat
racism isn't allowed on /nu-pol/ i mean neogaf delet pls
>kill cyclops
>drops bronze defender
>Perform a physically impossible parkour stunt to enter some ruins that weren't explored since at least two thousand years
>Two fat guys that couldn't even climb over a fence are there waiting for me
How can people even like Uncharted?