
Infamous Second Son
Persona 5
The Last of Us Remastered
Uncharted 4
Horizon Zero Dawn
Yakuza 0/Yakuza Kiwami
Ryu ga Gotoku Ishin
Ryu Ga Gotoku 6
Uncharted 4
Gravity Rush/Gravity Rush 2
Wipeout Omega Collection
Tekken 7
Everybody's Golf
Crash Bandicoot N, Same Trilogy
Until Dawn
Killzone Shadow Fall
The Last Guardian
FFX/FFX-2 Collection

What other games are there for PS4 that I might be missing?

Only game I know coming out is Ryu ga Gotoku (Yakuza) Kiwami 2, which I'm importing. Are the EDF games good? Where do I start?

Also, where the fuck is Wild? I know Deep Down is long gone, but I'm not sure about DD.


although it is coming to pc very soon

I hadn't bought it as I was told to wait for the price to drop, and didn't mention it because of the PC port.

You're missing out on titty ninjas.

EDF 4.1 is the only one out on PS4 right now its also on PC

But yeah you own pretty much every worthwhile game out on the system ignoring multiplats right now

Nier Automata

dragon quest builders is fun

you put uncharted 4 twice

>Also, where the fuck is Wild?
Ancel confirmed last week that it's still being worked on. Expect to see at their next conference

Wipeout is a good f zero replacement?

They don't really play enough alike.

No, it's a different game, but still very good.

Yeah, got it on PC.

Oops, one is supposed to be the collection.


Those games are utter garbage.

Ah, makes sense.


anything new on death stranding or is kojima still fucking about somewhere in hollywood doing nothing

Great taste

Odin Sphere, the upcoming Dragon's Crown Remaster if you're into that type of game.

EDF 4.1 is pretty good, but it's pretty much the same as 2025, but not a carbon copy. I hear there's another one on the way though, but I'm not certain how true the rumors are.

Ys8 because the PC port may as well not exist

such an ugly console. the og ps3 and ps2 slim were the best sony ever did in terms of design

I've just lost interest to be honest. As much as I enjoyed MGSV, it was pretty abysmal.

And this cutie.

The PS3 consoles are ugly as shit.

The trailers so far have had nothing to do with the game, they're just snapshots of what the world will look like when it finally releases.


Disgaea 5?

Odin Sphere Leifthrasir
Dragon Quest Builders

also Ni-Oh and Nier Automata because my PC is from 2011 and PC gaming has become a Reddit meme, giving money to a lardass maggot ass advisor turned judenschwein kike jew pig swine monopolist.

The best console...

they are entirely different games, but wipeout is excellent nontheless and gives you that GOTTA GO FAST feeling. it's extremely rewarding once you mastered its physics and controls and start to btfo the competition.

Wow that's some shit taste right there

Never got into those games. Just not for me.

Oh shit I forgot about those 2.

If you can find World of Final Fantasy for under 29 bucks, then get it. It's really enjoyable.

>Tekken 7
PC version is superior
>Persona 5
Can be emulated

>doesn't have the balls to post the text

Final Fantasy XV

>PC version is superior

I got it on PS4 for the community, I like fighting Japs.

>can be emulated

Yeah, I bought it way before it could be. Does it emulate well? Last thing I emulated was BOTW.

I had the good fortune of being able to play a few hours of it at a friend's house one night, and realising how shit it was.

Bullet dodged.

Will look into it. Never got into Gundam Wing.


>doom on consoles


>doom on ps4
>doom on switch

>titty ninjas
ninja gaiden? senran kagura?

Ratchet & Clank

I love like Odin Sphere Leifthrasir
Not strictly exclusive, but it's Sony exclusive.

>Horizon Zero Dawn

This game took me by surprise. I usually hate archery in games, but it was spectacular in this one. Hunting was so much fun.

I'm also pre-ordering Kiwami 2.

Nobody said that ITT.

Chaos;Head is currently only available on PS4 or Vita in english

>every poster is either me or one other guy


Is there a video game console that costs less than $ 100?

>What other games are there for PS4 that I might be missing?
Gundam Versus
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir (Soon Dragon's Crown too, and 13Sentinels:AegisRim in the future)

>Are the EDF games good? Where do I start?
Very good. There's no need to start anywhere, just get the latest one, in this case EDF4.1

Grand Kingdom, too.

You can probably find 360s and PS3s in the 70-80 dollar range these days.

Odin Sphere is good. Though it's also on Vita and PS3.

and which of the 2 have the cheapest games?

have to be games under $ 5

>Grand Kingdom, too.
That game any good?

You're probably not going to find games many people actually care about for $5, sorry. More in the 10-15 range.

it's not a replacement. In Fzero you turn instantly and it's more of a reactionary game, in Wipeout you are waaaaay floatier so you must always think 2 turns ahead.

I much prefer Wipeout's handeling/depth, but again different games.

If you're into SRPGs and Vanillaware, yeah, I'd say give it a go. Late-game is a bit of a grindathon, though.

It's pretty cheap these days too, you can easily find it for about $25 if you keep an eye out.

>What other games are there for PS4 that I might be missing?

I have 3 games on my PS4: Bloodborne, FF XV, FF XII HD.

and is there any console that is even cheaper than the Xbox 360 and PS3?

something that costs less than $ 50

I hope none of you actually bought the pro. I bought it and it's fucking garbage and ugly as well. I returned it and got a base ps4 used for $130 and the base ps4 actually feels smoother and it's also way quieter than the pro, even though still loud in comparison to the slim.

I played most Gundam games and the Breaker series is some of the worst
Yeah sure customization but the gameplay is utter fucking garbage

Completly different. Much better in my opinion but they're almost opposites in concept.


I'm sorry.

One of those games is worth playing, the rest aren't very good.


And it's a PS3/Vita collection remaster.

Fuck off.

>What other games are there for PS4 that I might be missing?
Madden 25, Call of Duty: Ghosts, FIFA 14, Madden 15, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, FIFA 15, Battfield 4, Madden 16, Call of Duty: Black Ops III, FIFA 16, Madden 17, Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, FIFA 17, Battlefield Hardline, Madden 18, Call of Duty: WWII, FIFA 18, Battlefield 1

ps2,maybe wii

Are there any ps2 or wii games that cost less than $ 1?

Was talking about Bloodborne t b h.
Solid bit of fun and tighter design than any of the souls games.

That reaction was uncalled for.