Has a series ever jumped the shark with a game as badly as this one did?
Has a series ever jumped the shark with a game as badly as this one did?
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Growlanser 5 exists so yes
I mean the game was fucking shit but I think people overrate its effect on the entire series.
So Zero Escape had a shit conclusion, whatever. VLR and 999 are still great games and mostly untainted.
Danganronpa V3
It hurts VLR quite a bit when that game was nothing but "WOAH, BUY THE NEXT GAME FOR THE ENDING"
Yes and no.
VLR is fairly self-contained in that it's a story about developing the shifter skills of Sigma and Phi so they can stop some catastrophe in the past. It hurts a bit that the resolution to that conflict turned out to be shit (and they didn't even shift really), but you can still enjoy VLR, especially considering like 90% of that game is "irrelevant" to the greater plot anyway since you jump out of those timelines.
Ohoho, brainlets, when will they learn?
objectively brainlet opinion
ZTD being shit has nothing to do with not getting it
In fact it could have the greatest plot of all time and would still be a shit game, this bad and varied are its flaws
Fuck off
Zero Time Dilemmma: You were Zero the whole time
VLR: You were zero the whole time
Zero Escape 999: You were Zero the whole time
Only real difference is the first two games you're a younger version interacting with the future.
Where's Kyle? Why were Mira and Eric there? Why did Delta shoot the doggo?
No I wasn't. He was dead in some timelines.
Are you retarded?
doggo was shot because the bleeding hearts wouldn't have shifted out of the bunker if they knew they were leaving the dog behind
Weren't they murdering the shit out of each other a couple of hours ago?
Timelines where you're dead are just recorded footage that you can't interact in.
You can watch it thanks to the quantum computer BS, but you can't mindhack from there.
the consciousness of the people at that point haven't killd anyone (except Mira since she's a serial killer and stuff), I mean they all get out alive, no?
So? Why am I watching a footage if I'm dead.
Are you stupid?
Regardless of what you thought of the ending you have to hand it to them that they fucking went for it.
ZTD was just
>Hey here's an old guy you never saw, he's the big bad
>Shifting is literally the solution to everything
>But I was just preparing you the entire time for TRUE BIG bad because we are too pussy to actually have some finality in the series and instead leave it open to a sequel ;)
ZTD was the fucking worst.
>You can, at anywhere and anytime, have your personality forcibly SHIFTed into some life-threatening situation in an alternative reality.
Shifters were a mistake.
and that's just the meat of the plot
the graphics, the puzzles, the story structure, the characters... everything is terrible
Sigma and Akane are killers too.
So that's 3 people that wouldn't give a single fuck about some doggo.
that's why espers are a fucking mistake and need to be put down
>we spent all of VLR developing the shifting abilities of Sigma and Phi
>they literally never use it to solve stuff and it's up to Akane, Junpei and Carlos, three untrained and novice shifters, to constantly jump around and salvage the game
>Sigma and Phi meanwhile sit around like chumps and even die without using their ability and only shift once C-team tells them to
really activated my morphogenetic fields
it's almost like uchikoshi himself forgot what happened in VLR. sad, really
>it's almost like Uchikoshi himself forgot what happened in VLR
Pretty much
Because he can't shift or access morphogenetic fields, and it's kind of important that he knows what's going on in that bunker since that's the whole point of the game.
I thought it was supposed to just be some random guy. that makes it even worse actually
But he is dead.
>Akane is supposed to be able to see into the future/futures (iirc she even mentions this at some point in ZTD)
>never once fucking uses that ability during ZTD
Her connection to the morphogenetic field was cut.
Same way Sigma's was.
but they're both shifting
That's because Delta turns off his morphogenetic field jammer.
>Are you stupid?
Heh, guess it's just too complex for you to understand
Do you understand now?
Okay ZTD was kinda shit but it had amazing music, despite it being mostly being recycled from VLR.
yes, true, but it's a real disappointment if you think about that both 999 and VLR had novel and really good tracks. ZTD having "good remixes" kinda describes the game I guess. Nothing on it's own. Just a remix of itself.
dare I say it, like any other uchikoshi work?
That's a good way to put it, user. The Delta was always there twist was fucking ridiculous.
VLR made me stay whole nights without sleeping, enjoying the story. It felt tense, stressful and suffocating, as ZTD should have been. But instead we got horribly animated cutscenes that seemed straight out from a PSX game.
>he didn't play the best VN
actually, I did play them all, except for never7 (yet, it's been on my backlog for forever it feels like).
and yes, I enjoyed e17 and r11 the most. the really murderous tension in r11 was really well done, which is a shame since it's one of the few things he didn't properly "remix" in later titles (maybe a bit in 999).
also, r11 gets destroyed by its fans since any discussion about it always revolves around its ending/loop, sadly
>he didn't evolve past discussion and come to his own solid conclusions regarding the ending and background
It doesn't help that r11fags are the trails fags of vns.
why do you feel the need to put words in other anons mouths? I never said anything about me not reaching my own conclusion.
ohhhh, now I see... yeah. :^)
>implying danganronpa was ever good
that shit is autism incarnate on par with Persona and Sonic
I liked what SH4 was trying to do, but I don't think it was all that well executed. I wouldn't call it jumping the shark.
I wouldn't call it jumping the shark because it wasn't SH to begin with.
Metroid Prime showed that moving metroid to 3D absolutely and totally fucks the entire game up and it doesn't work as well as it did for others like Mario
>that shit is autism incarnate on par with Persona and Sonic
Explain what you mean by this without using any buzzwords.
I already did, though. It's autistic. The people who play it are cringey autistic friendless losers playing a game meant for very young children (which is why blood is pink) that has "twists" and "puzzles" that are even easier to see coming than Phoenix Wright games. The threads are some of the worst threads Sup Forums has ever had.
I think he tried to remix r11 with the alien fax machine but that completely fell flat because it was a needless addition to a story about people who can already travel to different timelines unlike in r11 where it was necessary to explain everything but also was introduced in a satisfying way imo.
ZTD was the worst I've ever been disappointed by a game.
It would have been better off never getting made.
Mass Effect 3 for completely changing it's tone and what it's story was about in the last 30 minutes of the game for absolutely no reason other than to be controversial
she had been shifting around in 999, no? She dies/nearly dies in nearly every route
also dies/nearly dies multiple times in 999
comes close to death multiple times since he's a fire fighter
Nobody shifts in 999; you play as past Akane communicating with a few possible future Junpeis.
This. Akane jumps between timelines, but doesn't really shift.
ah, but she still comes close to death several times, which IIRC is one of the conditions for shifting
Jesus..I got halfway thru ZTD months ago, but with all the shit talk on it I abandoned it. Which is a shame, because listening to Sup Forums and getting 999 and VLR was a good decision.
Should I finish the series or just find some YouTube video to spoil it for me?
Is this the stealth danganronpa thread?
Play Danganronpa instead. The ZTD ending is a fucking insult to fans.
tfw you've been lurking ZTD threads since the game released but too scared to actually play it
I think that if you started the series, you might as well end it. Gotta get closure. Despite the bad flavour ZTD might leave in your mouth, it'll make you cherish both 999 and VLR much more.
>it'll make you cherish both 999 and VLR much more.
Ha, bullshit it. ZTD only shows you that Akane and Sigma are horrible people, and that saving Akane was not only a mistake, but a complete waste of time too.
ZTD isn't that long anyway, just finish it so you, too, can be bitter like us
You probably know everything already so why not
Why play it when he already knows everything?