
Nice b8 m8, good to irrit8 and make me so ir8 i need to masturb8. Overall, I give it 8/8.

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Jesus fuck, those are cute. It's going to be a sad day when he dies.

Yeah, I bet he's making children happy.
What a weirdo, right?

>Being in chile
Yes, he is autistic

this reminds me of that episode of drake and josh where that magician they thought was cool lived with them for a week and they got tired of him

>Uhhh.... Is he autistic or something?
Well, is he? You're the expert here.

>walking towards chicks with mario toys
either autistic or extremely alpha

>"Sir, can you please stop doing voices, this is a library"
>Library does an aileron roll
>Martinet flies out the window


This dude made a living doing theatrics and voice acting, and he’s had a good time doing it too. No harm here.

That's pathetic that you Neofags are now attacking the voice actor because you ran out of things to hate a children's videogame over. You people are worse than the Johnny Test haters on .

>It's a cow!

Neofags should theoretically like him because he opened his mouth and said some ignorant anti-Trump horseshit?

>Check Charles Martinet's twitter account
>he's a raging, whiny far-left SJW

I shouldn't have looked.

>far-right SJW snowflake is triggered by other people's opinions


>making fun of the triggered and snowflake concepts

That shit came from YOUR side, famalam.

>YOUR side

>Implying I'm a lefty SJW

Nope. I'm here to play video games and make fun of people who get offended easily and take their politics seriously, which these days happens to be right-wing folk more often.

>implying I\m right wing

Umm try again sweaty...

I like Martinet's Wario but I think I liked Thomas Spindler a bit better. He sounded gruffer in a better way.

If you weren't you wouldn't be offended by the "raging, whiny far-left" political opinions of a grandpa who retweets moderate liberal shit like The New Yorker and BBC.

I had no idea he came to Chile, I guess it was just for vacations.

Please god, bring back NeoGAF

> Charles Martinet is more alpha than any of us will ever be

Stop being mean to him lol.

>There are only two sides to the political spectrum, therefore you are either on our side or the enemy side

Not that user, but anyone who thinks like this should just kill themselves because you are clearly unfit to live in the real world.

I hope I'm having this much fun when I'm as old as he is.


>Wanting Sonygaffers on Sup Forums

that fucking interview where conan was trying to shit on this guy and it just made him look like a dick.

Uhhh, are you? lol

It's just basic logic. Someone who views outlets like the BBC as "raging, whiny far-left" media is obviously on the ass-end of the far-right spectrum themselves to have such a warped and unbalanced outlook.

Nah, Neogaf hates Nintendo because they think Mario and Zelda are sexist.


That was actually fairly sad and really uncomfortable to see.

Conan has a whole thing with Clueless Gamer now and he obviously puts on a show for the cameras then but I think it's obvious that he has a disdain for video games and gamers in general.

There was also the time where he shit all over Final Fantasy XV and people from Square Enix were in the next room watching and listening to him.

I think he’s cute


he's too good for this world, may the day come soon

or maybe some media is blatantly skewed to one side and anyone can see it

Got a link to it?

>hurrdurr muh false left or right dichotomy

Not today, pleddit.


no, he plays mario. link doesn't really talk.


hahahah nerds!

Johnny Test is actually fucking shit, though?

>Johnny Test has been around for 12 years now and even won some awards despite being complete shit
Fucking hell

What a fucking dick, holy shit.

You are autistic. Have a (you).

>tfw meeting him at comic con

What a cunt.

Holy shit, he is like that anti-fun friend that always end your fun with """"smart"""" comebacks and always break your jokes with unnecessary negativism. What a dick.

I used to hate Johnny Test when I was a kid.

>blatantly skewed

why do you keep proving me right stop it

its a bit, conan plays a character just like every other TV personality
i guarantee you they talked before and after filming this and there is no animosity between them
y'all have gotta stop taking tv shit so seriously

Hello, Conan.

