How would you feel if Jill Valentine were to return as the main character for Resident Evil 8?

How would you feel if Jill Valentine were to return as the main character for Resident Evil 8?

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I don't want her to have to face danger anymore...

nah, she'd be like 42 years old

>you will never play remake with Julia voth

they'd just reboot her into an ugly ass everyday woman

Only if they go back to modeling her after Voth.

I just hope they don't decrease the size of her ass like Squeenix did with Lara's tits

>Revelations and later

>the two side sluts pretending the one in the middle isn't the most relevant one


middle is the cutest, but all 3 of them are nonames. but at leas voth was in RE1


is this the designated voth thread?

>No best Jill aka BSAA Jill
Revelations is close but her face is fucking goofy

Yes, now put your hands where I can see them.

Do fans not realize Resident Evil always tried to create new characters for their games? They need to stop giving into fans and keep rehashing Leon, Jill, Chris. Wesker can come back because he's the evil asshole. I was really happy that the reception to Jack was so positive, his weapon was pretty baller.

>you will never get shot by Jill

Ethan was a massive beta though and it's been a while since Becky has been in a mainline game.

RE8 lets you play as Jill and rebecca.
the game stars off as you playing Becca and you need to rescue jill from a nu-umbrella compound. Im not gonna spoil anything, but the compound resembles a familer place from classic RE games. thats the firsy 25% of the game. After you get Jill, you play as her for the rest of the game. and visit 2 new locations, which are really awesome. leon makes a cameo, and 2 other characters are part of the story (but not playable).

the game is fixed camera angle, but its rendered in real time. you can unlock a FPS mode after beating it under a certain time. Id say its a mix of RE1,2,CV,7


>censored armpits
stop this right NOW, censor feet only

i hope they bring back hunters and crimson heads for remake2 or re8

Aqua Ring is still the best moment of any RE game.

I have been decoding the last trailer that came out of Not a Hero and I have seen the truth. This ''Redfield'' is actually Wesker, playing the part of Chris to smear his name. Alex Wesker was sucsessful in implanting Albert's conscious into another body, it was the first successful experiment. Luka's contact is Redfield, Wesker working undercover as Chris. He's blond, uses the samurai edge and dresses all in black. That's his plan, to smear Chris and take down the BSAA with the scandal.

What? Are you against MILF Jill?

or what? you'll shoot yourself?

The writer was just an idiot who hadn't played the previous games. Capcom had to clean up his mess by saying Umbrella now works with the BSAA and Chris is just their supervisor or something. No body swapping bullshit or "Hail Hydra" shenanigans involved.

What fucking monster blurs out her feet?!??

No man, you dont get it, That's why they made this chris blond and younger than the normal chris. It's wesker in a new body swapped by Alex.

2lewd, baby


You want them to ruin Jill's face even further?


If that chronic plagiarist yellow chimp didn't spend all of Konami's money on washed up B-lister Queffer Sutherland, he would have had enough money to hire a sexy girl to plat Quiet.

The old protags are too strong/battle-ready now. I don't mind them showing up or helping from the background but you don't feel helpless because you know they can score headshots while falling through the air or use martial arts against a full horde of zombies. We need someone completely normal, like the MC in 7. Able to fight off one, maybe two if you're skilled, but that's it. Even 7 was pretty combat heavy by the end.

5 all the way. Best face, best ass, best body. Literally Fiona from Haunting Grounds, except whoever was heading the art department for the RE series has spent years giving characters really weird down syndrome looking eyes.

I wouldnt like it, one of the few things i liked about RE7 is that it had nothing to do with the hot mess that is the last 8 games

"im redfield"

They should've jumped to a new timeline after Raccoon City honestly.

everything after RE3 was a mistake

I'm Wesker

And I'm Pikachu

But RE4 is the second behind REmake.

fuck off faggot, nobody liked your shit games

3 was shit. If you hate 5 for the action focus but love 3 you're full of shit. CV was a much better Resident Evil than 3 was, it focused on puzzles and surviving instead of running at 100mph with dodges and constant combat. 4 was fun, and I think 5 is worth it for mercs even if the main game is trash.

He is talking about the story and the settings

second best*

the same way when they brought her back for Revelations.

re4 is worse than 1-3


what i'm looking at

Sweet tits. Also, Chris's ass jiggles too.

Not sure, but that looks like Jill Valentine from the classic horror game resident evil.

The hell is this?

Everything after the Racoon incident was a mistake.

killing wesker was a mistake

Code Veronica was a big mistake

will leon ever uncuck himself?

leon is gay for krauser, so no.

We all make mistakes

Is that canon?

The only bad thing about CV is the voice acting, and the same was true of 1-3. CV is better than 3 by far.

for the million time Leon, Chris and Barry are all GAY!!!, RE7's main character Ethan is the first straight male in the series

id like to see Jill and Leon team up, idk why

What about Billy?

Billy's a gay session musician

Do we really need a part 8?

This but replace Jill with Becky.

>the pretty pussy boy from prison
He is the gayest of them all, he left rebecca at the end to walk alone to a weird mansion after the hell they went through

i hope revelations 3 stars rebecca

Do normal people really act like that when playing video games?
What the fuck.

Indeed, they should keep the trash characters for the trash spin-off

Has a Revelations 3 even been confirmed? Thought it was all speculation.

I want to see Jill and Claire tbqh


Yeah its normal reaction, they clearly dont play a lot of vidya

Voth and and the far right one look normal to me. At least that's how my friends react to vidya.

What about Bruce? He got a waifu at the end

>Running against the wall

Dumb Claireposter

Literally who?

who is the loli

Like do you ever spend time with normal people?

How come everyone remembers Billy and not Bruce? They were both only in 1 game. Plus, Bruce was the first MC with a Southern accent.

This is fucking horrible.

I guess not.

But it's slowing her movement more

Dead aim was trash

here you go


Does RE5 deserve the hate it gets from the community?

Does have any resemblance to Cris whatsoever. I really hate when people do this.

I always loved V, it was unashamed of what it was, plus the co-op was pretty good. I never understood how people disliked V and liked IV, IV was basically V with more annyoing characters

i have no idea im just assuming they'll make one eventually, i might have heard it was in development but i cant confirm anything

and yessss, also im waiting for claire and sherry to team up, they have to

>claire and sherry to team up

It has fun co-op and fun mercs. As a singleplayer game it isn't great but it's probably my favourite local co-op game.

I think you mean V was basically IV. That's why a lot of people hated it when it came out, at least the people I talked to: V was basically just a rehash

Barry has a wife and 2 daughters


Kiefer was legitimately cheaper than David Hayter.


Barry has children and Chris and Jill fugged.