This sexy beast

This sexy beast.
Look at that sleek form. Look at those curves.

What are some games I can use this beast in without being a useless piece of shit?

Siege. Bandit's MP7 is one of the best guns.

rainbow six siege

guns aren't video game related

rainbow six vegas 1

Rainbow Six Siege, BF4, CoD: BO2, CS:GO

>sleek form
Did you post the wrong image, user?

hi pol

Half Life 2 Mp7



He’s literally asking about video games you cunt.

You are as bad as the faggot that types >>Sup Forums in every BST thread

damn, looks like the pol boogyman struck again, huh?
god forbid the mods ever be wrong or criticized.

they arent wrong, Sup Forums belongs on Sup Forums much like you belonging on r/kotakuinaction


Rainbow Six Siege

>using any skin besides the gun metal grey

I really with the holographic sight wasn't tan. I would use it on way more guns if it was black.

Really good in eco rounds in CSGO at the top level, can be good at lower levels if you're just better than the masses of shitters. Full loadout with it is cheap and it gives double kill rewards so you make money back fast.


Reminder that 4.6 is so trash they cancelled the handgun version.

KF2 SWAT class default weapon is the MP7.

I honestly don't see this gun in a lot of games.

>implying Sup Forums isn't reddit nowadays

so why are most spec ops using it?

It's ok in GO if you want to Eco stomp but worried some might get armour

not as good after the smg re balance a year or so ago but useable

5.7 master race

fun in bf2

NATO chose the P90 instead for a reason, OP.

Posting sexiest guns

Antiope-D in Destiny 2 is damn close. One of my favorite guns too

It is a beast in Modern Warfare 3.


Fuck off IWI

P90 > MP7


it's kind of okay in csgo
shame they ruined the model with those meme sights though

What fucking curves? The MP7 is almost entirely straight lines and hard angles.

This is actually empirically true. They had a PDW contest for NATO. P90 won. Germany vetoed the entire contest because H&K didn't win with their MP7.

I mean, you can't be particularly usefull if there's noone to play with.

you can no longer get the image of this looking like a PS controller out of your head


where the fuck do you see a PS controller you fucking psychopath

lmao that was literally the most useless gun ever in mw2.
>decent damage, same as any other AR
>slightly higher fire rate
>worse recoil than lmgs & smgs and probably the worse in the whole game

Is that an AK-47?

I prefer my raifus to be covered in industrial lubricants, and hail from cold regions so that I can snuggle up to their steely frames and hold my cheek to their wooden furnishings while we nuzzle together in a ruck sack.

Ghost Recon Wildlands

In your moms tight pussy.

>citation needed

it's a FAMAS

>being autistic and hating fun

it's an assault truck

Did they steal the design from Halo?

it's an assault M16


Battlefield 2 as engineer class

Is it weird to like realistic airgun and airsoft replicas over real guns?