Other urls found in this thread:



They should've spent their money on characters that looked like whores and waifus if they wanted an alive game.

literally Batman & Robin's Bane

>Get game
>Play a single match
>Be top 50 player in the entire planet

Has anyone ever found these threads funny, or worthwhile? Even when they were about battleborn. And probably something before that. All they are are the same reposted, unfunny images. Photoshopping an old, gross meme of some guy's head onto a jpeg of a steam stats page is something worthy of discussion to you people? You can actually spend time on a forum discussing THIS?

A thread died for this shitty, unfunny thread

Lucky thread

go back to neoga- oh wait

>he pre-ordered

What is actually wrong with the game? I mean it has issues from an art direction stand of point but the gameplay still looks original and fun
>"No big tittied waifu"
Fuck off

haha dude, I love watching games die xD

I love watching the market share for the genre get gobbled up by just two games instead of having diversity and competition xD

tried to enter an oversaturated market.

If it was launched as a f2p with skins and lootboxes it may have stood a chance, too bad it wasn't, now it's dead forever.

diversity and competition isn't how multiplayer games work you dingus. If everyone spread out then it would take ages to find a game on everything.

Except it would still be competing with Paladins and TF2

it wasn't that fun to play. It isnt bad but its just like okay whatever I dont feel like playing this

its just another shitty team based arena shooter that tried to get on the overwatch gravy train

I love how so many people now suck on corporate cock for crapping out generic shovelware games.
>129 playing
Not 100% dead yet, just 99%.



Hi Cliffy

Gameplay is pretty fun but there's a couple of problems
-loading times feel like it takes ages. Really takes you out of it between matches
-too small of a scope, not enough verticality ,could have been a nice unreal style game
-shit loot, I would rather have none of it (bootprints? lol)

That being said, it's still underrated.

Whoa, whoa man big-titted waifu is a cornerstone of modern game design. You can't just cut that out and expect to be as successful

Better to at least be competitive than have less than 100 players a day in a game supposed to cover 4 major regions around the world

If you couldn't tell, the market isnt the same one it was 5 years ago. Developers need us more than we need them due to the amount of
decent free games and quality cheaper games on the market, plus with the sheer quantity of junk on the market people flock to the most popular instead of trying "new" things. It's what happens when there is too much choice, you just follow the flock.

How's it feel, wimps?

>He pointed out how unfunny and pointless this thread is, and that it probably killed a thread actually related to game discussion!
This is why Sup Forums is the worst board. All it takes is a couple buzzwords to defend the existence of such a garbage thread.
Lawbreakers was probably garbage. Never played it. Never played Battleborn either. But what more is there to say? Why does this thread exist? There's nothing funny here. No new information or anything to talk about. The only discussion is one guy asking a question and getting no real answer.

>metrosexual samurai
>super eyepatch man
>raiden's cousin

i see this post but all i read is
>waa waaa why did she lose

>worshiping ecelebs so much you post shit from their video all day
jimfags, everyone



only neo/v/ thinks its funny
i miss oc


>if I don't find it funny then it isn't funny!
>stop having fun!
>stop liking what I don't like!
kill yourself you self righteous neofaggot

Enough Lawbreakers
What about The Amazing Eternals? Can the devs of Warframe do another hit?


Is this the one T-Ray from Planetside went to?



>Likes Fairy Tale
>Likes Doctor Who
Shit taste deserves everything that happen


>Luke Skywalker
>Doc Octobane
>Reaper from Black Ops 3
>Not Raiden

I'm dead

Damn it's only been a day and we are getting flooded with refugees

>another class based FPS
>this time slower and with less fun characters
>maybe cards?!
Straight to the trash

saw them live a few weeks ago

the rest of their discography is underappreciated

>Baseless accusations of me being on "THE OTHER TEAM" therefore i'm a BIG DUMDUM
dam....... you got me....
I am actually on OTHER TEAM. You caught me.
This thread is now made 100% worthy of being on the videogame board because you called me a neofag, or something.

What game?


how did she lose THIS fucking badly??!?!! wow people really hate anti-gamergaters this much!>!>!>>>???


True Diablo 3: The FPS


This shit flopped even more than Evolve and Battleborn

>What is actually wrong with the game? I mean it has issues from an art direction stand of point but the gameplay still looks original and fun

It wasn't.

