What games do you enjoy purely from an aesthetic point of view? Have you ever enjoyed a game solely on how it looked?
What games do you enjoy purely from an aesthetic point of view? Have you ever enjoyed a game solely on how it looked?
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I love games with super diverse biomes and GW2 had a load of that.
My two favortie games Hotline Miami and Catherine have great visuals that really enhance the game. Coincidentally they also have really fun gameplay though so I can't say visuals kept me hooked, but they definitely pulled me in.
Paper Mario is THE GAME for this thread
My favourite paper Mario game, after that they took the paper thing way too far.
Sonic CD's art direction is fantastic.
High tail hall
I used to dream about what lay beyond the walls surrounding OOT. What was it about that game?
Persona 5
the menus and loading screens have more spirit then entire other games
also farcry blooddragon
it may me look like a fag, but I love guild wars 2 art style, most ground textures have this paintbrush effect I love
so I also love okami
persona 5 may have the best looking UI I've ever seen
Came to say I only enjoy gw2 for the environments and aesthetics
This is the comfiest area in the game, and just thinking about it now makes me feel fuzzy and weird inside.
Not solely but Zelda games hit some notes for me.
Metal Slug
The only worse than p5 ui in the past 10 years is battleborns
Xenoblade, any of them.
The Mega Man Legends games and pretty much any games that have a similar low-poly style.
Second place is retro games that have surreal/dreamy lighting and colors like Majora's Mask or Paper Mario, for example.
I think I found BotW to have the most enjoyable aesthetics of any game I played, besides the good gameplay
every other world is so static and lifeless. I can play something with 4k resolution 60 fps and antialiasing and it looks glossy and nice, but lacks the environmental depth of botw
just watching foliage in HZD for example, where they didn't have even basic interactivity like deforming as you walk through it
Alice 2
I wonder if Nintendo still has the full quality renders of the prerendered backgrounds in OoT.
The first Phantasy Star Online's art direction is so good, it still looks nice all these years later.
Also Spyro. I like my games colorful. FUCK, I want more games with similar color pallets.
Witcher 3 blows this pile of shit out of the water. Every moment in that game oozes of kino.
TERA was pretty beautiful
game was shit though
>Paper Mario 64
>Epic Yarn
>just watching foliage in HZD for example, where they didn't have even basic interactivity like deforming as you walk through it
you disgusting, subhuman Nintendicksucker BotW shillbot, you haven't even played it you shit eating low-life permavirgin manchild.
Except the actual gameplay is clunky garbage and counterintuitive.
WoW looks similar at times.
You should learn how to play vidya games then, user.
do you not realize the short grass before she enters the tall grass doesn't deform?
>if you get used to eating garbage you'll start to like it too
No thanks, friend.
>he says as he continues posting on Sup Forums
Spyro 1-3
No, he's saying you're shit at games.
>plays BOTW
Does WoW have any legacy servers still running? I might give it a shot if it does.
so ONE type of grass in the game deforms and the rest don't
it's almost hilarious how bad Skyforge is
I've played plenty of games where I was impressed by the artstyle, Revelator 2 was probably the most recent seeing as I hadn't played the first two releases of Xrd, but I've never played a game where I enjoyed it just because of the presentation or artstyle.
Yeah but the aesthetic is incredible. I'm 25 hours in and it's the only reason I keep going. I'll stop once I've seen all the zones.
Chronicles of Riddick and Doom 3. The deep bump maps, black shadows, and abuse of specular maps looked cool.
Paper Mario 64 is so fucking cozy with that storybook aesthetic, soundtrack, and classic adventure plot. The sequels all fail to capture it again, especially TTYD with its weird gritty art and story despite being a really good game in its own right. It's just not the same.
I like the hand drawn clean textures.
i unironically love the painted backdrop look of the n64 market and some other areas
Ryse: Son of Rome
It look like a current year game but it play like a ps2 game.
I can't even recall Paper Mario on the 64 referencing that they were paper at all. It was just an art style.
I've never understood this. BotW is so fucking ugly, and yet I see everyone praises its graphics. It looks like fucking ass. It doesn't live up at all to the initial reveal either.
I've never found Spyro to be particularly colourful. That's part of the reason I like it. I'm of the belief that too much bright colour makes things look tacky and unappealing. I'm very glad that the LOL EVERYTHING WITH BROWN IN IT'S PALETTE IS UGLY meme is coming to an end.
This area wasn't even in the final game iirc.
>a pre-rendered concept video doesn't look exaclty like the final product
Shocker. Alert the press.
Spyro is colorful in the sense that it uses lots of different, carefully selected color schemes across all its worlds. Gamasutra had a great article about it back in the day: gamasutra.com
The main game still looks like shit regardless
No it doesn't.
>It looks like fucking ass.
I disagree. It should also be of note that this thread isn't just about graphic fidelity, but of artstyle as well. Something that is very subjective and varies from person to person.
What about it looks like ass to you?
He doesn't own the system it's on.
>doesn't look exactly
The problem is that every time they show a new LoZ there is tons of stuff that doesn't make it into the final game.
Which rightfully pisses off people.
