They aren't as good as they used to be,
but I still like nu-Blizz.
ITT: Unpopular Opinions
I can't think of a single AAA dev that is as good as they used to be. Blizzard is one of the lesser of evils in the industry right now, even with the kerfuffle over lootboxes Overwatch's system is still preferable over other games. I don't like lootbox systems, but nothing in the lootboxes in OW affects gameplay so they don't bother me.
Rockstar is better than they ever been. Atleast even you hate them you can still say they are good as their peak(GTA Sanandreas)
>Blizzard is one of the lesser of evils in the industry right now
ActiBlizz is absolutely horrendous right now, what the fuck are you smoking?
>Rockstar is better than they ever been
Yeah just look at all the extra heists and other cool content they added after release of GTA5
sod off will ye, blizzard is vidya
Except all of their games all big failures from a gaming perspective.
All of their big titles meant to be esports games, yet the failed miserable, overwatch playerbase has been dropping drasticially becasue lack of updates.
Worse than EA and Bethesda?
It's not an unpopular opinion. It's just one people don't give a fuck to express because of all the fanboy zealots pathetically defending them like Nintendies do.
I don't mind them. They still release their games physically and don't require Steam so they are OK in my book.
My 2 cents:
Doom 1 is objectively better than Doom 2. Also, there is absolutely nothing wrong with Brutal Doom when playing Doom 1 and 2 maps. It can fuck up custom WAD’s balancing and the Hell on Earth Starter Pack can get fucking annoying with cheap deaths, but it fits perfectly in the 1993 and 1994 games
UT99>Q3A/QL all day, er'ry day. Better weapons, better AI, better customization, and DEFINITELY better maps. Q3A has such a bipolar selection of maps ranging from either some of the best or worst I've ever seen. All space maps can die in a fire
Speaking of which, Bethesda can forever go fuck themselves and became the bad guys after what they did to Quake Live. Anyone who says the reason that AFPS died because “hurr they old and nobody plays them any more” immediately outs themselves as someone who is unfamiliar with the genre. Here’s hoping Quake Champions will finally fix its netcode.
Stalker SoC is a 4/10 abortion that is Sonic 06 levels of bad. With mods it is 5.5/10. Keep in mind the people who like and promote this game are the same people who like the continuous, shitty forced memes like Dat Boi, We Are No. 1, etc. Let that set in as an example of their tastes in entertainment
A major reason that CS players have such a hate-boner towards CoD is because back when MW1 came out, it single handily killed a major part of the remaining CSS community at that time. It, along with other games in the BF series, proved (tactical) military shooters can be fun, fast paced, and action packed without outdated, annoying gimmicks. Also, if you’re the type of person who says, “I used to be a CoD casual but then I saw the light of CS:GO”, you’re a fucking tool.
Undertale is at best an 8.5/10 and at worst a 6.5/10. Anything higher = blind to criticism, anything lower = shit tastes and/or memeing. Where it lies depends on your enjoyment of the lore, story, and characters
Minecraft is the Game of the Decade
I prefer base Gothic 2 over Night of the Raven.
I love both Morrowind and Skyrim but can't stand Oblivion's graphics.
I dislike mods and try to avoid using them unless they are fixing quest breaking bugs.
I don't mind games being easy. I don't usually play games to challenge myself.
For real. It's not unusual to acknowledge a game is flawed and still enjoy it. I think SC2 is vastly inferior to SC1 but I still enjoy playing SC2.
GTA5 is still a better game then anything Nu Blizz has ever released though.
>they arent as good as they used to be
>an unpopular opinion
user, do you know what an unpopular opinion means?
Now, listen here you, little fuck. I don't care that you think that SoC is a 4/10, what really angers me about your post is that your argument as to why the game is bad is that the players like shitty memes.
Motherfucker, that is not a proper argument.
>liking nu-blizz
you disgust me
>Minecraft is the Game of the Decade
If you are twelve, I guess.
Speaking of Blizzard, Overwatch was not only a good game but the only good Blizzard game since WoW (before they ruined it with retarded balance, with the only good addition after the game's release being FFA Deathmatch)
Pardo is the one who pushed for that in-game store crap.
>Also, there is absolutely nothing wrong with Brutal Doom
Dropped into a vat of acid. That is classic-doom cancer.
Its more of the fact that I still like them regardless of the quality drop.
A lot of people here hate nu-blizz, understandably of course but I still disagree.
No shit. The point is that those people have such a shit taste in media that of cource they'd like SoC.
The ractual reasons include: spastic and bipolar AI that can either 180 no scope you with a pistol or you can stand 45 degrees or less in front of them and they don't shoot. Or the amount of glitches and bug I experienced from multiple game crashes or my player model stretching and flying across the map after I died. The LITERAL RNG factor of bullets. Dated visuals. Lazy sound design with reused samples over and over. Ass story. Etc, etc, etc...
>being this fucking retarded
Name me 1 other game that has revolutionized the industry as much as Minecraft did
Blizzard is not a video game
Go away
Since 2010, the decade we are in
He's not wrong.
Now think about how shallow the world has become if a trash game like Minecraft is considered game of the decade.
>he's still samefagging this hard
can you stop?
HAHAHA no. GTA V was an okay game at best. And then it was ruined with microtranscations, and shitty online gameplay.
Allegedly they make videogames.
Would you have rather I made a thread saying that in the Year of our Lord Two-Thousand and Seventeen Diablo III is actually decent?
>Minecraft is the Game of the Decade
Looks like can safely disregard everything in your post
I think KOF has better gameplay than SFV or Tekken 7
Minecraft was first released to the public in '09.
>inb4 official release was 2011.
Yes, just please dear god dont mention companies, or websites, Ohhh mannnnn I hate websites the mosf
But how is the 2012 release not official? Everything else was beta days of new things coming and leaving.
Minecraft's meteoric rise started in those beta days. There were already games emulating it before the official release.
So we're just gonna get technical? Regardless, 2001-2010 we can debate about the GOTD all day. 2011-Current Year? Hands down
Really its just a bitter pill to swallow but you're right.
League of Legends and DotA 2.
Also, I don't really share the belief that this must be the reason why game is called a game of a decade. I don't mind if something I am playing repeats known formula.
Unlike some games I like to play, Minecraft really gets boring after a while. I don't get why someone who is an adult would want to spend weeks on this game.
I suppose I can see you point about revolutionizing, but still. Minecraft is like Doom, Super Mario 3, etc... Just 1 of those games you can sit down and get as autistically involved in that allows for infinite styles of play
Games should only be sold physically with the entire games on the discs/USB drive, with the ability to copy and paste to another disc or flash drive, and they shouldn't require some shitty "service" like Steam or GOG.
Digital only and games not being on the actual discs you buy them on is the exact reason games are sold unfinished and barely playable, the reason DLC/microtransactions are a thing, and the reason early access (aka paying to test someone's game when devs used to have to pay to test their game) is a thing.
It is not your job to "support" developers, especially when they shit on you via digital distribution. If you pay for digitally distributed games you are the part of the problem. Just pirate anything that doesn't get a proper release.
Rockstar released GTA 5 physically on PC with the entire game on the discs and it didn't require Steam, so they are okay in my book.
Could not of said it better myself Lel XD I just gave you Le reddit Gold for this epic post bro!! xD
Digital distribution has a lot of benefits though in my book. The only real problem I see is that you don't own shit.