You know have 15 seconds to explain the plot of Bloodborne as coherently as you can from memory...

You know have 15 seconds to explain the plot of Bloodborne as coherently as you can from memory, and without using google or wiki or switching your browser tab.


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Cycles LMAO

Some say koz, others say kozom.

Lovecraft alien """gods""" from space created a nightmare pocket dimension and you get sucked into it.

ayyy lmao

Don't you know I'm loco?

There's no plot or story in Bloodborne lol

MC eats some umbilical cords because of some notes he found on the floor

Blood, blood, blood.


MC got tricked into murdering an alien baby.

People discover god-like alien creatures, they go through great lengths to try to communicate with them and eventually become as powerful and god-like like them. In the end, some foreigner shows up and pulls it off by stepping all over their work.

they fucked aliens and drank blood

>tfw no mexican prison gang game

I don't think I could use 15 seconds to explain any vidya plot coherently.
But for 15 seconds
>MC goes hunt beasts
>MC actually goes and hunts ayylmao god babies

People started using blood to treat illnesses but the blood was actually bad for you and turned you into beasts so now there are hunters that hunt beasts at night but then the hunters become bloodthirsty and turn into beasts themselves also there are great ones that people worship and those poeople try to become enlightened by putting eyes on their brains also some of the first hunters killed a great one and fucked over a fishing village so the people of the fishing village cursed the hunters and the hunters children adn the hunters childrens children to be fall into the hunters nightmare when they become bloodthirsty


Burgertown finds eldritch shite under Yharnam, diddle the corpse of kosm, found the heely wheely church and start a gigantic splinter cult with laurence as the head of it
they then hand out the old blood like booze, turn the town into a fucked up monster zoo, and cause the moon presence to take notice and recruit the good hoonter into aborting Mergo inside micolash's dead head

People found evil blood in an evil labyrinth, then on an evil beach, started eating it and shit went all sorts of bad

Crazy scientists wanted to bring us closer to god and in doing so made fucked up nightmare creatures and let demon gods into our world.

Wrong, it was the church that ruined everything, like always.

Kill beasts and aliens LMAO

The church is the crazy scientists.

you're a sick guy who goes to yharnam for cure but instead got trapped and have to end the hunt to escape

Kos(m) washes up on the beach of the fishing hamlet. Byrgenwerth goes to investigate and defiles her corpse, and in doing so the Hunters helping them use the blood to power themselves up. The defiling of her corpse causes a curse to be laid on hunters and the fishing village and basically destroys it. They then take her Paleblood to Byrgenwerth to fuck with it and study its power, but quickly realize its full power is beyond their comprehension, so they set out to use the power of the blood to ascend beyond humanity. A sect splits off led by Laurence, the first vicar, who wants to use the Old Blood found in the Pthumerian Labyrinth to heal people, thus creating the Healing Church. This causes people to transform into hideous beasts and Old Yharnam is burned to the ground as a result. Meanwhile Byrgenwerth creates their own infant Great One in the form of Rom, who fuels his own pocket dimension (nightmare). This attracts the attentions of other Great Ones who begin forming their own pocket dimensions (nightmares) in order to use the people of Yharnam to create their own offspring. Eventually the Good Hunter comes along and gets an infusion of paleblood, becoming a hunter, and eventually succeeds where most others failed by finding three thirds of the Great One umbilical cords, and together with those and the power of the blood echoes ascends to become an infant Great One themselves.


The Healing Church is not the school of Byrgenwerth

some church cucks who were seeking higher power sacrificed a fishing village that was 'touched' by an old one and then they murdered kos; as vengeance for this, the people prayed and kos answered, to damn all hunters to never ending cycle of the hunt while all the little factions play their petty games of ascension.

Lady maria is smol

How else are you gonna find out what it does?

uh... how about trial and error, the very basic principles of testing anything.

Ya fuckin' dumb shit.

Researchers find old ruins, bring hunters to explore them, end up discovering old people. They then find a recently dead old one and its baby in a fishing village and do horrible things trying to ascend.

There’s a schism between researchers about how to ascend, one of them splits to found the healing church tonascendnusing the blood of ebrietas, the ones in byrgenwerth true to gain eyes on the inside and those others I don’t remember the name go into the dream to steal an old one baby.

