Best Warriors in the series

>No annoying giant bosses
>No utterly useless allies
>Skulltulas from Hyrule Warriors that were annoying as fuck to find replaced with Anna who has a clearly marked spot on the map
>Weak point gauge pops up for actually attacking rather than being a fucking waiting game
>No useless ass characters like Agitha
>Weapon triangle actually plays a big role in everything
>Embraces what these games actually are
>They're army manager games
>High Eshop sales
>Was beating South Park FBH on Amazon top selling

Tis a good fucking game.

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off, shill. FEW is garbage, even worse than the fucking mobile game.

Can confirm. Great game.

Absolute shit taste

> "I like this game"
> "S-shill!!!"

>Beat South Park

Hahaha. Really? Fire Emblem is bigger than South Park confirmed.

That’s all fine & good, but I do wish they had included my cute snuggly-wuggly wife in the roster too so we could adventure together once again. Maybe in future DLC or a sequel.

I'm actually suprise by how much fun it is.

Can you swap which characters are playable during story mode? I'm on Chapter 7 and want to swap in Robin.

I'm enjoying it better than Hyrule Warriors

And I'm a bigger Zelda fan than FE. I agree with OP, skulltulas and giant bosses were fucking annoying.

This game just feels overall better made

If they're not restricted and are in your party, I'm pretty sure you can. Before a battle hit X over a unit and you should be able to swap.

>didn't like Awakening
>didn't play Fates
So there's what, four characters I care about on the roster?

I'm not very far, but its pretty good up to this point. Only issue is some of the roster choices

back to /vg/, FEredditor

>xander dies
>oh fug well I guess I can resurrect him
>HOLY SHIT 10 golden items? god damn son

I love how death is almost as punishing as old school games, not game breaking but you should REALLY just reset the map instead.

I also low how the weapon triangle system really fucks over some punks, literal damage sponges become paper weights.

If you're playing for just the roster, and nothing about the gameplay entices you, you probably weren't ever going to like this game.

>Can switch characters instantly
>Can choose what characters to deploy before a fight
Such a good improvement. So many times in HW I lost the game because a keep on the other side of the map was about to fall and I couldn't run there in time. Now I can just swap to the closest character, or even order the AI to go there and do it for me.

>beating SP on amazon.

Maybe because the switch has no games?

I never played a fire emblem game in my life and I'm unironically enjoying it, with that said It's also my second musou game so make of that what you will.

It's sad the mobile game is doing a better job picking from most of the series than Warriors did. I like some of the Awakening cast, but they really went hard on Fates.

Which is impressive because Fates is just trash.

>like Awakening
>play Fates
So there's what, four characters I don't care about on the roster?

I started playing with only Lissa and holy shit that move where shes spindashing hopping with the axe is insane and fun

Switch characters on the fly while also commanding the ones you're not playing as is extremely satisfying.

It won't be until after you finish the split routes, but eventually you'll be able to choose which characters to deploy. For now you are locked to which ones. It first allows you to on the Ryoma vs Xander map.

Because South Park being a massive fucking IP, being a sequel to a highly praised game, having a ton of marketing, being on the two biggest consoles out right now, and having very little reason to not buy it if you were interested in this game, means nothing because Switch has no games.

Non-Awakening or Fates characters:


yeah, it's not like Mario Odyssey is coming out the very next week or anything.

Alright thanks.

>Despise Lissa in Awakening
>Love the fuck out of her in Warriors
I guess all she needed was a giant axe.

Where are the webms???

Since switch adopters have no games on their system they buy everything they can get vs Xbox, ps4 and pc users that will only buy it if they have nothing else to play.

Pirate Warriors 3 shits all over FEW.

So they'll buy Doom in droves then? Good.

>switch adopters have no games on their system
If there's no games then what was I just playing?

Actually I'm a big fan of musou games and Fire Emblem, but I don't want to give IS the financial signal that I support Dating Sim Warriors.

Gharnef isn't playable
Linde, Navarre, and Minerva are DLC in early 2018.

