>using Eng dub

Best girl

Draw a girl, call it a boy

_ ____ __ ____ ____ _______

Make me.

This game had potential desu. They could've made the grimdark vibes, the secret missions and the gritty warfare actually work. They really dropped the ball though. Especially with the characters, generic throwaway collection of anime cliches as the protagonists and a villain with zero charisma and motivation. Come on.

>I'm afraid of dying.

>This game had potential desu
It really did, for a jrpg it really did or told war right.

"Had" potential?
Nigga, I played this game for the first time earlier this year, and I can honestly, non-ironically say that this is probably THE best Final Fantasy game to date.

>villain with zero charisma and motivation
did you ever replay the game? I got a feeling you don't have a full grasp of the plot yet.

Best Class-0 and husbando

>tfw getting dualies that inflict DEATH

Aside from the fact it's Fabula Nova Crystallis
the story is pretty good but why is the fucking gameplay so shit?

Is that a mullet?

I was built around being a handheld game.

the question remains
there's similar games with much better gameplay

The potential was there, the final chapter was a really good twist and ending was fine.

The issue here was the post game, it needed a nier/drakengard kind of post game with different endings and messed up shit to show more lore of the game.

why yes, it actually is.

Name 10

What didn't you like about it?

>it needed a nier/drakengard kind of post game with different endings and messed up shit to show more lore of the game.
Did you nignogs ever even TRY the NG+ ?
There's a fucking good reasons to replay the game multiple times. You literally, no joke, no hyperbole, cannot and will not see everything there is on the first playthrough.

>why is the fucking gameplay so shit?
it's not though? It's fucking great.

Dude, I know, I seen and played those but still feel to small and little. Those endings barely show more lore or explain whats happening.

There is literally only 2 secret bosses (Class 0 death ball and gilgamesh) which barely had any impact or reward.

The class 0 deathball was neato though, showed how resetting reality was fucking up the world.

Dont get me even started on Agito tower.

>why is the fucking gameplay so shit?

because the PSP has too little buttons needed for a game like this


>Those endings barely show more lore or explain whats happening.
You're relying way too much on the ending. You're meant to pick up the hints and plain out spelled out details from the other cutscenes, alt. missions, and conversations. And if all that fails, there's always the Crystarium.

Suzaku Darkness was one hell of a boss fight.

>90% of the game's story is told through logs and codex with walls of text that you have to go out of your way to get and read just to understand the story
Yeah this will never sit right with any gamer but I'm willing to give it the benefit of the doubt that they had to do it this way because of handheld limitations. I know a lot of games do this but SE tends to abuse this shit a lot in their games.


>I know a lot of games do this but SE tends to abuse this shit a lot in their games.

and yet it wasn't in FFXV, the game that needed it because it was broken up into a movie, DLC, and anime

He's making a new IP for next gen. I doubt we'll ever get Type-1 at this point desu. Before moving to the FFXV team, he was working on something, but he said that that project is "sleeping with the fishes"

This game was legitimately awful and I see how a lot of it went into FF15 which was also awful.

>and I see how a lot of it went into FF15 which was also awful.

same director

>the final chapter was a really good twist and ending was fine.

>actually believing this

So when are we getting a new Final Fantasy in this gen?

I doubt that FF7 Remake "first episode" will release next year

also, FFXVI fucking when...fuck why games take so long now to make and release..


Yeah I can't believe I gave FF15 a chance after I played this one. I really should have known better.


>So when are we getting a new Final Fantasy in this gen?
if not FF7R, then we aren't getting one

Yeah a lot of the game's he's worked on are very similar in a lot of ways Crisis Core, 3rd Birthday, Type-0, ect. even down to the sound effects sometimes.

>Yeah a lot of the game's he's worked on are very similar in a lot of ways
Please elaborate

Welp avoiding everything with his name like the plague now. CC sucked shit too.

Fuck off.
Not only is Type0 awesome, it's also the "real" FF15 as far as I'm concerned.

>Yeah this will never sit right with any gamer
You're wrong about all of your statements.
You just lack attention span and haven't played the game (enough)

>Not only is Type0 awesome, it's also the "real" FF15 as far as I'm concerned.

Ummm no, type-0 is a spin-off sweetie

And that somehow negates it's value, because...?
T-0 is way closer to original FF15 / Versus' feel and style than the openworld trash we got 10 years later than expected.

Type-0 is the best FF in decades.

Fabula Nova Crystallis ruined the story. It was fine until the eight chapter. Totally unnecessary. As for the gameplay then I disagree with you strongly, I loved it.

>You're meant to pick up the hints and plain out spelled out details from the other cutscenes, alt. missions, and conversations
The necessary lore is LITERALLY not to be found anywhere in game at all. Including the crystarium. The only way to understand the ending is through the official guide books and interviews, which aren't even available translated.

1) Each game has that grounded combat feel to them. If he played Dissidia, I'm sure he'd stick to nothing but ground combo's or play more grounded characters.
2) Loads of side missions which consist of you needing to beat the lower difficulties in order to unlock the harder difficulties(very easy, easy, normal, hard, and very hard) since the harder difficulties have the better rewards. Basically lots of grinding missions.
3) Main chatacter dies in the end/ sad endings.

Pick your teamfu