"See this awesome game? Too bad, the one you bought is something different."
Dishonored desu
BotW's artstyle is absolutely shit, and that was the main thing I was referring to. What about it looks like ass? Everything about it, the artstyle is just plain ugly, the contrast is too bright....It's just a game that looks like puke. Its just a bit too cartoony and it throws the entire style off
I couldn't get over every zone being a rectangle. In general though MMOs make for "comfy" zone exploration.
FFXIV has some nice environment design, but it usually suffers from square/rectangle zones in the two expansions.
Mists of Pandaria is, imo, the pinnacle of MMO zone design. Dread Wastes, Jade Forest, Krasarang, and Valley of the Four Winds are all top tier zones and were a thrill to explore at launch. Blizzard's dropped the ball a bit with zone design recently though, nothing about The Broken Isles feels like a series of loosely connected islands, it's more like one land mass that's had two tacked on patch zones.
I should rephrase: I want games with GOOD colors, not just bright and overly saturated. There are plenty of those, and they're absolute cancer to the eyes.
>bunch of indecipherable washed-out mud
Sure looks great
If you were braindead enough to think an animated trailer was footage of the game, that's on you.
A lot of FFXIV zones are pure kino though.
I still disagree. I don't find the contrast to be to bright, nor do I think anything looks like puke. I find the game to look quite natural and think that the cartoony aspects were blended in just fine, as opposed to some of the atrocious parts of Skyward Sword.
>so used to eating garbage he thinks actual food is disgusting
Alright, sweetie
say what you want, ff14 is plagued by how clean it is, everything look so artificial, the colors aren't even striking except for some primals fights
I always felt it was a little held back by PS3 limitations, unironically, because of the texture sizes. It looks very... repetitive. If they could've gone nuts with more hanging plants and vines clinging to the sides of the floating rock islands to break up the monotony, it would've been amazing to look at.
senran games
The art for the skyboxes is amazing, even if they haven't learned how to make their world look less artificial. I wish I had a pic but The Lochs at sunrise/sunset has a fantastic and cinematic skybox with the castle as a backdrop.
Kind of a theme for the game: the art is top notch when it can stand on its own and not as part of a world.
FUEL is a perfect example. It has a huge and pretty empty open world, graphics and LOD are kind of dated and getting AA to work is hard, but the sky, weather and color palette are so gorgeous that half the game is screenshot material. Driving up a stream in a forest at dawn or in an open field right after sunset is one hell of an experience.
>BotW is so fucking ugly
It is not.
between the art and the music, mastapiece
Last one before I get off 14's dick
The Lochs is a top tier zone, diving into the lake for the first time justifies the addition of swimming all by itself
>so used to eating shit he turns his nose down at garbage
Really makes you think
while I do still enjoy the game aspects of silent hill 3, I really enjoy the art direction in the game, and think it still looks amazing today
Morrowind. Every 6 months or so I'll reinstall, make a new character and just stand outside Balmora temple to watch the sunrise. One day I'll get around to taking a hudless screenshot of it to turn into a wallpaper.
Yes, Cuphead.
>Looks like world of warcraft tier graphics from 2005
>Doesn't look like shit
Pick one.
I pick "doesn't look like shit" because it doesn't.
Mega Man Legends definitely has a great look, gonna have to go back to that sometime soon and play it again, it's been awhile
Journalist detected
Lord of the Rings Online had/has some lovely areas.
All types of grass deform you Nintendickintheassandmouthtakers. Play the game first, you cheap Nintendo whores.
Prefer Spyro to Crash because theres a few things that I enjoy experiencing in it;
-The look and sound of getting the gems
-The way you jump into a skybox when you enter a level
- The sound of a rattling dragon statue before it explodes
Is this just nostalgia? You tell me
>every other world is so static and lifeless
holy shit dude botw had like the most lifeless fucking open world ive ever experienced. its massive yet completely empty, there are no interesting npcs or side quests to encounter, nothing to discover or collect aside from korok seeds, no dungeons or cool places to discover and explor because literally everything is single puzzle shrine, etc
not to mention the combat hasnt changed at all god what an awful, awful game. i dont get the praise whatsoever
yes it is. the whole world is these big muddled blurry textures and theres no tesselation to speak of. it looks like a fucking gamecube game
I loved the level of interactivity that game had. Kattelox Island island is fucking microscopic by modern game standards yet you had so much shit you could play around with.
>you will never be this assblasted about Nintendo
I think it's a pretty game.
I think the game itself is pretty lacking, the castle mostly consists of straight hallways with a few worthless mooks between you and the next one. Yet each new area you reach is a visual and aural treat. It's a shame these games got relegated to handhelds after this, it certainly hurt them aesthetically speaking which was their best attribute.
>I love games with super diverse biomes
This is my very favorite thing about most video games. If your game does this, I'm sold 100%
This, and basically this alone is why I love the Xenoblade series, and am hyped as fuck about Xenoblade 2.
Man, I love how this game looks too user. Best looking nintendo game tbqhwy.
>sharpened and saturated edits
literally the video you posted shows her phasing through grass without it deforming