Healing church turn people into monsters, enter the hunters again. Old town is torched.

Enter the Hunter, who is searching for the root of all, he ends up entering into a contract and going into the hunters dream, by which he gains power to search for the truth. You go through the city, discover you need to go to byrgenwerth, you go there and kill the thing keeping the old ones and the church from fucking everything up. You kill the guys reborn as a weird meat monster and enter the dream where you kill the being that is keeping the kidnapped baby old one and end your hunt. Back at the hunter dream of you have enough insight you discover you were being used by another old one to solve his problems. You kill it and ascend.

>exploring the ancient ruins of a lost civilization, every room is filled with corpses scattered everywhere
>find a big room with a pool full of some substance.
>what is this shit?
>Let's drink it and find out.


>and those others I don’t remember the name go into the dream to steal an old one baby.


So you're saying they are space pirates.

Some ancient civilization found a number of aliens and worshipped them as gods. A long ways into the future, the current civilization dug up their ruins and found out that the blood from those ancient aliens is a panacea that cures literally everything. One group of the civilization wanted to use it to establish a new world order that would function purely through use of this blood. Another group decided against it, feeling that they aren't intelligent enough to use it yet, and that they should wait patiently. The former group used the blood and made a massive church that spread the "miracle" that was the discovery of healing blood to the world.

However, after many years, many people started transforming into horrific monsters. Numerous settlements wound up overrun with these "beasts" and countless people were killed. As a countermeasure, the Church hired a cadre of elite warriors who could go out and kill to their hearts' content. These people are known as "Hunters". Hunters would burn villages and slaughter countless people for the sole purpose of eradicating the beastly scourge on particularly rare marked days known as "The Hunt". During days of "The Hunt", most civilians lock themselves up indoors to avoid both beasts and hunters alike, because both are savages that will kill senselessly until they themselves die.

In actuality, "The Hunt" are days when a new ancient alien is being born, and the lines between man and beast wind up blurred, causing the constant mutations and other horrific occurrences in the setting. In actuality, these are moments when multiple of these aliens are at war with one another, using humans and their own spawn and kin as chess pieces to try and kill one another. Hunters are one such chess piece, seemingly guided by the Moon Presence, as they are told to follow the Paleblood (moon) to their destinations, and you yourself are guided by the Moon Presence's avatar, Gerhman, The First Hunter.

>Inject everyone in a town with the blood
>everyone turns into monsters
>oh shit lets burn it down
>Okay, now lets inject everyone with blood again in this town
>oh shit

Shaggy c'mon.

All scientists are space pirates, when it comes down to it

I'm still disappointed that the game didn't feature the Healing Church's main blood drawing and bottling plant.

Alright, so there are these weirdos, and they have a queen, but she's also some kinda of weirdo. Queen Yam-Ham thinks is some kind of fucking liberal so she tries fancy new age medicine and uses alien blood to heal her citizens, and at some point because she's a fucking hippie she gets an abortion and uses that blood too like how degenerates eat placenta and shit. Turns out that drinking alien blood is fucking stupid so all those guys die and for some reason when another city is built where those people died they named the city after queen Yam-Ham. In Yam-Ham city a bunch of pretentious Rick & Morty watchers go down into the underground ruins and find that people drank alien blood, so because they're so smart and progressive they get everybody in Yam-Ham city to start drinking the blood. Everybody loves this shit, you get sick? Drink the blood. You feel depressed because you do nothing but sit in front of a computer all day and don't understand why that doesn't get you a girlfriend? Drink the blood. Can't maintain an erection? Drink the blood. Everybody loved drinking this blood so much that everyone sperged out and split into different factions to figure out how they want to use blood and how to further their understanding of it. Surprise surprise drinking alien blood that killed a prior civilization turns out to be a bad thing, it turns out that the aliens the blood is from are these big fucking things that you can't even begin to comprehend, because in the early 2010's a bunch of neckbeards thought that talking about a big green octopus mouth man made them look edgy and cool, and everytime these big aliens get their funk on everybody who drank the blood starts to turn into werewolves, snakes, aliens and shit. People thought that their blood vapes were too hot to put down so instead of going to AA so people could stop turning into monsters everyone decided that they should just kill the monsters instead, then you come to town, kill some things, and do jack squat.

