Any cool dungeon exploration games

any cool dungeon exploration games

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furfag anime

Darkest Dungeon

Any cool games with a great premise but it's completely wasted potential?

Scanner Sombre

single player hearthstone is not dungeon exploration

Let It Die

Minecraft, unironically

Only one that comes to mind

Darkest Dungeon

every enemy acts the same way and every "dungeon" looks and clears at the same speed and difficulty

any final fantasy

Legend of grimrock, hand down


Etrian mystery dungeon
Crypt of the necrodancer

Older/modded minecraft

Darkest Dungeon is literally nothing like Hearthstone.

wizardry series, might and magic to a lesser extent. I never played it but I hear the Etrian Odyssey games are literally just dungeon crawling.

comedy option- find some friends and run some old school style Dungeons and dragons.

Quest 64

fallout 3/4

ultima underworld, nothing else like it

arx fatalis

Dragons doga dark arisen. Get some levels than go to bitterblack isle. Fucking best exploration


>Love the concept of just setting out to find a lost dungeon to crawl and get loot and fight some cool enemies
Dragon's Dogma was the exception, but it was so unfinished it hurts. Sequel never ever.

Divinity: Original Sin 2

but you're wrong

ultima underworlds, arx fatalis, grimrocks, barony(if you can get past the minecraft graphics), hexen

MiA was literally Etrian Odyssey: The anime

Legend of Grimrock 1/2
Miney-crafta can have some cool generation sometimes
Any of the old isometric RPGs ie. Baldur's Gate
Most roguelikes, Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup in particular (even with all of its faults) has good mix of varied levels to crawl through if you can manage to not die in the first 4 levels

What's your definition of bad gameplay, because Sil has pretty decent combat for a roguelike

How is this game? I'm contemplating giving it a try, but I'm unsure. The character creation and monsters seem neat, but the world looks visually bland and the story seems like an overwrought anime masquerading as a fantasy game.

unironically dark souls


Path of Exile

My dude, do you have any dungeon crawler campaigns for d&d? Going to run a game soonish with some friends that want to explore some ancient crypts.

>tfw finished Made in Abyss today
Mitty is literally embodiment of my worst fears, imagine yourself being captured in a form of fucking slime without consciousness and feeling everything it does for no rhyme or reason for all eternity

Shining in the Darkness, such an interesting development for the series in the sequels, it's not dungeon crawlers later on more like Sega's answers to Fire Emblem. But first one is a dungeon crawler through and through.

What makes the Etrian one any different from any other mystery dungeon?

Whats wasted about it? Its probably the best ARPG out right now, arguably 2nd to Grim Dawn

The story is alright, the world is somewhat bland, until you reach the areas worth exploring. But the gameplay is what makes it. BBI is a fast inprovement because it carries the entire game. & Dragons/ look through the trove friend. My group prefers role-play to roll-play so I don't have any personal experience with dungeon crawling because we are in and out of a dungeon usually in the same setting.

*session, not setting.

I'm sorry you sat through that waste of time.

don't listen to any of these plebs. Head over to /rlg/ and try out some roguelikes. I mostly play poschengband. Angband and its variants, and games like DCSS are the best dungeon crawling games hands down.

whoa! another one who hasnt joined the dragons dogma club yet.

Don't call Shining in the Darkness waste of time, it's a cool game.

Etrian Odyssey is the closest thing you'll get to a Made in Abyss game.

>thought it was kind of boring until THAT scene

Still want to read the comic though.

the anime was such a fucking wank
I don't understand the meme status at all

honestly I just think the artstyle is cool. I also read the manga though, haven't seen the anime.

Listen to this guy You won't find a game closer to MiA, and the newest Etrian odyssey has so many quality of life improvements if you're one of those people that can't into the older games

Hmm. Is it a late game area and is it pretty sizable? I can handle a visually uninspired world as long as progression is tangible. I'm currently slogging through Wild Hunt and probably going to quit. The open world content is just mind numbing and the gameplay doubly so.

Yeah, I'm pretty slow to pick up games and I'm very selective. I really, really wanna play Hollow Knight but my PC is bricked :/

Are you trying to breed a casual? Do't listen to these guys OP. Play the Dark Spire instead.

>You'll never lewd the bunny
Why live?


We are still at the beginning of our D&D experience. My friends are a bit hessitant to roleplay, but in battle or with puzzles they are crafty fuckers.