A lot of it is improv, especially his Clueless Game thing and when they shoot on location. He shit all over FFXV and felt bad because he was told that people from Square were watching him from the other room. There was a bunch more instances like when he went to the Guiness factory on a tour and for the whole thing he was just like WOW WHO CARES THIS IS BORING JUST GIVE ME A BEER as a joke and you could tell that the tour guide was extremely uncomfortable and confused.

Of course they talk afterwards like haha it was just a joke sign this if you're okay with appearing on TV and all that, but when it's happening it's obviously not great for the people on the receiving end of that kind of joke.

When is he gonna start doing the Hotel Mario cutscenes?

>Sonygaffers already invading Sup Forums

No one wants you here, go join your lefty weedman comrades at reddit.

>I don't like free speech this is a safe space please don't microaggress or trigger me

what's it like being the thing you claim you hate?

No one is censoring you, just letting you know that your kind ain't liked here and pointing you to a safe space where you can join your Soviet Republic of Kekistan comrades.

this guy wrote marge & the monorail

Honestly, I found it cute. Because there are probably tons of kids out there who would enjoy it. He's obviously doing it for the kids.


I'd be sad too if I didn't find out he's a liberal cuckold. Now I feel like I'll be indifferent. Really wish I stayed away from peoples twitters. It's fucking cancer.


>my point is that reddit is full of liberals
>shows a screencap of r/The_Dildo, a bastion of liberal dipshits

Good job reinforcing my point I guess.

bing bing bing heheheheh

He's old and has been voicing Mario all his life, he probably believes he really is him.

Based CHAD O'Brien triggering Nintenvirgin manchildren

And here I thought him BTFOing FFXVfags was the best thing he's ever done.

Martinet takes it in stride like a real bro, but holy shit Conan was being unnecessarily antagonistic. And you can tell he was doing it to stroke his own ego. "Haha, you're such a loser. Not like me, Conan, the cool guy. Don't you wish you were more like me, loser?"

Yes, shitting all over a frail old man who just likes making children happy and is just trying to liven things up without talking back to any of Conan's insults. Conan sure is a fucking hero. Maybe next Conan will start making fun of a mall Santa in front of a line of kids waiting to tell him what they want for Christmas.

I'm kinda surprised nobody asked him to say BING BING WAHOO yet.

It would fuel shitposting for years to come.

Virgin detected.

Possibly also a manlet.

Does he carry those toy figures everywhere he goes?

I am a virgin, yes. I ain't no man, tho. Does any of that discredit my statement? No.

Good hearted people tend to be liberal, i mean their ideals aren’t inherently bad just childish and irrealistic

>Female can't handle the bantz

As expected of the memes of gender.

As if that's anything new for people that are part of the vidya industry.

Exactly why people need to hesitate before sharing their personal politics if you are also an entertainer. Is it just to associate their performances with their politics? Not really, but it just can't be helped, it will happen.

What's your favorite Charles Matei moment?

I cried when he said "So long, gay Bowser"

Such an emotional line... what an artist.

I understand that sharing your political beliefs when you're an entertainer can certainly be very alienating to fans, but at the same time, should people really feel that triggered when someone they admired has differing political views?

virgin cuz you ugly.

>almost all of these videos were taken in my country

It's a weird feeling

I didn't say I was single.

If that's really your mindset, then you're just as much of an asshole as Conan "look at all these hot girls at this con" O'Brien.

Only one side is vocal though. because the other side has sense of decency/discretion.

Nah, I'm just smart enough not to fall for the vagina meme.

I tip my fedora to you, silly low iq female.

*whip crack*

No he’s a happy and successful man who lived a happy and influential life. Even at an old age he shows he is humble and can have good tasteful fun.

>I tip my fedora to you
At least you're honest. I can't take that away from you.

Lel, I don't see what was so bad about this. They both were definitely in on it.

Because Sup Forums is filled with autistic children, women, and neogaf refugees who can't comprehend humor.

I think you mean unrealistic but yeah, pretty much this, sadly. I try not to hold it against people who just seem misinformed or gaslit by media.

he says he has kids in this video so apparently not autistic, just a silly old man who likes to have fun.

Shut up magacuck

Why wannah fuck lol