That's because the mobile game just needs to make a couple of portraits. It takes very little effort to include a character in Heroes because there is very little actually unique about each unit's presentation so they can put in as many of them as they want.

Citation needed

All the "dating" in this game just involved characters sucking eachother's dicks on how amazing they are with an occasional "Your parent is dead? So is mine!"

>"Switch won't sale!"
>Switch sales out for months after release, better sales period than the PS4 and not even during a holiday
>"Switch has no 3rd party support"
>gets 3rd party support
>"Switch is nothing but Wii U ports!"
>but claimed previously no one bought a Wii U
>"Switch owners don't have games!"

Which is it you dumb fucks?

I doubt IS cares, they're making more money now than ever


Excuse me for wanting to play a fanservice game for the fanservice. Roster wouldnt be so bad if the OCs werent the most unlikable shits since Corrin. That said im looking forward to the next game, this one is pretty fun. I wish they were less retarded about the roster though and at least threw us an echoes DLC or something

I love this game. My only gripe is you can't get 60 FPS in handheld mode.

I personally believe this guy is making these threads. He's so asspained over losing freebies from Nintendo.'

The diapers suit him.

So I tried out History mode and I'm a little confused about the difficulty. Fought an enemy on the first map that said it was like level 7-8. Used the MC who was level 16 and it still took forever to KO enemies. Is the level not referring to a characters level but a totally different scaling?

Just finished chapter 9 I think.

The gameplay is solid, definitely fun for a musou. Sure, I'd like a completely different roster, but the game is fun for what it is

Yeah, I know. For a series with only three games and a spinoff, this Fire Emblem property is making them money hand over fist.

Just mad smashfag can't play his lala homo man

Its the only thing that makes sense, no one watches his videos so who the hell would bother keeping a watch on his twitter.

Anyone know why Anna's icon doesn't show up in some levels despite the notification say she's shown up?

What the fuck is a lala homo?

>Switch has no games!
Switch gets a game
>It only sold well because Switch has no other games!

Repeat every time a game comes out


I'm just echoing other people at this point but I'm surprised how enjoyable this game is yeah. I absolutely expected the worst, between a shitty roster which included clones, and them waiting until the last moment to mention anything at all about gameplay.

I'm pirating the 3DS version unrepently but I might buy a sequel in the future.

That's fucking stupid. Where's the rhyme or reason behind that?

You forgot:
>fanservice game for a long-running series
>only pulls content from 3 games
>will ONLY ever pull from those 3 games

You're just slow

>Literally confirmed Ike and Roy would be in a sequel

Because no one liked Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn

Weren't those the games that almost killed FE (before Awakening saved it)?

The performance mode really makes the game so much better. Plus, the move-sets this time around are fucking stellar and flashy as all hell. Fredrick is one of my favorites currently. Though, one autistic nitpick is that I find history mode less charming than adventure mode in Hyrule Warriors. I know it's essentially the same thing, but I feel that it just works better in Hyrule Warriors.

It might pull from the unreleased in-development FE Switch game once we get a proper announcement for it. Though rather than seeing this game get extended further, I'd personally be happier if the SNES-era game(s) got the Echoes treatment.

Lack of advertising killed it for the most part.

And Radiant Dawn released ONE DAY before Super Mario Galaxy.

>ywn play as Nergal and gain stacks for killing a certain number of soldiers
>ywn play as Zephiel and one shot mook waves with your giant anime sword swings
>ywn play as Barst and summon Cord and Bord for your musou attacks
>ywn encounter Walhart as a Lu Bu type enemy

Yep. Even Japan hated Radiant Dawn and it would've been shit until NoA actually decided to fix some shit.

Would've been great if they didn't fuck up and call Lunatic the fucking Hard mode.

I wish I knew this stuff sooner. I ended up getting one piece unlimited world red and it sucks.

No matter what you do, Ike will never show any interest in women in his games and can't end up with one in a franchise where traditionally characters are dating like it's high school.
The only people Ike can pair up with are effeminate boys who act like they're in love with him, so before Awakening came along and spat out Priam, a lot of people assumed Ike was canon gay and Nintendo just didn't want to say it out loud.

