Sjw bullshit: the game

Sjw bullshit: the game.
Holy shit, this is a woman according to these fucking devs. Fucking look at "her"

Other urls found in this thread:

>bitching about social justice garbage is NOT VIDEO GAMES
Read the sticky

bitching about social justice garbage is NOT VIDEO GAMES

"She" is also the villain who is said to smell and has a shit attitude.

Ding dong bannu

Two-faced sticky

>He saved a thumbnail
This should be baneable

But she's also portrayed as a bitch in the game though.

He's a big guy

>talking about video games is not video games because i dont like the subject

Yes it is, mods are wrong

To be fair she's a bad guy and you're not meant to like her.

Jesus fuck how terrible

>Sup Forumsniggers going NUCLEAR after getting banned over and over again
loving every kek
nice thumbail tho

She's also a huge bitch and an antagonist for a section of the game.

Read the Sup Forums rules.

Video games and video game culture.

"she" isn't, play the fucking game atleast, dumb shitposter

so? bad guys used to look like this

Can't talk about something you don't like in a game?

The mods know how to enforce the rules better than you do, chump. They know what's best for us, that's why they were modded.

Neofags go away

At least Sup Forums still exists GAFot

shouldn't you be out harassing women? go away neofaggot.

Kill yourself

If you actually played this game, Sup Forums, you'd realize she was the villain and gets BTFO over and over.

>saves a thumbnail
>muh sjws thread

of fucking course

>1 year later, Sup Forums is STILL getting triggered

KYS retard


>villain is a tranny who is rumored to have sexually assaulted people
>Sup Forums in an attempt to not play any game but have hot takes on them imagines she is one of the protagonists who lectures you about pronouns every 10 seconds.

Just because OP posted an image wrong doesn't disprove ang of his points or arguments

No they don't, mods are just normal fags and are susceptible to power tripping and thinking they are almighty.



Not video games.


Go be butthurt somewhere else.

So this is how the board dies, neofag has already arrived.

one cancer less, cant wait for the second one to be erased

Stuff like this should have been dumped at
Please don’t turn
into another cesspool dump.

>its okay because shes the villain

lol just kys, this character shouldnt even exist. it just implies this shit is normal

its literally rosie o'donnels fat daughter

>Just because OP posted an image wrong doesn't disprove ang of his points or arguments
What points?

>being this much of a bootlicker

The game has a quest where you defend the honor of a black tranny politician you tard, it's sjw pandering all around

this stuff does NOT belong on Sup Forums. Take it to /random/ or /politics/.

you both still havent played the game, you double niggers, see

For you

They can easily jump from IP to IP. There's no way the mods can stop those fags.

What point? I get triggered by disgusting people who I'm supposed to find disgusting?

I'm confused. Did they say it did?



>Not video games.
It is

If dead you mean getting rid of cry babies whining about nothing, than yeah, dead.

>/random/ or /politics/.

I haven't used Sup Forums in years, I came here to laugh at you

It should be here

>is video game related
>neogaf is an infamous forum
>has plenty of impact on video games
>can't talk about it or the admin

But e celeb shit is A OKAY. Sup Forums could discuss wenstein, this wouldn't happen anywhere else. The answer is Sup Forums has stupid mods who can't shot call for shit, they are stubborn autsits who demand their unending bans for talking about libshit pedophiles

You're not allowed to talk about something you don't like about video games?

She's a complete bitch and is implied to be a rapist in the game. How the fuck does that imply she's normal?


Who the fuck says this shit and expects to be taken seriously?

>Take it to /random/ or /politics/.
You have to go back

>muh "gender neutral" pronouns
Found the watch dogs fan

Can you tell me how a video hame forum is unrelated to video games? Are all steam forum threads banned on sight?

%Beam's a fucking faggot from the sound of it.

It implies that its normal for people like them to exist.

Take it to /sci/ or /lit/ would be best, there are plenty of words on that site. Clearly this is a /lit/ topic.

its san francisco tho

We should just ignore forum posts like this instead of humoring these imbeciles with replies and turning Sup Forums into a bigger cesspool than it currently is.

Who's with me?


He's a goddamn autist is what he is, how can we contact hiro

Whats the matter newfag?

>Disgusting assholes don't exist
>Rapists don't exists

>mod forces non-Sup Forums issue to Sup Forums
>sneakily trying to put the redpilled autists on the case by bringing it to them
So we'll hate him

Isn't sending Sup Forums-users (that have never posted on /pol before) to Sup Forums for spurious reasons because they want to discuss something mods don't want them to how GG blew up into an autistic internet-wide debacle?


only in the game for 2 times then you take her shit wow

Yeah, the only thing that thing is is an "asshole" MEANIE POOPYHEAD right

fuck off you loser

>Can you tell me how a video hame forum is unrelated to video games?
Video game forum isn't video games this board is for discussing video games not people who discuss videogames, how hard is that to grasp?
>Are all steam forum threads banned on sight?
They should be.
There's no reason for them not to be unless a dev is posting something very related to a videogame and even then.

That's a good point. I actually thought they wouldn't allow weinstein posts but they do 100%.

OP here
Please delete this thread mods, I honestly forgot about this whole gaf bullshit, didn't mean to...
Sorry, will repost this in like a week or something

Yes. We had a single thread I remember. It was big and always up but one day it got banned and wasn't allowed and that's what made shit go crazy on multiple boards and across sites. Sup Forums mods are legitimate fucking retarded autists, I guess I should expect no more from someone who wants to be a mod for a video game board for free.

>thread is on autosage

You posting to the mirror newfag?

What the fuck are you trying to say. Do you honestly think people like her don't exist or what?

YEAH!!!! *holds up spork of d00m* xD

>70+ replies in -20 minutes

That's because Sup Forums is smart and a chill board. They discuss things, have meme threads, culture, talk about the people in the industry. But here we have to abide by these strict as fuck rules because the mods have no idea how to operate the place. And it isn't even something they do all the time just when they deem it to be something they really dislike. I'm sure the mod has a fucking stake in neoshit.

Just use the function that doesn't bump the thread when you post.
Or you can report the thread and be on your merry way.

hes a rapist and felt ofended, apologize user!

It's like they haven't hears of streissand effect. I don't even care about discussing it personally but how it's being handled. Sup Forums is becoming another censorship haven under the guise of videogames but is completely inconsistent with other topics.

Aren't you guys the same idiots that get triggered over a game having black people and claim that devs sjws for adding them? You clowns get triggered over skins color lol.

>Sup Forums is smart and a chill board.
Either this is an alternative universe or you're a retard. Could be both.

Why would Sup Forums even allow anyone to post threads about whatever they want to discuss about video games?

There shouldn't be the ability to post new threads unless you're a game developer, and then they can get their employees to moderate their own game threads as they see fit.

>lol fuck white people xD
go back socialist tool

It's not even skin colour it's just pixels.

It's lightly modded in general but yea, 90% of the posts made there would get deleted here and grt shouted down by redditors, which I noticed is happening a lot more on Sup Forums the same way it happened to Sup Forums.

Eat my ass you communist nigger faggot.

Pot calling the kettle black.

Why did you even make this thread? Nobody gave a fuck about this game and it's been several months.

how fucking bored are you, OP?

Sup Forums loves san andreas though, stop being disingenuous. This is actually something liberals should have a problem with, making token characters and using it as a selling point.


>Everyone who doesn't hate black people are communists.

OP just wants to start shit, and should be banned like the dog he is.