ITT: Games only you remember.
ITT: Games only you remember
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I remember borrowing Ninja Blade from a friend and I only played about or so 3 levels. I remember there being no checkpoints mid level. Was pretty enjoyable
Forgot my contribution
It’s that ninja who is also a clown which tried to copy ninja gaiden. Everyone remembers it
This was the worst pc port ever conceived.
gameplay was pretty rough, but switching characters on the fly was super neat
Used to play this... Kinda sucks, though.
There's also an Amiga game, but I doubt this is a reboot of this.
no joke, this game actually sold the 360 in japan. i think it even outsold lost odyssey there.
I still own my copy. Fromsofts best game.
I've yet to see anybody mention this game anywhere.
This was the shit. I wonder if it's still good. What were the different tank modes? I only remember the hover thing.
I miss long haired Azusa.
Hover, boat and sub if I remember it right.
I should play it again at some point.
First level had a secret... nude beach? I think?
DXFan619 did a good video over this game. I’ve always wanted to play it but never got an opportunity to grab it.
Fuck, that game was trash.
>Hey, let's copy Ninja Gaiden without having any kind as to why it's good
Not without a reason, it's pretty clunky to play, but aesthetically it's really cool.
Very underrated. Only reason i grabbed it was of the religious aspect of it. One of the very few games I’ll actually replay.
I liked it way more than RE4.
Oh lots of people remember this game for one specific reason: big flopping satan dong.
Everyone remembers this, unfortunately. It's regarded as being even worse than vanilla NG3 and Yaiba.
Weird little NES game my cousin brought over one day. What I remember I liked though. You had a spear and I think a hoverbike or something.
It was a great take on arena shooters, but kinda flew under everyone's radar.
Everyone fucking played this game faggot
My favorite and most innovative RTS in the world. Shame the genre's too stuck in tourney culture to embrace anything other than Starcraft clones.
It's mostly shit, but its hacking and lockpicking minigames were sweet.
The level and boss design was amazing. Also, as a side-note, did anyone else feel really bad for death when you kill him? The way he begs you to stop. Nigga's just doing his job.
This cover looks cool.
This piece of shit
Jesus, Havent seen that boxart in over a decade.
Tough as balls, but man it had some absolutely amazing aspects, especially bossfights.
Loved this when it came out for some reason, still think it's pretty comfy
Kameo was great, fuck off.
In all honesty, yes. That was pretty bogus. I was confused as fuck when people were still dying since death was dead. Apparently he just came back or some shit?
King Minos best boss btw
An underrated masterpiece I only found through a computer-generated "recommended for you" list.
To date I have never known anyone else that's played it personally, other than other people I've introduced it to.
this game's great, thanks for reminding me about it. time to emulate~
kameo was good dickhead
I was like 9 when I played it though
There was a endless elimination mode where you fight one mech after the other, each with its own abilities. Also you could destroy buildings. Shit was cash.
>people who grew up on gen 7 consoles/games can post here now
I'm not long for this world lads.
Maximo 3 when
It's a great game, you're in a world of flying islands you have your own island to control and build, jetpack to explore the levels, three characters with different base styles and a crazy-ass story about ghost wizards, giant bugs and massive flying warship islands all in a steampunk aesthetic.
>Rare developing a shitty platformer/button masher instead of a new 3D platformer IP
>Not shit
Yeah I'm 20, Kameo came out when I was 8.
2005 was 12 years ago, let that sink in.
Also I grew up mostly d n64 or ps1 desu
>Overly cynical cyberpunk adventure featuring plentiful offbeat humour made by the developers of Deus Ex
Surprised Sup Forums isn't all over this game.
The only reason I remember this game is because it's the worst game I've played in my life. Shit like Ride to Hell or Spider-man 2 for PC can't hold a candle to how abysmally awful every possible aspect of it is.
I remember this. Bought it for £3 and it was awful.
Also got this pretty cheap. Decent game.
This one had so much potential. Like most launch games, it was kind of rough round the edges, but not a bad game.
Never hear people talking about this game.
Will definitely check it out, just saw a gameplay on youtube, have you tried to run it on W10?
oh so your one of those fags. just stay mad that nintendo never wanted to buy rare.
Futuristic battle racer from the creators of Stalker. It was pretty good.
Not on 10, but I replayed it few years ago on 7 and it worked fine without jumping through any hoops.
Isn't it remembered for having a really shitty control scheme?
It was really fun.
This was fine, just hated the foot controls and how you could die from crashing your car.
That game was the most 90s game ever, and I love it.
Tried playing this today and it just crashes on the first level
This was not a good game.
ooo i remember this. i played the shit out of the psp version. 2nd one had a bug where you couldn't open a door so i dropped it. scratched my lightsaber action itch real good.
>never got past the second level
I see a copy of that game at literally every thrift store/flea market I go to
Microsoft employed From into making it in vein of DMC and Ninja Gaiden, as they were very popular on PlayStation.
This kind of stuff happened a lot in the 360 era, when MS was going out of it's way to get attention in Japan
Oh the times have changes.
Shame Batman Forever is associated with shitty slow MK rip-off on SNES, because this game was the tits, I'd still put it in top5 best beat'em'ups I've played in my life.
Played both of these but remember nothing about them
Such a fantastic kart racer completely forgotten.
yeah they knew that shit was a lost cause when the early years of the ps3 was still outselling the 360 in japan
I've never met a single other person who even knows about this game, but I fucking love it. It's sort of like a stripped down Warcraft 3. You control various goblin clans that each have unique abilities, and conquering another clan gives you the opportunity to use that clan later. You can destroy the environment to collect riches, capture certain structures, buy stuff at shops, etc. It's really a nifty little game.
There was going to be a sequel on the 3DS but I think it has been canned.
>emulation never ever ;_;
I loved that game. I was absolute trash because I'm bad at RTSs, but it was so much fun. Especially with the giant goblins who can break terrain and tank a ton.
Blast Corps is awesome. There's really no other game like it. Unfortunately it fell into obscurity because the average human is too retarded to learn how to use the controls correctly.
Hell yeah man. I remember each clan had their own one of those super creatures, like the Ogre or that war pig with the catapult on its back. It's a shame there weren't more levels or at least AI for skirmish mode, but it was still a blast. I love the atmosphere and aesthetic.
that is one of the best fps i have ever played
I swore on my life that one day I'll beat this game. For fifteen years I've been trying to take it on again and again, each time thinking I've grown smarter and each time it puts me down with one of its insanely cryptic puzzles.
Had so much fun with this back in the day.
They released the sequel episodically. Digital only, I believe.
Don't know honestly. I never hear people talking about it and I played it when I didn't care about that a.k.a when I was around 10 y/o, so I don't even remember the control scheme desu.
played it in anticipation for DMC3
right after Mevievil 3
this game made the existence of dmc2 bearable
Wasnt this the epitome of quick time events?