Mount and Blade thread

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Can you advise me on how to get into this game? When negative contrarian Sup Forums actually agrees that something is good like they seem to with this game, it usually is in my experience. I also have a few friends with good taste who loved it. But when I've tried to play I don't really know what I'm doing. I fought a few battles and gained a few levels but mostly just kinda wandered around with my thumb up my ass. It would help to have a little direction.

literally trial and error and time dedication. it's either your memes or it is not your memes. cannot force anyone to like a game such as these.

That's fair but can you tell me some fun things to try as a M&B newfag?


as with any game analyze the controls. If you're failing you're missing a needed aspect to continue forward. this new found knowledge you seek for actively is what we refere to as "gitgud" or "good gotten".

Fun is defined on a case-by-case venture forever forward you will quest for it, seek it like life granting water in the desert. you know it when you sip it, boys.

This was ask unhelpful post tbqhwy.

Watching some let's plays might help

assuming you're playing without mods, go get some renown (i think tournaments are pretty easy in the base game) and join someone's army, they'll tell you where to go and what to do

No one can tell you what fun is besides you yourself alone. like death, fun is experienced alone.

Do you know any good ones with a host who isn't unbearably obnoxious and gay?

Thanks familia. Will do this.

>it's either your memes or it is not your memes
Best descriptor of this game I've ever seen.

Fun is completely variable. A lot of /mbg/ seems to love horse archery, but I like getting a pack of Rhodoks and showering fools in crossbow bolts. There are plenty of people who like autstic viking walls too.

Your money or your life oni chan!

>autstic viking walls
Explain? Also horse archery seemed like it would be very fun in that game after I managed to master the mounted controls. It's pretty hard to control yourself and a horse starting out, or at least I thought so.

This. Tried to get into it myself but I just can't. I have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing. Suck up to the king? Go from village to village and recruit local farmboys into my army? What can I do with that army? What is the end game? What, what, what am I supposed to be doing and to what end? It seems like a fun sandbox but I can't shake off this feeling that I'm missing something narrative wise. There just doesn't seem to be a story here. I also really enjoyed the Viking one, and that one had some narrative to it and I enjoyed it much more. Idk I just feel like I'm missing something and could do well with some early pointers or at least know what this game is about.

It gets easier with higher skill points. By autistic viking walls I mean getting a bunch of high level Nords together and breaking the enemy on an indestructible shield wall.

There's no story aside from the saga you make yourself. The entire game is your quest to conquer Calradia, if you want. Or you could become an Ultimate Hebrew and make retard cash and own huge amounts of property in every city. Or you could be the champion of a pretender king, and restore them to their possibly-rightful throne over their Kingdom. Or be a vassal of a current king and destroy his enemies to win land and honor. And so on.

I was wondering if this was just me, or what. As far as I can tell, it's one of those where you just make your own goals and "story", like in CK2. And I think that can be all kinds of fun if done right but like I said, I'd just enjoy a nudge or two in the right direction.

Actually never really played this game.
What makes it so good? Is the focus on singleplayer or multiplayer?

Singleplayer. The multiplayer is good and fun, but everyone who plays it seriously is on Napoleonic Wars.

Autistic Viking wall sounds fun too.

mountain blades bannermen never ever

Afraid not, a friend had the game and I watched him which helped a lot.

>What is the end game? What, what, what am I supposed to be doing and to what end? It seems like a fun sandbox but I can't shake off this feeling that I'm missing something narrative wise.

sounds like a shitty answer but it's up to you to decide. You need to learn what the guild masters or your companions say about the world and form your own opinion on what's the right thing to do, maybe you find one of the factions is "right", maybe you think someone ought to put an end to their shit, maybe you just stand with the peasants, maybe you just want money, maybe you just hate everything.

vikings is best mod period end of story to page 10 we go


>not Rome at war

*spams 70 damage javelins into your phalanx*

nothin personnel kid


post yfw


>tips Kettle Hat

do you want me to hold your hand and guide you sweetheart?


Yeah I guess Mount and Blade is a game in every sense, an actual "you can do whatever you want" sandbox with neat little options to help you form your own narrative and goals. Sounds pretty dope, might give it another try.

Thanks for the pointers, I'll give this game another go now that I have an idea of what to expect and how to approach. Sounds pretty fucking fun.

probably still 1-3 years away... but the rumors say that maybe ending 2018 or early 2019

I want a mod that just adds a ton more content to warband, I think the systems of Native are fucking great and don't require much tuning, I just want MORE. More weapons, more armor, more troops, more cities, etc

what should I get

floris mod

how is the tales of glory campaign?
thinking of getting it.

or the clash of kings mod that's based on the game of thrones lore

Floris changes too much with the OP troops and companions

They did say that they wanted some form of playable build out to the public by the end of 2017. AKA Early Access
If they hold true to that remains to be seen.


use the floris mod basic mod pack, i think it is like native but with a flavor of floris...

please this

Even if it was just that captains multiplayer mode I would be happy.

they also said closed beta by the end of 2016
I wouldn't get my hopes up

When actually is harvesting season lads?