>less than 5 days
>Sup Forums is already on damage control
This board will be unbearable for the next few weeks
Less than 5 days
Other urls found in this thread:
This place is already godawful with Sup Forums constantly bitching about this place not being cripplechan.
>insane asshurt still lingering from botw
>insane asshurt beginning for odyssey
>xenoblade 2 in a month
>vgas in a month
Gonna be great
Triggered Nintendownie manchild is triggered that Neotrashtendo's 5/10 game is getting called out.
The time of unconditonal Nintendicksucker bonus by video game "journalists" aka bloggers and their review scores mattering are over.
No +25 of bing bing wahooo ontop of the actual score for you anymore.
>[Bans anything with the slightest tint of dissenting political opinion]
just fucking kys you whinny cunt
>thread about the new mario game.
>Sup Forums gets mentioned first post
fp not bp.
>vgas in a month
this is what i'm most excited for after the xenoblade 2 release
me too
underage pls go
It's already unbearable with all the drones
Anti-Mario fags are likely underage and should be shot dead.
Have Sex
Seek Sunlight
Gain Height
Hit the wieghts
Take a shower
Turn 18
and Get a clue
>calls others underage
>when he cries that anyone who doesnt like what he like should die
the irony
Wait until the game actually comes out and people actually play it. Notice that FEW came out and all the roster bitching died down.
The one on the right is a legitimate complaint though
that's rich, coming from someone who looks like pic related.
People from neogaf and 3 major releases in same day, perfect shitstrom
oh boy, time to filter "mario" for at least a year
user I...
Post your face then, Brad Pitt.
I think you meant Sup Forums.
>haha All of you are wrong
>see look im the reasonable one, I have taken the middle ground, surely you must agree with that
>you too can be as enlightened as I am, and gain the euphoriaâ„¢ that such intelligence allots :)
underage pls go
Neogaf is down, people will come to shit post.
Just talk about video games. ITS NOT THAT HARD OF A RULE TO FOLLOW.
I only came to shitpost when I learned how poorly mods were handling it
>Just talk about video games.
we are talking about video games you fucking moron
not everything can be grouped into your autistic dichotomy of politics/not politics
>Vice News noted the site was one of the largest drivers of traffic to Hillary Clinton's website during the 2016 U.S. presidential election
Sup Forums begins trump treehouse.
Sup Forums takes all shit.
They will come only to find an invasion already-in-progress, I guess.
>MFW Pubg still gets GOTY
I just hide all shitendo threads
The board quality increased a lot
this thread is now comfy
Fuck off mong. This isn't talking about vidya. It's shitposting and pol offshoots.
good, now you can not see sonyfags autistically screeching
It's time to filter this whole shit OP.
>talking about a major player in the video game industry is an offshoot
wew lad
how stupid are you exactly
Be careful with posting that image, you might trigger some GAFers
Fucking worked pinheads, lmao
>mobile users are shitposters
surprised? not in the slightest