Did Sup Forums ever keep their GameBoy/N64/SNES/whatever boxes for their games?

Did Sup Forums ever keep their GameBoy/N64/SNES/whatever boxes for their games?

most of Sup Forums isn't old enough to remember games coming in cardboard boxes

having said that

>that Tomb Raider
muh dick

I only collect boxes with openable front sides.

yes of course

I was in vacation once and my place got broken into. They had stolen all of my hdtv’s, my consoles and games and other shits. I had news the police recovered some of my stolen items but i could not recover them because I didnt have the receipts to prove it to them they were mine. It sucks... not that you would care

Nah, I threw away all my GBA game boxes

genesis boxes look nice on a shelf.

I have 6 GBA game boxes, 3 SNES game boxes, 5 SEGA Genesis game boxes, PS4 box, PS3 box

Sadly a lot of the original cases I used to have were destroyed in various moves from place to place, or they didn't come with one when I bought them.

I liked boxes but once I moved out from my parents I realised that there are literally 100 more useful ways to use all the space they would use up here for only standing around and gathering dust. My shelf with records broke down a few weeks ago. Hoarding stuff is nice but actually it's pretty much a waste of space

I also have a stack of PC game manuals, some of which I don't even own the game to anymore.

Sorry for your loss, user.

Yeah, even have some Virtual Boy game boxes.

>Sims 2 Box
Does anyone know if Sims 1 was ever released in a box in europe? I always wanted one, but all I could find were CD- and DVD-cases.

It's just so god-damned aesthetically pleasing!

Nintendo boxes just got destroyed over time because we were kids who only really cared about the toy part, not the cardboard. Did you keep every box for every toy you had? The hard plastic cases stood the test of time though.

Ive only seen a Japanese GBA game titled simply 'The Sims,' but that's probably what the The Sims 2 was titled as there.

>quest 64
you weren't as bad as everyone said but even a 10 year old knew you were not a worthy heir to the snes rpg tradition.

Nah, my parents threw all my boxes away, I just have the carts and their manuals. Which, I don't really mind, I'm happy with my "easy access" setup.

I do have a deep, deep regret though, and that's with my Saturn games. For sleepovers with friends, I put all my Saturn discs in one of those big cd carry case bags (which often scratch the discs). Worse then that, years later when I wanted to put them all back in their original cases for display, I found out my parents threw those cases out as well. I just have their manuals now. So bye, Panzer Saga case.

Underrated post, Sup Forums are materialistic bimbos


But I like them though...

Think this is it. Had to dig to find these.

I tore the boxes with each opening


That's why you always write down the serial number

That it is. Wasn't until recently I've started worrying about getting LEs of games. Part of me didn't want to start because some series were so far along that just having recent titles would feel/look weird.

I own a few games that are just not really that great, but most I got really cheap anyway. Like 2 years after the N64 was out, we bought a 2nd with tons of games (most with boxes) for fucking cheap from a family friend, but I own up to having personally sought Quest 64 because I wanted it.

>gb mega man 5 in the box
im trying to force my jealousy through the computer screen

Now you just need 7 and you're set.

Sadly, I never owned the box to it. And the only NES Mega Man boxes I know I have are 4 and 6.

Hands down one of the best Mega Man games.

Parents would throw away every box I would get but would let me keep the manuals. I did still have all my genesis boxes but was forced to sell them at trade in value to my brother when he had kids. Honestly though... the cardboard boxes were absolute shit and if you used them to put your games away they would deteriorate into nothing just from normal use. Universal game cases are superior in every way and the real collectible is the cartridge anyways.




Pretty cool that your labels are good. Most copies of X3 and 7 have messed up labels because they were from a rental store and had stickers put over them. I wonder what the exact printing numbers are on those 2 games because it can't be much.


I threw away the boxes of my Game Boy and SNES games. Only when I was older and the N64 came around I started to see what a little faggot I' ve been.

>Mega Man Soccer


No, my parents threw them away. They also threw away the manuals.

Tried to take good care of my shit. I had bought all the X games at KB Toys, Walmart was a bitch at the time and barely carried anything (still doesn't).

Yup, found a copy that wasn't a rental and had box and manual, just slightly used.

Only for Genesis games, and for whatever reason, my copy of The Flash for Game Boy.

I would have if I ever bought any of those games new.
Recently I've bought a couple new gba games and kept the boxes and manuals, no matter how flimsy they feel.

>Tried to take good care of my shit.

It was just bad practice from places like blockbuster, hollywood video, tidlewave etc., using stickers and still using clear masking tape over the stickers resulted in the labels being ripped to shreds if you tried taking it off. I only had the first X game as a kid I got mine at KB toys too. Awesome store, right next to an arcade and a theater in a tiny indoor mall.

Yeah, sadly my Actraiser game (and case) are from a local rental store. The sticker from it has slowly freed itself along with part of the original label and the back has a pair of numbers etched in.

You can kinda see it in this image.

These were the shit.
Loved looking at the in-laid arts for these things on the way home from buying them.

Fuck. Yes.

Yeah that thing is pretty fucked. Once in awhile you get lucky, I have a copy of maximum carnage that I had for years with a rental sticker on it that I thought would tear the label but one day I finally decided to try and it was so old that the glue was basically turned to dust and it came off real easy.

When I was a toddler I didn't.
Threw away all of my original GameBoy boxes.
With the N64 and GBA, I obviously kept them.

its amazing, try it