Name a race in WoW cuter than Pandaren

Name a race in WoW cuter than Pandaren

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There aren't any. Pandaren are perfect.

the red panda ones




If it weren't for the godawful hands and feet perhaps you'd have a point. Hooves are also equally degenerate and ruin what would otherwise be one of the best looking races in the game. The human form is the single more A E S T H E T I C design. it's imperative that the hands and feet resemble that of a human less you ruin the entire build.

Pandaren are cute

Man, you must have been dropped on your head when you were a child. It explains your degenerate tastes in WoW races. Pandaren are literally the worst race in WoW. Even Worgen are better, and Worgen can't even move their faces.

looks more like a goblin

IT'S A GNOME!!!!!!

Albino goblin



Dr. Freeman, I presume?


I want to impregnate a panda

I want to LICK that worgen

start fucking her in humanform and cum on her furr


unless that's a reverse trap, i don't think that's a worgen.
male worgen don't get to look cute.



vrykul better be fucking playable if they add subraces

Blood Elves


its a shota worgen from the /trash/ threads

what's going on here

Those hips are too big. That's disgusting.

mein neger

Blood Elves are objectively the most attractive race

They don't have a /dance, that would cost too many resources.

Any race that isn't an actual animal you zoophile faggot.

I really want a Panda wife to make children with. I used to think it was a meme but I've seen the light.


That looks like a High Elf to me.

>he doesn't want to fuck Panda women

listen, animal features or no, if you don't want to fuck a girl with that kind of figure, you're just gay.

It's a Death Knight, this is a High Elf.

I've been wanting to play wow for a while after having played ffxiv for so long. How rough is the grind to endgame?

Better to be a homo than a dirty furfag

What a fag

lol fag


face is a bit screwy in this pic


Gnomes are best

I want a Gnome wife

Too bad they want Tauren men to knock them up

You misspelled Goblin friend, it's ok, they both start with G so I understand.

I dont want Horde filth, their models ingame are terrible

I want Joey Darkmeat's pandaren to sit on my face

every fucking model in WoW looks like ass

Thats true the new models do have nice asses

open your eyes user, everything in wow looks like hot garbage straight out of 1999

She's enjoying the BGC

why is illidan such a baby

That's a shame that you'll be missing out on the fairer species. Enjoy your squeaky Dwarfs I suppose, I'll be quite content in my emerald paradise.

Sudo-Off Topic but not really. I'm surprised there aren't large amounts of Alt-Right and Sup Forums users playing WoW. I think its one of the only games still today that have barely any or no minority human heroes. I think the last black human hero was the Not Mr T from AQ.

So far, every human hero has been white, blonde and blue eyed or something inbetween. I think the only asian human they have is in SW and its based off a asian developer who died during the creation of one of the expansions.

For any slowpokes who haven't heard yet, there's strong evidence to suggest we're getting Sub-Races for the next expansion.

Why focus on humans when there are 12 other races to play as?

Way to be fucking boring.

Go back to your faggot forum


Why do all the updated models have that fucking lifeless stare?

they are all dead inside, to still be alive in this shit game

Inspired by the old models

thats a cute gnome

The male ones.

The only models without that shit are the Pandaren, what did Blizzard do differently compared to the other races? All the other races still don't match the quality they gave to the Pandaren.

For you

Why are there no important Troll women?


Model update when

Because they're women.

please rate these pandas

not red/10

Pandaren should have been Alliance only

toasti best girl

They are too big for most in game buildings

I want to cum inside of all 4

There's blood elf and illidari versions

Don't resub, don't resub, don't resub, don't resub, don't resub


It's not that hard you just need to remember that they'll probably add even more RNG to loot and tout it as content

I would fuck the life out of a hot goblin

This isn't even InCase's hottest goblin

rule34 paheal net/post/view/1759603#search=InCase

rule34 paheal net/post/view/1942450#search=InCase

Pandas are garbage

damn that blizzard 1998 quality texture pasted on body clothes

why are people okay with this shit in 2017

What does this insinuate, are there going to be Red panderians? Can I make her more fit looking like the Padawa from Dofus? I’m asking this when really I appreciate the delicious amount of curves the usual panda girls have that’s just right amount of thinkness

I was going to give you a genuine response but you're just a furfag.

Who still plays that shit? I mean private server, okay. But official warcraft? That's stupid.

I simply like thick asians. Is that such a crime, kek poster

>frogposter is a gigantic faggot

of course

I want to impregnate and marry Mei

anything else, the day they had to scrap their original design this race was doomed

That is an yordle
That is an entirely different game

It's just a frog user.

ur a frog

I don't think he's French

I wonder what a panderian skin would look like for mei.