3x3 thread?

3x3 thread?

>920 x 920
>3 x 3

4/4 ++Paper Mario 64 +Super Mario World, Mega Man X, Banjo-Kazooie

Tell me about Skies of Arcadia my man.

4/4, W101 is sick
3/4, couldn't really get into Xenoblade X for some reason

Charming as fuck story that keeps it relatively simple but has some good twists. Very likable cast, including my favorite JRPG protagonist of all time, great soundtrack that did admittedly take a quality hit in Legends, a lot of extra content and a surprising sense of exploration, discovery, and world building. The game encourages you to go off the beaten path to build your notoriety, recruit more air pirates to your crew for various purposes and look for landmarks and locations with their own lore. Only thing that could turn people off is a pretty by the numbers battle system with a pretty insane encounter rate, though the encounter rate is somewhat fixed in the Gamecube version.


is there some rule you have to flood your 3x3 with nintendo games?

3/4 -megaman x
2/4 -danganronpa metroid prime 2
2/4 -xenoblade chronicles and metroid prime







Ys II is great.









This whole fucking rating system is retarded. How the fuck are you supposed to know which game someone else played or loved=

fuck off, we're full

What's the problem?

All but Rose in the Twilight and Yume Nikki

-Xenoblade X

Haven't played Snatcher or the center game
-Breath of the Wild

MGS2, Melee, Conker, MGR, Witcher

I want to replay MGS2.

SMT Devil Survivor
-Drakengard, though i'm glad it exists and I do like the Nier games

-Last of Us. Played everything on this list except Human Revolution and Half Life 2.

Wild Arms 3, Killer 7, 999, Skies of Arcadia, Soul Hackers, Gitarooman
-Xenoblade X

The image is not 3x3 pixels

3/4 +Super Mario World, Megaman X, Banjo Kazooie -Wonderful 101
5/5 Breath Of The Wild, Mario Galaxy 2, Smash Wii U, Rayman 2, Metroid Prime
4/4 WoW, Smash Bros Melee, The Witcher 3, Metal Gear Rising
5/6 +The Last Of Us, Ocarina Of Time, Majora's Mask, Smash Bros Melee, Megaman X -Deus Ex Human Revolution
List them like I do


All but I assume Mass Effect
I'm glad I gave Jak II another chance a few years ago, I hated it when it came out but I really enjoyed my time with it when I gave it a more fair shake.


Played 6 too lazy to count the rest.

0/0 2hipster4me.

0/0 same for you

Meme game.

+Prime, WL3
Pretty excited to eventually play BoTW.

+Paper Mario, DKC, Sonic 3, Pikmin
-Prime 2
Prime 2 was a huge step down for me.

All but Dark Souls and Prey. Prey was that good? I'm waiting for a decent sale.

Also, Hyperstone Heist is fantastic, though I prefer Turtles in Time. And I think Pro Skater 2 is a straight upgrade over 1.



mines spooky edition

7/7 right down my alley
5/5 how does the middle play as?
7/8 - Xenoblade X
3/3 very patrician i like it
4/4 +++Gitarooman good shit
1/2 -SaGa Frontier really tried to like this one, I couldn't.

excellent taste

I really, really dug Prey. Honestly I put it in there because I was really having a hard time picking out a modern game to fit in my 3x3, and Prey is by far the one I’ve enjoyed the most besides maybe Bloodborne, which I don’t really consider myself a big fan of cause I’m too casual. It’s a future cult classic for sure.

>Hyperstone Heist is fantastic, though I prefer Turtles in Time.
Objectively speaking it’s the better game. I would feel lame including it in my 3x3 though because I’ve never owned it, only emulated it. I have fond memories of HH and still play it once in a while.

I prefer the simple mechanics of 1 over 2, I used to love spamming combos and all the wackiness of the series up until a few years ago, now I only really like the first 3 games. Would never look down on someone for preferring 2 over 1, it’s just my preference.

>hard time picking out a modern game
You're meant to be picking your 9 favourite games though.

>5/5 how does the middle play as?
It's a slowish atmospheric puzzle platformer. You control both the little girl named Rose & the Giant by swapping between the 2, Rose can manipulate areas with her powers involving blood, for example the majority of things are frozen in time unless you give them blood to have them move (or you can do the opposite & take it away) and the Giant can pick up & throw things that have blood in it (or Rose). There is variety in mechanics though with each "world" focusing on different things usually. It's available on the Vita & Steam.

True, but I was really jazzed about Prey. Thought it would be a better addition to my mosaic than just another SNES game that’s be done to death.

Now tell me about my shit taste. Not pictured: Skullgirls, Cave Story, Yume Nikki


>those safe pics
>shit taste
4/5, ruby sucks


At least I admit it.

>2 MegaTen games in one 3x3
I see you are a man of culture as well

4/4 +FF7, Metroid Prime, DMC3, Bloodborne

2/2 +FF5, Dead Space

3/3 +SSBM, Ruby (weird choice though out of all of them), Persona 3

Why are so many people putting Dead Space in their 3x3s lately? I thought people didn’t like that game

I somehow missed out on Ruby/Sapphire back in the day then emulated in once I got to high school, and holy fuck did I hate that game.

You i like you clean 9/9