Anyone who plays Warframe got any recommendations for a new frame?

Anyone who plays Warframe got any recommendations for a new frame?

Explain why that Frame is good.
(i.e tankiness, dps, survivability, etc.)

which do you have?

I've got Excalibur, Volt Prime, and Frost Prime

Loki then

get zephyr
pull out wind shield
win the fucking game

Is this game fun? Comparing to POE or PSO

I'm thinking about Inaros for his overall survivability, and Wukong for his Defy ability.

I would like a speedy-ish dps frame though.

Oh my, look up a review and look at a preview of Plains. It'll be the next update. Why not start now and be ready for when it gets here.

It's quite addicting when you get the game. Though, at some points seems P2W.

Limbo, for making other players mad.

voobin to fuck with people

Can't you make others mad with Nova?

Think of dueling, you can make them FLOAT and not even be able to do a thing about it!

shittiest warframe in the game. even hydroid is better

fun and strong warframes


Atlas gets a special mention for punching people in the dick

nidus is also very survivable and scales like crazy. inaros is ok but not crazy bananas

*tips fedora*

le master bamboozler

How do you want to play? If you set it up right, Ember can give you the highest DPS for the least amount of effort. Top damage output every single game by simple running around and picking up energy. It's my go-to chill and chat frame.

Plains are out, the update broke the game so fucking hard it isn't playable for a lot of people.

Not really pay to win so much as pay for inventory space.... But you can utilize the in game market to earn plat so all in all I think it's the most fair of the f2p games, aside from PoE.

Try Mesa to feel like a gunslinger aimbot McCree god on steroids.she has great defensive options with Shattershield, utility, with Shooting Gallery, and is an ofenssive powerhouse with her Peacemaker

>he STILL thinks ember is the best killframe
>he doesn't know

Please enlighten.

I didn't mean to imply it was the best, only that it's the laziest.

this. mesa is amazing. out of the most recent frames nidus and harrow are pretty op

What I wouldn't give for Nova Prime.
Well except real currency.

Mesa says hello

How does it work? The game does a really shitty job explaining trading, if I hadn't read online I would have thought there wasn't any. And what do f2p even trade for the plat? Just mats and blueprints?

Mesa is the frame that felt the most worth the tedious adventure getting the drops. Luckily I had Tigris by the time I could work at Nekros.

yeah, blueprints, prime parts and rare mods are gonna be your main source of income

prime parts, mods, syndicate weapons, blueprints, kubrow and kavat imprints etc


Personal favs for me

positive strength equinox
Same idea, but scales to infinity.

fucking mutalist salad v. i bit the bullet and got her with plat. she is one of my most used warframes

Warframe is a cultural appropriatory ville male power fantasy filled with every sort of shady repurposing of japanese culture, its one of the most shameful dislays of western devs cultural insensibility and out of date behavior.

If you like this "game" please by any means stick to your containment board

Oberon with all three health mods and a bit of efficiency plus Rage makes for a fun melee tank.
Nidus is even better.

Whatever the newest one is.

This applies to everything, by the way. The best thing you can have in Warframe is the newest thing because DE is absolute SHIT at balance.


top 3 immortals

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t. salty Tonkor user

Wukong is so fucking underrated.

get fucked nerd

kill yourself


Wukong is cheating-tier.

Valkyr gets an honorable mention.

Stop being cancerous, faggot.

someone got that webm with volt and music from anarchy reign ost?

Too little mention of ass in a warframe thread desu

t0p klem

fuck off, degenerate

I'm 30 hours in and still have no other frames other than my starter Volt. Am I playing this game the wrong way?

you asked for it



Get the free frost prime from the twitch promotion, brother

Did someone order mommy milkies?

Wtf I like warframe now?!

For ez mode Loki
For killing Mesa
For fun Ivara/ash
For tanking inaros/rhino
For getting early valkyr/rhino

I carried sorties without effort with zephyr
it's an ass saver when your teammates are fucking retarded
she's also fun

Haven't played in ages, is Rhino still a solopwn frame?

>tfw Wukong will never get nerfed because he's too boring to be popular
It's a good feeling.

