>I don't care if I'm bad at the game. I play for fun.
If you think this is a valid statement, please fuck off and die in a ditch
I don't care if I'm bad at the game. I play for fun
Depends on the context. If its a multiplayer game where I need people to at least try and win I hate these faggots so hard. Try to get better, for the sake of fuck.
How is that not a valid statement? Who are you to decide how people are or are not allowed to enjoy video games?
Video games are toys. Literally the only thing that matters is if you have fun with them.
You're not fooling anyone Dean Takahashi.
>actually taking video games seriously
>TFW you have fun and don't give a fuck about tryhard OP's K/D
sad, cant even have fun with something that's literally made to have fun with because muh MLG leet skills
>he plays for a trophie he couldn't show anyone, let alone have anyone care
>competing in a hamster wheel that asks you for money every 20 spins
user video games have no culture. they have existed for not even half a decade and will mean absolutely nothing in the future.
t. shitters
>If you think this is a valid statement
But it is in pretty much any context you put it in outside of a few exceptions.
The only situation where that train of thought is bad is in competitive games, sure it doesn't matter to you if you suck ass, but your lack of skill hurts the people playing with you and against you.
I hate playing with people that can't git gud
I'm always going to be worse than someone else. So I should be miserable and not enjoy anything unless I hit the top player spot in every game I play? Why would I even play video games if that was the case?
completely valid system
as long as it isn't a team based game, again, completely valid.
>be successful at life
>rarely think about video games
>remember how i used to play them and pick up some new game
>am bad at it but am having fun
>someone online tells me to kill myself
o-oh okay
t. self-important autist
>be successful at life
>ends up on 4chins
Pick one
>"So user tell me about yourself."
>"Well Im in the top 500 of overwatch its a competitive video game. I think i might go pro soon."
Depends on when and where it's said.
Is it an unranked mode and is the person playing it properly, just badly?
Then they're right, they allowed to be shit at the game, just as long as they're attempting to play it properly.
Is it an unranked mode and are they doing stupid shit that is putting the team at a significant disadvantage (ie not killing enemies on purpose, fucking around on the map when they could just do so in an empty room etc.)?
Then they're being a cunt.
Is it a ranked mode?
Then they're being a cunt.
>tfw my last job was pro LoL
>playing team based multiplayer games with randoms
Lemme guess. You must be a fighting game tourneyfag.
>I shitpost on a video game image board to fill the void in my life and silence the creeping specter of introspection
>I can't enjoy games if I'm not good at them
You sound like a kid who throws a tantrum when they lose in a game
This is the reason why there should be separate casual and competitive servers.
People have fun in different ways. Some enjoy just playing a game, some enjoy challenging themselves with a game. Neither one is right or wrong as fun is subjective, so it only makes sense to provide different servers for the different types of players.
Putting both types of players on one server will just end up pissing off both since the scrubs will get their shit kicked in and the autists will be playing with shitters.
sounds more like an overwatch player or a mobafag
Sometimes I derivate the most enjoyment out of purposedly ruining people that care too much/rager's fun as much as humanly possible to see them sperg the fuck out. Does that count?