Yeah basically.

People are retarded. They meet aliens, and the aliens are so advanced, millions of years beyond us, that the people thought they were gods instead. So when one of them died, they thought they could drink the "gods" blood and get super god powers

>Alien blood turns people into beast
>People hunt the beast
>People make the hunters
>Than everything changed when the fire nation attacks

You go out and kill a few beasts because it's just what hunters do.

a moon god wants to you to kill other gods, specifically a baby

replace blood with fire and you've got the plot the Souls games

You wake up in a strange and unknown land, wander aimlessly until you find people who tell you where to go and what to do, kill some monsters, and end up saving/dooming the world

just like all the souls games

Don't think too hard about all of this. Just go out and kill a few beasts...

>nter the Hunter, who is searching for the root of all,
Hunter goes to Yharnam to be treated for some illness, wakes up during the hunt.
This is why they have no weapons when they begin

The Healing Church aren't scientists. They are literally just misguided regular faithful people.
>Holy shit, we have Miracle Juice™ that'll make everybody think we have saved the world
>Let's invite everybody here!
A few years later
>Wait, those people are mutating? Fuck, uhhh....Oh right, that weird old guy killed one of the mutants. Germaine was his name? I dunno, just have him teach some of our boys how to kill those mutants.
>Oh thank GOD it worked. Let's just keep those dudes funded in case something else goes wrong. Until then, business as usual. Miracle Blood means that the faithful are happy, and nobody is ever sick or dying here. A perfect world.
>Why did it happen again? God dammit, send the Hunters out at them. This time tell them to bring fire and bigger weapons.

Micolash was an idiot

>I'm still disappointed that the game didn't feature the Healing Church's main blood drawing and bottling plant.

They did.

They're getting the blood from Ebrietas

>Ebrietas isn't restrained to a cross with tons of tubes and doodads going through her and hooked up to a primitive life support unit a la Lilith in Evangelion.

Yes, disappointing, desu.

Look at Old Yharnam. There is a Beast hung like that and man beasts are praying to it.

They commune with Ebrietas, they didn't enslave her.

She was left behind by the other Great Ones and grants her boon to the Healing Church.

>Look at Old Yharnam. There is a Beast hung like that and man beasts are praying to it.

And there's a chalice directly underneath it

Can we settle what blood does first?

Blood is the intermediate between physical reality and metareality (the eldritch truth being that there is no fundamental reality, it's all meta)

Animals use blood to pass along instinctual traits, embodying them in form and flesh over millenia. However, a beast called Man is suddenly conscious enough to realize this connection and short-circuits the evolutionary path through the drinking of blood. This leads to the adoption of blood as a crutch for just about everything, with populations not realizing they are also absorbing millions of years of beast instinct and murder. When a sufficiently blooded human experiences stress, the blood instinct proves too strong and transforms the bearer into a primal form. With mass hysteria, the effect becomes apocalyptic, as testified by the ruined societies remembered only in blood.

They're not getting blood from her. Look at her fucked up face, she's not a blood factory, the Choir is using her as a source of insight. They are literally yanking the shit out of her face.

The chalice is a bit deeper inside Old Yharnam. But there is that ritual blood. So there is that beast cult/ religion.

Some alien's blood makes you turn into werewolves and shiet. You kill beasts because they're dangerous. Eventually the player will find ayylmaos and face eldritcht beings who have the power to influence humans.

Iosefka and Maria are my wife!


You came to a town to help out because it was fucked up, but it was more fucked than you thought.

you, a sick guy, propbably a cold, frind or family, i don't know, tell you that this town, yarham got some sick cure, when there, shit happen, now cured and also and alien god too

Alien Blood turns people into beasts that get hunted. Doll is a cute angel.