Get nidus,its a fuckig beast

>use only turbulence

you are legit retarded, hipster, or contrarian. she is gutter trash. tornadoes are shit, her first skill and divebomb are literal memes. zero synergy in her skillset. her only use is niche augment for memey projectile speed shenanigans.

Yeah if you never actually want to fight enemies above 35

it's cool to jump and dive forward
if you don't like it you have bad taste

mesa nidus and chroma


maybe under lvl 50. untill they rework him rhino cant really be considered a tank anymore. Go to Mot and see how long your Iron Skin lasts.even at max power strength

so basically something every warframe does. even at mobility there are better choices. purge yourself out of the airlock

holy finna yuckola get that fat goblin outta here and get some pics of megan

Probably rivals Titania for most annoying quest in the game

>play shitty gambling mini game where you bet all your money and if you win three rounds you get a penny and if you lose one round you lose it all

And then you farm one mission mode for a straight year

nekros was my favourite frame but i dont remember it being that amazing

how are you faggots dealing with focus changes? as a zenurik fag i can make it work somehow. how bad were Naramon users hit?


massive damage
massive utility for yourself and team
big fat damage buff

dunno I only log in for sorties and baro.

naramon is useless now

zenurik is much more fun and the buff is better

Seriously this, just got the last of the vault run mods for her and her mallet ability is now a one shotter and scales insanely well. Also dem hot beats

I forgot CC anything that gets close to her mallet or roller

How come no new heroes have sprays if they all have card art? Why wouldn't they just add them as mastery rewards or some shit if they didn't want to clog up the chests.

>Probably rivals Titania for most annoying quest in the game

Don't you mean Limbo?

limbo was ez as fuck son

Atlas is the greatest frame but no one plays him for some reason.

Maybe it has to do with the fact you have to farm a difficult enemy and the boss that drops his parts is from an arc wing mission. Maybe its also because the boss has a massive amount of health and if you haven't done any arc wing missions other than the ones required to progress it will take you up to 45 minutes with a party of four just to get a chance of getting one of the parts you want.

He's good though.

It was simple enough, but god damn the amount of times I had to repeat the mission for the last part. The damned drills just kept on giving me credits despite going through dozens of them each mission attempt.

Pretty much. I was grinding arcwing missions to make my shit strong enough for that boss, but then I lost interest in playing for a while.

Warframes balancing is weird as fuck. Early on you can do absolutely anything and still succeed. Later on about 2 warframes are even viable anymore. Generally when picking a frame, you want one that offers utility. Your guns will do the killing, you just want abilities that help with this.

Early on just pick whatever though. It'll take some weeks of playing to hit end game and you can easily farm and build plenty of frames until then.

make grattler or any other archwing weapon that isn't the first one you get

tadaa now the mission is over in 5-10 minutes

atlas is shit though

I recommend dropping warframe and running
Seriously, the disappointment you feel after reaching endgame and being able to easily deal with nightmare trials is unreal after you finish them and realize that there is no content left that can give you any semblance of a challenge.

>you want utility
You mean invulnerability.

but then I have to farm Oxium for the next year and a half and maybe I'll get a quarter it required to craft the Grattler.

Atlas is the best frame.

get trinity
she: insta heals and refills shields
gives 75% damage reduction to the whole team
redirects 75% damage to enemies (stacking with the previous damage reduction)
gives yourself and everyone around you infinite energy
everyone loves you if you bring her
there literally isn't a situation where she isn't good

>super tight red dress that clearly shows off her ass
>shirt with no bra that clearly shows off those bazingas
Fuck all those betas in that group first thing id do is make her admit she wants some dick and proceed to plow daily

>zenurik change
>energy regenerating field whenever you want
>energy orbs give even more energy
>even more channeling efficiency
>why can't I hold all this operator energy
>mfw using zenurik with Mesa or Valkyr

>Even Hydroid is better
Isn't Hydroid one of the better frames after his rework? I never got to try him pre-buff, so I wouldn't know.

Umbra soon

I was wondering that they did to him. I only used him to tentacle farm and he had no other function.

tfw have all the parts but not the FUCKING BLUEPRINT REEEEE

He's still the best, lil bitch.

Also would his augment mods help that?

Have blueprint no parts.

>have everything but the chassis

It taunts me every time I scroll through the foundry