Oh, fuck you, Sup Forums.

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It's just sonyfags. Ignore them,

who the fuck even says this?
at least make the strawman a bit accurate.

More like:
>mario acted out of character
>peach acted like a bitch
>no satisfying conclusion

you mean Mario finally acted like a character at all.

I'm actually not mad at Peach for what she did, if you were put completely under pressure to marry one of them, you'd snap too, especially after having gone through all that shit. She definitely needed a break.

I'm just hoping there's more to the ending than just this.

Even then, I wish Peach would blue-ball them even further instead of going through the expected "100% ending means you get to have the perfect ending and see your shipping get finally married xD". I wish Peach would get a break from Mario and Bowser as well, possibly even getting a new love interest somewhere in between. Mario might be Peach's savior every damn time, but honestly, that doesn't mean he doesn't share some characteristics with Bowser regarding wanting to marry her for his own reasons. Mario was practically acting the same way as he was.

I dont know why people are pissed that a Mario game of all games has no satisfying conclusion or character development. You have to be fucking kidding me. The ending isn’t even tumblr tier either. You guys exaggerate the fuck out of everything.

I watched the ending. Shit game

>>mario acted out of character
Fucking where
Does he even have a character to act out of

>Wario didn't show up to cuck Peach from Mario as revenge for stealing his golden statue all those years ago
Healthy video game goes to Miyamoto, gets pumped with a massive shot full of boring-ass Mario C-listers, doesn't feel good and changes - AUTISM. Many such cases!

>using "" instead of greentexting

Anyone want to tell me what the hell is going on with neogaf and why mods are deleting threads about it? We stickied Gawker going down, but nothing for the biggest and most hated video game forum here? Not trolling, genuinely curious.

The times where he used to give a rats' ass about Princess Peach are long gone, hombre. He's a lady's man. He binges on women and forgets about them after while he strives for hard cold money.

>peach did something
Give me the rundown.

Because it's attracting a bunch of retards from Sup Forums and cripplechan, plus, it's not video games.

>>mario acted out of character
what did he mean by this?

This. I don’t know what people are expecting. There ain’t any over-arching plot or constant development in mario games.

>biggest gaming site of the industry
>even devs participate in it
>not gaming

shut up ok??? we don't want another gooblegate this website is woman friendly now

Mario Galaxy had a satisfying ending,

NeoFag mods in here are butthurt.

user's bluffing, all she did was give a little tantrum towards them going "MARRY ME -
NO MARRY ME" and shoving flower/Piranha Plant bouquets in her face while storming off with the Odyssey and leaving them in the moon to mull over what they just did, that's practically nothing knowing that games that will soon follow after this one will have her be kidnapped again over and over ad-nauseaum.

Saw the ending.
I don't like how it tries to portray Mario the same as Bowser. Mario is supposed to be a hero, simple as that.

Mario walks towards Peach, looking determined. Bowser gets back up, pushes him out of the way and offers Peach a bouquet. Mario pushes in with his own flower and they start slapping and pushing each other while trying to offer Peach their flowers. So Peach gets fed up, tells them both to stop, and walks away. That's literally it. It's actually a pretty cute scene too.

After breaking up the forced Bowser wedding and beating him into submission, Mario has to possess Bowser and carry Peach out of his moon castle.

Once they're all out, Bowser and Mario both try to muscle up to get Peach to marry them, and she gets pissed off and leaves them both on the moon to comfort one another.

Holy shit the ending is just youtube.com/watch?v=mO26RQkfID8

Yeah, pretty much. I liked it. I was expecting just a generic "Mario and Peach get on the ship and fly away" ending like in NSMB Wii. This was definitely much better.

well that sounds nice, actually. good on peach.

it just nintendo drones damaging control, ignore them

The owner got called out for trying to sneak up and fuck a chick in the shower without her consent and started banning everyone who tried to speak up about it. All the mods have either left or have been removed and the majority of the site is literally asking to be banned due to this and their previous history of banning anyone for wrongthink. Everyone on Sup Forums is rejoicing aside from neofag refugees and the mods for whatever reasons

>Wait a minute I'll have you know that Sup Forums doesn't like pedophiles
>I guess we she all be supporting pedophilia then so we don't let the mean boogieman win

Yeah, Sup Forums is overreacting as usual. Even the part where she boards the ship without them didn't seem mean-spirited or anything. She looks back and sees them moping and seems to hesitate for a moment. And she's happily waving at them fro the ship when it takes off. It looks more like she's trying to get them to stop moping by pretending to leave them behind.

It was the definition of mean spirited.
Mario goes through so much shit to save her and the fucking bitch treats him as if he were Bowser.

why do you fags suddenly care about mario as a character?

Well, it's official. The snowflake SJWs have infiltrated based Nintendo...

I don't know where the fuck to even go from here at this point... does anyone? Is this shit ever going to start getting better?

She actually calls out to them and waves so that they'll get up and stop moping. If she was just abandoning them, she wouldn't have done that. She would have just gotten on the ship and left without saying anything. I know that it's hard for you to interpret the motivations of others because you're autistic, but at least try.

Since when does Mario want to marry her? All he does is save her, that's it. The only time he showed(s) affection is when she kissed him, or the one time he kissed her for saving him.

>Nintendofags are ALREADY on damage control
The game isn't even out yet, c'mon guys.

>sour grapes
Don't worry, Sonybro. I'm sure Blacksassins Creed will be almost as fun as Mario.

Go falseflag somewhere else Sonybro

>Le "mature woman" shit
Fuck off. That is even worse

I'm probably a bigger nintendo fan than you. Go back to your tumblr safespace so you don't get triggered. On here we tell faggots to fuck off.

I'm more disappointed you just leave Bowser and the people he kidnapped on the moon, I guess BiS made me too sympathetic for Bowser.

Yeah, big Nintendo fans play Mario games for the ending and know that It's bullshit that Peach doesn't drop down on her knees and give Mario a blowjob like she does in every single Mario game before this. This ending where Mario and Peach don't get married really ruins the entire game.

>Tells someone to stop being triggered and to go back to their safe space
>Literally triggered over SJWs and regards Sup Forums as "his domain" almost like a safe space

i r o n i c


I feel bad for this guy.
Cheer up, user.

Yes Sonybro, I'm sure that's definitely an actual opinion you have. I'm really scared of the Sup Forums boogieman now


us gamers huh



>The snowflake SJWs have infiltrated based Nintendo
Are we pretending that the Nintendo Treehouse hasn't existed for the past 10 years fucking up?