Is the fad over?

is the fad over?

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only 2.1 million players peak today, seems like it
might as well uninstall now it's dead no players left






Stop shilling this flavour of the month, streamer bait, Chinese, hack infested, early access garbage.

>tfw #2 is the best rank I reached so far

I can't do it lads I get all jittery and shit when I get jumped

nah it's a game that is largely fueled by twitch streamers and most of the relevant ones are at twitchcon

Be one with nature and no one will get the jump on you. Become the bush.

Shh. If you cant even rank in the top 100 of the leader boards much less #1 in A game. You dont belong here kid.

Purely fueled by twitch.

I quit cuz it was shit, but kids have a good imagination.

I mean we used to love playing PS1 as kids but cant do that shit now, unless you have severe autism.

I won a game in Fortnite BR second day I played, does that count?

Only good for watching Forsens stream snipers.

>EVER watching ANYTHING Forsen

>Chinese, hack infested

I bet there are a literal million.

no but keep it up. You might have some potential after all. I believe in you kid

>I mean we used to love playing PS1 as kids but cant do that shit now, unless you have severe autism.
What the fuck did he mean by this


I hope better devs steal the Battle Royale idea and make a good game that is optimized and doesn't play like a shittier ARMA.

It's nothing more than a flavor of the month

After getting the umbrella I just play that game for fun only with friends. There's no other reward for winning. I just go for kills and try to get far even though I'm guaranteed top 10 if I hide like a baby.

Sales flatlined.

Amerifat here, Pacific time.

I've had the best success avoiding hackers and high ping playing at the ass crack of morning, like 1 or 2 am. It seems, to me, there's a level playing field and I've had the most fun during these hours. I get off work at midnight so it works in my favor.

Same, Fortnite feels much quicker and more arcade-y, it's the "hop in for a few rounds with buddies" game

Don't like the building aspect of it too much

Why are you so salty about a game being popular? Don't you have something better to do with your life?

no it cannot be stopped

Just what am I reading

>Purely fueled by twitch
I agree with this but the rest of your post... W E W

Only good for sniping Forsen, you mean

just imagine all the 12 year olds playing PUBG with their friends EEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.

it's been a flavor of the month for 7 months.

The flavour of streamer's cocks.

>m-m-muh streamers fotm
>m-m-muh bots
>m-m-muh chinese
>fortnite comes out (literally a shit clone for people without a good gaming pc who can't play the real thing)
>Sup Forums starts cheering for it, hoping it will btfo pubg

Why the FUCK can't Sup Forums just accept it and move on?

Yes it's the biggest game this year (in every country)

Yes it's VERY likely to be the biggest game this decade

yes it could even be the best selling game in history.

Why do you care?

Go ham every game. You'll get more confident.


>best selling game in history
good luck beating minecraft

THE real question is,
Which is more shit, Sup Forums or this streamer cuck of a game.

Streamers moved on to Fortnite buddy

Are their any games similar to PUBG in which it had record number of players and the game was technically FUCKING SHIT.

every aspect of the game is pure trash except for late game kitted fights. for this reason it is garbage, every other BR game does BR better.

Why is "streamer" some argument against a game? Holy kek

you mean tetris

Have you looked at the front page of Twitch?
Pretty much only garbage games.

Are they doing a pc release?

Nah, they're pretty good.

We are looking squarely at the audience that watch streamers and wanted to re-create their own drama.

As if they were justin bieber fans.

I don't get it why they are taking it so personally. The game is fun when it isn't being trash with all it's bugs. People learn to look past them to have FUN.

Then you are a part of the cancer
Please leave


This is how it could do it in the very long term, although I admit it's not guaranteed at all.

>PC 60 million
>ps4 30 million
>xbone 15 million
>ps5/xbone 2 combined 45 million
>ports to various other things e.g. switch successor, phones, tablets 30 million

There clearly can't be any amazing games out if PUBG is no.1.

>popularity = quality
Nobody is arguing that it's not popular. The game is just objectively shitty and none of its fans ever acknowledge its many issues because they can post never ever faces and a wojacks to deflect.

it's already on pc

literally the only reason people play fortnite on console is because pubg hasn't been ported

This is assfaggots all over again.
A niche sub-genre explodes in popularity and all the people that don't "get it" endlessly whine about the game.
Just get over it, you don't to be "with" every fucking popular thing.

Not happening, PUBG is not the decade+ lasting game like Minecraft

This is a truly shit graph and doesn't show what you intended for it to show.

Is it true that chinks consist of 80 percent of the playerbase?

Name a better shooter, or even a more fun game in general. You genuinely can't, even though pubg is a mess it's still better than anything else

Game was selling like motherfucker and is now decelerating.

At least we was apart of the COD 4, WaW, MW2 days. Actual proffesionally polished games.