Pthumerians violated a sacred birth contract with the Great Ones. Queen Yharnam had commited herself to the Moon Presence but instead ended up becoming impregnated by Formless Oedon instead. Having enraged the Moon Presence, the Pthumerians were cursed with Beasthood through an infestation of vermin in their blood. Their civilization crumbles and the remains of their royalty flee their subterranean homes to the surface while some of the citizens and possibly nobility ascend and become the Messengers. They found Castle Cainhurst and found the city of Yharnam, naming it for their most recent queen, as is the tradition. Millennia later, Byrgenwerth Archaeologists rediscover the tomb of the gods and Pthumerian civilization. They discover the existence of great ones as well as the secrets of blood ministration. Eventually, Laurence splits off from the School and goes off to form the Healing Church for the purpose of using blood ministration to help people and to continue researching ascension. . Beasthood becomes a threat to public safety and Gherman starts up the tradition of Hunters and opens the Workshop. At some point after this, they discover the Fishing Hamlet and commit atrocities there to the inhabitants and the Orphan of Kos while trying to gain insight into Great Ones and ascension. Gherman's apprentice and object of admiration, Lady Maria, is sickened by her part in the situation at the Hamlet and kills herself. Kos lays a curse on them for their crimes in the form of the Hunter's Nightmare and the curse of Blood Addling. All Blood Addled Hunters go to the Nightmare when they die to be tormented forever. In order to become Blood Addled, Hunters must engage in a sinful amount of violence. The Curse of Blood Addling is a really bad combination when it mixes with the Curse of Beasthood and will end up being a major part of why Yharnam completely falls apart.

Gherman manages to commune with the Moon Presence, possibly with the use of a Third of Umbilical Cord. The Moon Presence helps him by creating the Hunter's Dream to support his Hunters and even brings life to the dreamworld version of the Lady Maria effigy he had built in the real world. The miraculous properties of Blood Ministration quickly lead the Church to become the main political and governmental power. The famed rogue scholar steals some ancient royal Pthumerian blood from Byrgenwerth and delivers it to Queen Annalise. This leads the church to declare war on the Cainhurst Nobility for the purpose of protecting their newfound authority and in the name of "purity". The Executioners are formed and they lead a massacre against the Cainhurst nobles. Logarius discovers Annalise is undying and decides to take up watch to contain the situation and prevent her from creating more "tainted" people.

At some point there's a beasthood epidemic in Old Yharnam and they're forced to burn it to the ground. At another undisclosed point, a group calling themselves "Mensis" splinters off from the Byrgenwerth school. Mensis make great strides in understanding Nightmares and manage to even create or commune with a "dead brain" Great One. They manage to take the essence of the child Queen Yharnam bore to Oedon in violation of her birth contract and form some sort of co-operation with some ancient remnants of Pthumeru culture like the Mad Bell Maidens and the Kidnappers. Using the baby Mergo as an ingredient in a sinister ritual, they attempt to beckon the Moon Presence and commune with it. Instead, this causes the Moon Presence to become angry once again and so it causes the Blood Moon. Mensis manage to use Rom, an example of a low level great one that they managed to create by communing with Kos to contain the Blood Moon and continue their attempt to commune with The Presence. In response, Moon Presence starts to force Gherman and the Hunters of the Dream to stop the Mensis School's ritual.

The player arrives in search of Blood Ministration to help with a fatal illness, enters into a contract and receives a transfusion of Yharnam's special blood. Beasthood begins to overtake the player, but the Moon Presence interferes and breaks the curse of beasthood's hold on you. You are the latest hunter in a line of many to be tasked with stopping the Mensis Ritual.

A bunch of scholars desecrated an old god and got cursed and the curse comes back for the babies of the city so it can reborn? or something?

Fuck you anf youck your tumblt gifts

vaati pls

brainlets need not apply.

Go home Gascoigne, you are blood drunk again.

Some fucking old gods did some shit and now everything is fucked.

I've been trying to make sense of bloodbornes story and I've watched Vaatis videos and read the paleblood hunt

this is actually the best version i've seen

wheres the shit about yharnam cheating on the moon presence from?

Why everything is so brown?

Wait, so what actually is the Mensis ritual? and isn't Rom a creation of Byrgenworth?

Remind me how parts of Byrgaschool ended up in paradox space/the nightmare nether again?