>bun will never postpone his suicide for you

it's miles above the usual high school harem trash and people who watch anime generally have low expectations

Overcoming your self-consciousness is hard when trying to roleplay. Social media has conditioned us all to be self-deprecating ironic memesters.

Grimrock 1 and 2. 1 is a straight up dungeon crawl and 2 is more open and generally way better

> Is it a late game area and is it pretty sizable?
People that know the game have been there from the start, I would recommend level 30.
The progress is meassured in how much damage you can deal/dodge. But you will find the best gear on BBI.
I would say if you want to finish it proper it will be a 12-20 hours experience, with the main game included maybe 40

>What's your definition of bad gameplay
Not bad, I guess, but I definitely do not enjoy the first-person grid based games, which is a shame.
Diablo III is pretty bad. I mean even I-II was weak, but the classes were better and pretty much everything so I still enjoyed the hell out of them. Same with NWN.
I just really like ARPGs/Action-Adventure games, but it seems like there hasn't been a Dungeon Crawling ARPG without god awful action combat in a while.

PSO was my jam, and while the combat wasn't exactly fantastic or anything, seeing those red crates drop made my dick hard along with the classes and customization. Not sure how into "roguelikes" I am because the aesthetic factor is definitely a huge part of gear for me, if I can't see my character's aesthetic change then fuck it. I'll sacrifice numbers just to look good.

I don't know what you're talking about user

ITT: secondaries

But it's Sup Forums

>diablo 2 was weak

Get some fucking taste nigger, holy FUCKING shit


>t. tertiary

While it's intentionally ambiguous, I thought it's all but pronounced when we saw them in Bondrewd's cell room with 2 other couples of children and all three couples were a boy and a girl.

Besides, generally when people design topless characters they make them boys in mind.

Warcraft III sucked the longer it dragged on and nothing about it warranted that shit expansion made Warcraft, Blizzard has never developed a decent game


What if Rito steals the fluff from Rag?

what the fuck
this looks edgy as hell whats this

not pedomaster author obviously

There is not a single game with interesting dungeons. They either fail to look like a place that actually exists with intentional designs towards being defensible, liveable or useable as a prison or some such, or they fail to be compelling and memorable locations.

A dungeon must be both of these things as well as a challenge to accomplish to be good. Therefore not one single dungeon in any game ever has been good.

Wizardry: Tale of the Forsaken Land

why didn't anyone stop the mangaka from ruining his own series with his disgusting fetishes?

*tips fedora*

creator is intentionally leaving it vague because he likes fucking with us.

Nah, I tend to agree with him. Warcraft III was obviously laying the foundation for WoW, both in terms of its weirdly involved narrative and its experiments with the hero system.

In a series that used to be a black-and-white Warhammer knockoff about murderous monsters versus chivalrous knights, there was suddenly moral ambiguity on all sides. It was novel at the time, but in retrospect it was a precursor to a lot of what's become generic fantasy stories.

Traditional roguelikes are always fun. There's a relatively new game called Caves of Qud that's really fun. Also Underrail, the whole game is literally cave exploration.

Thanks for reminding.

That's what I meant by "intentionally ambiguous" user.

It just makes more sense to me that he is a boy.

I hate that I need trade too much to get something. Farming currency is literally what job is

Where boys become men.

i know your pain user...i have never cried to an anime this hard in a while. cant wait for season 2 btw try out etrian odyssey if your in the mood for it

That's a really vague request but I liked the dungeons in hyper light drifter a lot

Hellgate London.

STALKER: Call of Chernobyl
Freeform lab exploration with dynamic anomalies is bretty gud. Nothing like getting the "simple" task of retrieving a laptop from an old research facility full of mutants and lethal gravity vortexes.

>mfw watching Mitty's arc
>mfw reading Prushka's arc

What do you mean sequel never ever?
Why don't you give Dragons Dogma online a whirl piggu?

Inapplicable non-response tbqh.


I don't know, the things they said about bondrewd post furrying and how they only get flustered when reg gets close to them makes me think that if they weren't a girl then, they are now.

why did you have to remind me?

dragons dogma

As much as I want them to do a second season I don't know if I could handle that shit again.
Especially in animated form.


I'll never not be mad. Maxis was my favorite growing up.

It hurts

it's pretty fucking good, animation is great and i didn't even expect to cry
and i don't even watch anime, but got memed into watching it
i did dislike all the loli sexual moments, but they're scarce


>Friend tells me it's a sweet anime about kids going exploring while laughing.
>"alright i'll check it out"