ELEX thread, jetpack edition.
ELEX thread, jetpack edition
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Outlaws are fun.
>pea shooter does next to 0 dmg
is this an early access indie title?
What's better in the long run: attributes or abilities potions?
Best way to earn cash?
They got 150 000€ from a EU help which pays 15% of budget.
Reminder that this trash is a massive flop and will never hit even half a million sales in its lifetime.
Reminder that it hasn't sold even 100k copies on Steam yet.
Reminder that Risen 1 sold a million copies and will completely BTFO this turd.
Reminder that the concurrent player numbers that Piranha Drones are parading as something impressive are actually complete dogshit compared to other games in the genre.
Reminder that the funding for shitlex 2 will only stave off the inevitable for one more shit game and after that PB will croak for good.
Use /vg/ for generals, you braindead G*rman.
Is it possible to retake the domed city from the albs
Is there a two-handed chainsword?
I have to say i begin to understand the reviews.
I always loved the gothic and risen series, but the enemy scaling and combat in Elex is a special kind of retarded.
looks alright to me, the playerbase seems to be growing as word of mouth spreads. Tbh I doubt most people had even heard of this game until it released, unlike the witcher 3 which has microsoft doing shitloads of marketing for it. :^)
Report these shitty threads so that they get thrown out into the vg shitpile where they belong.
I don't think so, I killed every alb in the city and it changed nothing.
They don't respawn though.
There is no enemy scaling.
>I always loved the gothic and risen series, but the enemy scaling and combat in Elex is a special kind of retarded.
How is the combat worse than Risen 2 and 3 and Gothic 3?
Nice falseflag.
buttblasted idiots
that looks fucking retarded
Nice kikebook buzzword.
I'm guessing that's a good source of loot then?
We are talking about video games. Wtf is wrong with you? Are you new?
Hello pasta my new friend!
mad as fuck hahaha
a n g e r y
With 1 dollar bundles it will reach half millions sales, they did that with the Risen games.
497,787 ± 21,451 owners
>shiposter reveals himself as a Sup Forumstard
I bet you're an amerishart as well
DAMN you showed him!
ELEX >>>> the bitcher
German btfo's Pooland again
I ment the enemy balancing and enemy strength compared to your own with "scaling".
I play on normal difficulty and yet i have to cheese 3/4 of the engagements i take and i am on like lvl 20.
An opinion you dont like is not a "falseflag", i have like 40 hours in the game and can prove it with my knowledge about the game if you want to.
>Are you new?
Says the newfag that is retarded and doesn't get what a general is.
I really hope all you buttblasted shitposters are not really angry about some niche, half indie, low budget, 7/10 game.
I really hope you guys are just part of a smear campaign and get payed for it.
If not, I will lose hope for humankind.
>There is no enemy scaling.
There is any enemy scaling in the sense that later on you get stronger enemies where low level enemies used to spawn
And coming from someone who finished both Risen 3 and ELEX, the combat in ELEX is way worse because everything feels so unresponsive and the stamina system just doesn't work in a PB game, at least for me.
Risen 1 has a million owners, you've posted the link to Risen 3, which was bought by literally no one, since everyone was disappointed with Risen 2.
get the hunting skills
So you are new.
Every new game has shitloads of threads on Sup Forums.
The really big games have multiple threads. After one or 2 weeks it will die down and new games will take the place.
No, you don't know what general is kid
>yfw ELEX is unironically the best game of the year
You always say million owners but never post link.
Post link and I may believe you that Elex will surpass a 'wow nice graphics' dudebro game with a million dollar Microsoft ad campaign behind it and a 700 people developer team like Witcher in sales.
>YFW ELEX2 is already greenlit
Is it the next new vegas?
Why are people so mad at this game?
It's normal for a newly released game to have generals here since Sup Forums and /vg/ are made up of completely different people.
Just fucking hide it if it bothers you so much.
Why is there so many elex threads? Is it that good?
wow, is this like the power of the xbox?
The game has been in a lot of bundles though, so it is not like those are 60USD purchases.
i pirate every game and am currently in the process of pirating this one
normies BTFO
What is the best faction if I want to play a melee character?