Whilst Gen Z was still suckling milk of their mums titties.

They are getting pretty bad on the as servers

surprisingly a game cannot keep selling the same way forever

It has a player retention of 80 percent on steam (and no you can't bot on it anymore).

This is not only the highest player retention of any game ever on steam, it's BY FAR the highest player retention of any game ever on steam.

It's going to be around for ages

>Name a better shooter, or even a more fun game in general
What are opinions?

Anyone not retarded knew that almost everyone playing it was Chinese, Chinese should be excluded from playercounts because they're not human.

They kept saying that since it was released. But after all these months most people thought it'd continue growing for at least a year. It barely lasted 7 months

It does this every few weeks, the thing doesn't update quick enough. Some news comes out and then the guy who runs the website does it manually and it shoots up suddenly.

The game's sales were actually ACCELERATING with time.

The shit i took this rmorning is better. There its named, now fuck off cuckboi


Irrelevant, Steam is small fish in comparison

you look at the concurrent players for growth, not sales
holy fuck

>name a better shooter than pubg
>you can't

Is this your first video game? Like, ever?
Or what is wrong with you?

PUBG is fun, but it's not even remotely close to being in a top 20 shooters of all time list. Nowhere near.

Watch battle Royale and you will learn what it takes to keep you alive. Play like a scavenging bitch, go places where you know noone else is, stay low and quiet in the final rounds, use tons of cover. I've gotten the chicken dinner like 5 times with a single kill under my belt. Playing aggressive is a good way to get fucking killed

A small fish compared to what?

If you're referring to consoles games die out far quicker on them.

It was hitting new all-time-peaks for Concurrent players every single weekend.
It didn't this weekend. Last concurrent peak was 8 days ago, so you can factually say that it is slowing.

Should have said recent shooters. It is much better than everything else, which is why its so popular.

If it was released at the same time as another "timeless classic" (e.g. cod 4, halo3, mw2) it wouldn't be, but its easily btfo everything this year

Loot and camp until last rounds simulator 2017

This game is fucking shit. Looks shit too.

Yeah with any Battle Royale game at the start of the match you need to make a decision, are you gonna go for the win or go for kill. While you can get many kills while winning, it's a much more certain chance to win if you just play like a bitch and supply up for the very end.



You can loot 500 houses and be loaded to the brim.

Won't help you when you arrive to the circle late, some guy sees you and taps you from somewhere. Boom you die in a second.

You're not going to win them all, but being looted does really fucking help.

Don't arrive late, just enter from points with low visibility from the outside. Trees as cover. The people who go for military base, prison, and school are rarely the ones that win. You will EVERY TIME get at least within the top 20 if you don't go intentionally looking for trouble and sticking to spots that you know aren't crowded

For me personally I feel like if I can find a 4x I'll probably have a good game.

Exactly, you loot 7 quadrillion houses, you are fucking arnold schwarzenegger on steroids.
12 year old who been camping behind this 1 tree all game, walks up behind u and sprays his bullets into back of your head, whilst accidentally causing the game to DDOS you at the same time so you cant turn around.

Depends on the game. In Fortnite snipers are huge for late-game and if you don't have one by mid game you kinda have to be aggressive and go for kills in hope of scoring a sniper.

No, all the big e-celebs that play it are all the same event right now.
This is an e-celeb game just wait tell they get back home from the con.

I hope the next pubg map is good.
Tired of the current one.

Also I want a snow map with heavy snowstorms for that 30fps feel

Avoid busy areas and watch a fucking skybox under a 10 polygon tree for 20 minutes. and win a chicken dinner............

What do streamers do at twitchcon?
>hey how many subs you got?
>oh.. only? I have almost 1000
>anyway, wanna talk to those blue and purple haired girls over there?

>What do streamers do at twitchcon?

They make fun of manlets.

I haven't played Fortnite yet, is it any good? I've been too busy with siege at the moment.

Basically. It's fucking cancer, my little cousin went because Minecraft fags go there and I basically asked the same thing.

The big guys circle jerk in their partner only areas when they aren't getting swarmed by fans wanting pictures and the smaller streamers try to network pointlessly.

>Killed by Sodapoppin

How will he ever recover

Holy shit Tyler1 is a fucking midget.

PUBG was a CIA operation named: 'Operation eDumbfuck'.

They was testing whether e-celebs could condition people to play shit games to the same success that traditional irl celebs could do with conditioning people to wear shit celeb brands for stupid prices.

I tried it out because it was FREE but now I completely ditched PUBG and swapped to Fortnite.

It's different to PUBG, building shit is important. But all buildings and stuff is destroyable which is fun. Adds more depth to the game.

This game is freeware garbage. If you like this game it is because you ACTUALLY cant afford pubg and want to feel like youre playing the better game.