Kt doing shit has no bearing on if or when IS makes another remake. Which will probably be FE6 next.

They couldnt even do an echoes DLC, they dont give a flying fuck about the roster

What does Lissa's ei ei oi do?

y y y y x? Shit is broken as hell

Annoy the shit out of my friend. That's what it does.

Anyone get the Tiki amiibo? What does it do?

make my heart go doki doki, obviously

I like me some musou games, and the only FEs I've played are Radiant Dawn and Fates. If I have no roster autism, is this a good purchase?

>upgrade the special attack meter for two characters
>pair them up
>spam the double special attack
This shit is more broken than Young Link was.

You want broken?

Come on now, I'm a wan piss fan, and even I found pw3 boring as fuck after the first 3 or 4 maps in the conquest mode


I remember seeing Ike and marth in the smash games having zero idea what series they came from. And I love SRPGs

>Anyone get the Tiki amiibo? What does it do?
Gives you a decent weapon what an ability that raises all her stats by a tiny bit.

If you enjoy Warriors games buy this shit. Honest to god one of the best playing games in the series.

If you don't have standards, yes.

It's fun, and there's a lot of focus on the Fates people anyways.

Hi Metro UK

What's everyones favorite character/moveset so far? Just got Cordelia and her moves are fucking sick.

>you probably weren't ever going to like this game.
>inserts character he likes
>plays and likes it
Why am I seeing this retarded argument everywhere lately? The characters are a huge factor for any crossover.

Cordelia plays wonky for me

It wouldn't surprise me, and most of the nintendo blind hate he does is incredibly similar to posts on here. The dude is just a washed out hack, even before the politics. I can't imagine anyone who doesn't have mental problems thinking this guy is remotely interesting.

Ryoma is a beast. C3 all day everyday.

I really like the feel of Robin's moveset but his performance feels so bad to me so far. I don't know what I'm doing wrong here.

I complained a lot about self-inserts before but in hindsight, Robin probably would've been pretty popular even if he was just a regular character in his game. Dude is actually pretty cool, I don't know why they couldn't do the same for Corrin.

Those were the last releases, and yeah I've been a fan since the GBA days, but I never touched the one on Wii due to it being impossible to find even when it relased. Awakening did revive the series, despite the die hards bitching about the daing sim, when they still play the damn game anyway.

I don't like any of the pegsus knights movesets.

lissa's c4 is fun

Not only lack of advertising, but being on the Wii which had a different gaming market that was mostly cluttered with casual/family gaming.

>lacking in unique movesets
>awful graphics
>movesets in general are unimaginative
>no way to tell if you're about to die, you just do
>little enemy variation
>boring game mods and a shitty story
not really

Camilla is a fucking monster, her attacks hit a ton of enemies. My favorite are the mages and archers, mostly because of how quick their attacks come out. I haven't palyed anyone I dislike, I remember Hyrule Warriors absolutely hating the damn Deku Stick.

>ywn encounter Walhart as a Lu Bu type enemy
This. Fucking This. He was perfect for this game, but they had to make Fred a Axe Cav when his starting weapon rank was higher in lances. This was a straight-up bad decision not to include a Lu Bu type in the game

I'm liking Xander for being able to attack without slowing down. He's great for replaying maps to get all the Anna things.

Means fucking South Park did too

>little enemy variation
It's a Musou game what the fuck did you expect?

>Awful graphics
hardly heard that complaint

>No way to tell if you're about to die

>shitty story
Since when have these games ever had anything beyond a decent story?

>movesets are unimaginative
Did you want Camilla's dragon to be weilding a fucking cane?

>boring game modes
The gameplay hardly changes. This whole series is boring if that's the case.

So I'm fucking retarded. I can't figure out how to change characters in History mode. Can you or are you locked to whatever they give you?

Select the character, select Other, select Set Character, make your choice.

Sounds like a lot of issues for someone who didn't' even play the game.'s a bad game?