From decided to suck Sony dick and fuck PC.ucks in the ass.

Ring of Betrothal.
>"The inhuman beings known as the Great Ones imbued this Ring of Betrothal with some special meaning. In the age of the Great Ones, wedlock was a blood contract, only permitted to those slated to bear a special child."

Queen Yharnam wearing one. If you try to give the ring to Annalise, she says it would "lead to more ruin". Angry Great Ones deal in curses. Mergo is formless and has only a voice, so he must be related to Oedon. Yharnam's blood is poisonously tainted with Mercury and Oedon is actually almost more of a "Mercury God" than he is a "Blood God" MP is also tied to fire, which is also tied to purification and purity. Yharnam probably ended up accidentally Oedon'd thanks to mercury based blood ministration practices or something which would ties into the "purity" of blood healing the church tires to maintain. Finally, it makes sense that the reproduction/purity god would be butthurt about getting cucked by a blood god and cause a blood based curse. I hate simplifying Great Ones as things like "Blood God" and whatnot, but it's the easiest way to reckon the story. Insert as much lovecraftian machinations as you desire into things for your own imagination.

Blood in, blood out, me and homie back to back

Shut up Henryk, your fucking raincoat looks dumb as shit.

Rom is Kin, you can't just "make" a Great One. You gotta start with a human and you warp them until they bear properties similar to Great Ones.

A method by which Mensis and their Pthumerian allies plan to commune with Moon Presence and ask for ascension. The baby mergo is a necessary ingredient and it seems to cause it discomfort to the baby to be involved in the ritual.

>isn't Rom a creation of Byrgenworth?
Yes. I acknowledged this. I can't explain Chalice Rom though.

okay, what the fuck was the Paleblood?

And how many times has the blood moon happened before? What the fuck is the mensis ritual even trying to achieve? Isn't Mergo ded?

They were experimenting with amygdala and they accidentally the whole school

Kin vs bloods, ya feel me?

I'd have to say this. Shit was so boring and plotless.

everyone knows yhar was knocked up by oedon, but where is the proof for the moon presence part.

>tripfag is a brainlet
what a surprise

you hunt monsters in a never ending dream but are you sure that you're not the monster?

Victorian Silent Hill

theres beasts and hunters and people are deaming and they cannot wake up. also you are dead.

We wuz hunters and shiet, but then it turns out to be a dream bruh, or was it?

This is a common misconception, but Rom is actually a Great One.

It might actually just mean Moon Presence. Miyazaki clarified the whole "Behold a Paleblood sky!" message as a reference to the view of the moon in that moment.

The Moon has power over reproduction. Not only does the Blood Moon seem to cause fertility and fertilization, but culturally, the moon is tied to menstruation and menstruation is inherent tied to ovulation, which is a core part of reproduction. So it only makes sense that Moon Presence would be the one who's making up special birth contracts with people. You also have to remember that the Moon Presence is CLEARLY strongly related to beasts. It's by far the most "bestial" Great One. So it also follows that it might deal in a more "bestial" curse.

you wake up in transilvania, you kill werewolves and demons and slurp women's period blood at times for energy boosts. in the end you find out it was really ayy lmaos.

>At some point after this, they discover the Fishing Hamlet and commit atrocities there to the inhabitants and the Orphan of Kos while trying to gain insight into Great Ones and ascension.

Wrong. Hamlet definitely happened pre-split and the catalyst for the split once Laurence realized insight just gave them Living Failures. Remember that Kos ascended Rom

Humans try to become gods, similar to gods, or close to gods. They end up achieving that, but it's not really what they wanted.

Bloodmoon aliens,
dreaming hunter.

>go to Yharnam for healing blood
>doctor turns you into a hunter
>Gehrman tells you to go end the source of the nightmare so you can actually make it through the otherwise unending night
>while you're doing this Micolash and his gang are trying to commune with Kos
>their dark ritual culminates when you defeat Rom
>go to fuck them up and get inceptioned to another nightmare
>Kill Mic only to find he's no longer the host, it's Mergo now
>kill Mergo
>German gives you an attaboy and you choose whether to just go on with life, become the new host of the hunters nightmare, or become a Great One
How did I do?