Never played Skyrim or watched any gameplay so coming from this point of absolute ignorance is it a game I should get on the Switch just as an experience. I enjoyed Zelda though I sold it to get Splatoon 2 after I beat it
Switch Skyrim
you are literally me, im getting skyrim for the switch because i never played it, played morrowind and oblivion but never got around to play skyrim
>never played skyrim
How is that fucking possible? Have you lived under the same gay rock for the last 6 years?
nah, i have a job and a family
it's a great game, ignore the Sup Forumstard memes.
I hope your children fucking die
The game sucks dick without mods. Get it on the PC, so you can at least mod it
>How is that fucking possible?
what? i havent played it either and i know tons of people that have never played it
since Skyrim came out I've only played it vanilla and had no problems aside from the bland as fuck world. Any mods you recommend?
i played over 300 hours in skyrim unmodded
Sup Forums is deluded into thinking popular = bad
skyrim has plenty of glaring issues but you may have heard of this company bethesda who shits out games with huge potential that tend to fall short
bottom line tho skyrim is fucking fun, especially the first time around
the world is the only non-bland thing about the game.
Skyrim is actually a pretty good game, just don't buy it at full price.
sounds good, Sup Forums is always contrarian so i think i'll have fun with skyrim
>never played Skyrim
>just don't buy it at full price.
Damn, it must be so hard to find time to play video games when it's supposedly your hobby
Todd, forgive me! I bought Skyrim and Fallout 4 at full price and I think Fallout 3 is better than New Vegas!
(good job user, maybe Todd will believe you)
>buying the objectively worst version
I though Sup Forumsirgins were better than this
There's fun to be had in skyrim at the beginning while the scenery is fresh. Then the textures start repeating, the dungeons become a blur of draugr caves and the combat stays braindead easy
Its a normie favorite. You'll love it
you're not fooling anyone, Todd