How will elexcucks ever recover?
Even if you were right, and I seriously doubt it, Risen 1 was also 1-2$ on countless sales for fucking years.
Thx user
I have level 3 animal trophies, am I just supposed to spend 5 hours killing monsters to make 10k?
Meant for
Far from it but it's fun enough that I didn't even bother to check Sup Forums in the past two days I was so busy playing the game.
I think that these threads gets made by the same group of 5-10 die hard fanboys who are in their 30s
OK, we get it. The game came out. You can stop advertising it here very waking minute now.
No, it's not "jank" - it's shit.
>b-but you didn't play it
Oh but I did. I experience this "janky" combat alright. It's shit and I refunded it faster than the speed of light. One does not need to play it to be able to discern this as what it is. True, unadulterated shit. If my dog poops in the hallway I don't have to taste this mess to know it's shit. Get my drift? It's obvious.
>it's comfy
Die please. Le comfy meme. What next?
>it's made by 30 people
That's no excuse. Undertale and Hollow Knight were made by 1 person each. They're among the best games of the decade. If you're not up to the task, choose a smaller scale. You cannot create a Skyrim with only 30 people, please just don't try anyways, the result will be a hilarious mess, see Elex.
This leaves us with 5 anons who justify their purchase by spamming these threads as nauseum and the Sup Forums hive mind jumps onto the bandwagon in order to troll. Trolls trolling trolls about how this game is so "jankingly lovely".
Stop, you're embarrassing yourselves.
How are you still only level 20 at 40 hours into the game, though?
It took me roughly 41 hours to finish it and I was around level 36. Did pretty much all the quests in Edan, Tavar, Abessa and Ignadon as well.
>using cuck out of context
I want r/donald to leave
All the factions have melee and ranged weapons.
>early access indie boredlands
it's ok if you enjoy something I don't
I couldn't care less about any of this. The game is fun
Doesn't matter how many bundles Risen 1 has been in, Elex will be part of those same bundles and it will never reach anywhere close to Risen numbers, because everyone with two brain cells to rub together will never buy a PB game ever again after R2 and 3.
This has been posted like 20 times now lmao
I think I made a mistake by focusing on ranged weapons, the damage is awful.
Why are people getting so mad about this game?
What are the endings like?
Does the faction you pick completely dominate the others?
I don't want to pick Barbarians because they're gay as fuck, but they're the ones with the World Hearts so it sounds like they're the best for the future of the planet.
because it has bad reviews yet there are loads of threads on Sup Forums about it and loads of people are playing it
Was R2 really that bad?
Well, we can't have that.
Nobody is actually mad about the game, Gerniggers are just easy to bait, that's why all these threads reach bump limit.
attribute potions
Worst PB game ever made. It was arguably worse than fucking Arcania.
git gud
Theres a difference between shitposting and disagreeing or literally ANGERY every thread.
I'm about to join the Berserkers. Is it the real true way of life ?
>loads of people are playing it
You mean literally nobody, compared to actually good games in the genre?
Arcania is not a PB game.
I completed the game as a cold hearted Alb and in the epilogue I got to kill every faction and their leaders apart from Logan because he glitched out.
The games not even a week old. Not even close to /vg/ material. Lurk before you post.
Wow you sure showed us fellow pede!
>guns exist
>use swords
R2 is way better than that abomination.
They got that for their next game. They didn't receive a dime for any game before. In Germany games aren't even considered art by law, so german devs even have to pay all those shitty taxes.
Elex infused swords!
Why do you want to go back to the 10th century way of living? those "muh technology is evil" guys are absolute spastics, they unironically use wooden ballistae when clerics have some advanced fucking robots n shit.
pic related
Risen 2 was hot cancer.
Risen 3 was somewhat better but it was still a pretty shit.
I'd say Elex is better than Risen 2/3 but it's still light years away from Gothic I/Gothic II/Risen.
zerkers or clerics
Is this a TW3 mod ?
Why do you faggots enter the thread just to shitpost? Why can’t you just scroll past it if you don’t like it. It’s making discussion impossible