What spooky games are you playing for Halloween?

What spooky games are you playing for Halloween?


Oulast and Silent Hill 1

Silent Hill 2, really wanna dive into Darkwood it looks cool.

just beat silent hill 3, might play some resident evil 2 as well

Loved the first. Any good?

I want to be spooped and I'm fine with indie shit. What can you recommend?

The ascendant choice.

You can't go wrong with the original Amnesia. It's memed to death, but still fantastic.
SOMA is great, but it's less about horror and more about immersion and general spookiness. Cry of Fear is great, too

Beat F.E.A.R and Dead Space for the first time, are the sequels any good?

I was awfully fond of Dark Fear when i played it.It's mostly jump scares though.

what is this clusterfuck? outshit logo on a slavic background with russian signs

I personally thought dead space 2 was better than 1.
3 has it's moments and is best played with a friend, but it's worse than 1 and 2.

Played all of these. No regrets

Outlast 2 went from horror to torture porn.
Play it if you're into snuff and gore.

FEAR's sequels never live up to 1. 2 is a consolised version of 1, 2 is a mess but pretty fun with a buddy.

The Forest can be good if you set the lighting just right.Near pitch black at night and in the caves.

Can get spooky.

I actually have a couple I could be playing, namely RDR Undead Nightmare and SK Specter of Torment, I just can't bring myself to start them during daylight hours.

might as well check it out. The goofy rpg elements are kind of a turn-off tho

The Cat Lady is an adventure game moreso hoping to depress you than scare you, but it does have some frightening moments and disturbing art. It is a little slow, perhaps boring to some, but I really enjoyed it and others seem to peep up now and then and say they found the game to be pretty special as well.

but also, look into Betrayer. That's a strange game, but it absolutely is scary...

play dead space 2 and stop there
play the FEAR 1 expansions and stop there
FEAR 3 is fun with a friend if you both want to fuck around for about 4 hours, thats about it

played through the entire thing. nothing actually scary but quite a lot of disturbing subjects. good game tho

is this that thriller fs game set in 1600 with mixed reception? i might be looking at the wrong thing

Uncanny Valley has a spooky atmosphere and started well. But comes across as being massively unfinished.

Was made by some guy on /vg/, it gives the sense that the guy just said fuck it im done added on an ending and put it up on steam.Theres a game dungeon episode on it.

Lone survivor on the other hand is a good long pixel art Silent hill affair.

Good on you for trying these spooky games. I am happy to see someone who "does not regret" playing both Amnesia games, SOMA and The Cat Lady.

Yep. I don't think anybody would argue against this game's scariness or thick, alienatiing and spookifying ambiance but I have no doubt that the gameplay would turn a few people off.

Fatal Frame 2 and Silent Hill 3

Kuons a good one that most people seemed to have missed back in the day.You'll have to emulate it though.

Does Odin Sphere count?


played through the entirety of Uncanny Valley in like 5 minutes tops. I've discovered a sequence-breaking glitch that let me get through all the nights in mere seconds. Needless to say I was very confused.

Fug :DDD

The penumbra games?

>thick, alienatiing and spookifying ambiance
that's quite a way of describing things. gonna try it out

Yeah being alone (??) in a field can be a paranoiac experience, I have discovered.

I just beat RE7. What's another good spooky game I should try out?
More interested in obscure/strange titles.

Obscure? Check out the weirdo RPGmaker games like Space Funeral, Hylics and LISA the Painful RPG. None of them are scary, but they're weird and sometimes full of monsters and bones, meat, blood, guts.

Fatal Frame 3. I love the links with the first two games, especially when you cole across rooms from them, but their positions all jumbled up.
Two is still the best though, and is my favorite classic survivor horror game after Silent Hill 1 and 2

if i dont end up buying >observer_ for some reason ill just play penumbra

I'm going out drinking with some mates on Halloween, instead of playing a shit 'spooky' game in a darkened room while everyone else goes out and has fun. I think I've finally found myself in uni lads. I'm free.

oh DUDE! I forgot about The Swapper. I totally loved this game, but it's pretty unknown.

Basically, it's a puzzle game in the vein of something like Portal where you are creating clones of yourself to solve puzzles, and then vaporizing them. The story is the spooky part, it deals with the common unnerving dilemma of "Who was the original clone?" and then is it right to treat them not as individual consciousnesses. Set on a derelict space station which was hand-made by the artists out of clay or something, it has a very good loneliness to it. It kind of reminds me of a existentialist VVVVV.