I stopped playing when he went into the semi-open world area and started chasing his daughter's ghotst...

I stopped playing when he went into the semi-open world area and started chasing his daughter's ghotst. The game is crap, why didn't they stick with the classic style? I hate open world horror. Mikami should have directed this, it started great but went downhill. I didn't have any fucking ammo to fight the zombies.

excuse me but they're the lost, not zombies


Mikami can't use the word zombie because capcom would sue him.

I'm the opposite I love the open areas better and think the linear parts of the game are less interesting. I wish the game had more houses to explore with weird scripted events like the areas with that ghost lady. It's such a fun idea to have a horror game set in a modern town/neighborhood that I wished the town was fleshed out more.

Dude fuck her. That shit gave me a spooky.

So you stopped playing at the beginning of the game?

A thread died for this fucking retard's idiotic impatience.

Where is my friend when I need you most?

I agree except for the ammo part you can craft ammunition so I never ran out this game is a dud.

So you stopped after just 20 minutes. While it is open world, the area you can explore is small.

He wouldn't call them zombies even if he could because the lost are not zombies. They are not undead at all.

This. I played on nightmare and found way too much ammo, crafting items and health. I practically drowned in it. To make it worse you can pause whenever you want to craft extra ammo and health, even during boss fights. Also, the coffee machine to fully restore your health should have been removed.

The game is not as good as the first one but it is still a great game.

Probably saving him and Ruvik to return in a third game.

That would be nice, but TEW2's poor sales mean we probably won't get another sequel.

git gud

Poor sales?

Are you talking about the link that everyone is spreading, the one that only talks about physical console copies, and doesn't include physical PC copies, and digital copies for both console and PC? Because that link is bullshit.

I don't expect a huge profit, but it should be enough to get a third game and finish a trilogy. The second game had a happy ending for Sebastian, but Ruvik is still a loose end. It was a mistake to release in the middle of October, especially with so many other games coming this month.

He was right to do so. I played for 16 hours on Nightmare and wish I had that time back.

If you hate this game you don’t know what fun videogames are and are already tainted beyond repair by modern trash games.

If you played a game for 16 hours it means you had a good enough time. If the game made you feel bored and did not live up to your expectations, then it's your own fault for playing for 16 hours instead of stop playing, or doing a refund.

When you compare it to the last of us or the metro games it comes up short it’s not bad but there are many games that do what it does better. This is a wait for a price drop if I ever saw one

>If you played a game for 16 hours it means you had a good enough time.

Fuck off

He is right though, crybaby.

The game has two small hub areas, it's not open world by any means.

definitely the best enemy in the game

The suburb part was definitely the best part in the entire game. When i first started to explore it i was like "wow i get to explore an entire neighborhood", but then i realized that only two houses were enterable and then the novelty started to fade.

absolute retard complaining because he went afk and lost his chance to refund. just stop playing video games, bud