>tries to appeal to old school arena shooter fans
>ruins that with garbage Overwatch style 'ults'
>game is still too fast for Overwatch mouthbreathers
>gets left with no one

It's like Dawn Of War 3. They somehow managed to simultaneously turn off every single separate group that might otherwise be interested in it.

It could have been amazing. I played so many hours, knowing the developers history and following its progress, then as I played more and more, I realised I was seeing the same 4 tilesets over and over, the enemies few and far between, the skills and weapons, uninspired.

One of the first games that set me on a downward spiral to realising the truth of the whole industry.

Oh snap, I had forgotten about hellgate, I remember hearing about it back in school but I was a kid with no money so I never ended up getting it. Was it any good? It being brought up in this thread though makes me suspect otherwise


Yeah, it did lack some variety and a bit more imaginative skill trees
first several hours were good, but it get reptitive, boring and tediously grindy real quick after that

It was a massive disappointment, you want to like it because of the developer team, but there's no fun past the first few hours. It got bought out by some major chink company.

At least Torchlight 1/2 were "decent" so part of the team redeemed themselves a tiny bit years later. Unless that was the other half? It gets so
confusing as you get older.

The game was unique as fuck though
I miss playing it when my group and I were willing to put up with the grind just to see what was next

Check out Styx as well, they are kick ass dad rock

I don't find them worthwhile, I just click on them, see the low playerbase, think "neat", and close it afterwards. Yes they're shitty but they usually don't get that many responses, and if they do, discussion tends to be about what they actually did wrong, which can be interesting in some cases.

it definitely had its moments

they really dropped the ball with the whole russian hacking conspiracy theory

Diversity and competition is a good thing but this is chink plastic fake tier.

Do I hear Hellgate?

Yes, my child - come hither and make theeself fierce busy with tearing blooming demons apart together!

first season of Nu-Who is comfy.

Are you the salty bastard that once posted like 200 comic pictures before getting deleted by a mod?

Most battleborn/lawbreaker threads reach over 300 replies, you tell me



No, it's a mix of blizzard shill cancer and newfuns trying to fit in.


>newfuns trying to fit in

stop nigger faggot

the only people that play this game are failed tribes veterans and failed OW amateurs

Check out THESE lawbreakers!

I like it
it's the same with Titanfall 2

>If you dont like lawbreakers/battleborn you are a blizzard shill
Its like Im watching Randy


billion JUST ip

Guys, why lawbreakers flopped? Im sure the gators were behind it!!!!

neofag I'm sure you have a discord to champion Battleborn and Lawbraekers in

If only they appealed to the weebs

No, I think you're a shill because you're spamming anti-game threads of games you didn't play long after it stopped being anything close to funny. And these threads and battleborn ones are 1:1 identical while they were not related in any way other than being failed overwatch competitors.


But Titanfall is fun.

>He is making fun of Overwatch competitors!!!! HE IS A SHILL!!! HE IS A SHILL!!!! Look daddy Randy, I defended your game online!!!!
Simply pathetic

It would have been healthy 5-10 years ago but not in a market that considers Overwatch and Hide-In-Grass Simulator serious competitive games.


>If it was launched as a f2p with skins and lootboxes it may have stood a chance, too bad it wasn't, now it's dead forever.
I wonder if Cliff was behind the decision to go from F2P to $30 or was it nexon?

>already predicted people calling me a neofag earlier in the thread
this is rich. you people are as predictable as these threads
instead of grabbing buzzwords out your ass anytime somebody has to ask you why a thread exists, next time be in a thread that has a purpose

Oh man that caps lock wow I must be pathetic.

LawBreakers is fun too

Don't spread lies user, it's not becoming of a young lady.

I can tell you right now it was Nexon's.
Evolve was also supposed to be F2P from the get-go befoe the publisher went full jew, ruining it and our industry further.


I was kinda disappointed. It's nowhere near as fast as Titanfall and nothing really clicked. (Except how smooth that asian enforced dude was. I really like him.) I don't really care about small communities (I play Titanfall 2 on PC) and I have a hardon for doing the opposite of what Sup Forums tells me to do so I really wanted to like it.

What's bad about it? The actual gameplay I mean.

>only EA and Activision are able to make succesful games
Are you a refugee from the forum with all the pedos and sexual assaulters?
