now that 7th gen nostalgia is acceptable, can we all agree this was a damn fine gen?
Now that 7th gen nostalgia is acceptable, can we all agree this was a damn fine gen?
Sup Forums will tell you it was all garbage and it was the beginning of the end, but only the latter is partly true. What I do miss from last gen is we still got mid range budget games, now it's largely indie or AAA, there's little middle ground.
the first half of the gen was great.
yeah when sony was crashing and burning and the whole wii60 thing, good times.
>Sup Forums will tell you it was all garbage and it was the beginning of the end
I hate the whole revisionism with that. 2007 may have been where more people got into games and companies got more power to do the more scummy shit but that shit only came to an all-time peak with 2011-2013. 2007-2009 were still all great years regardless of what you like or didn't like.
mediocre in comparison to 6th, a lot of great franchises kicked the bucket too, but it's ten times better than 8th gen
The PS3 and psp were fucking awesome. If you disagree you are wrong.
paid DLC and patches were a mistake
>a lot of great franchises kicked the bucket too
a lot of franchises from 5th gen kicked the bucket during 6th gen...
the nintendo and non-AAA games were good.
+++ to skyrim for giving me some really good memories
It was the gen where "insert the disk > start playing" died, how can anyone consider it was good?
t. ps3owner
not as many notable ones, in fact 4th to 5th was worse than both but 5th made up for it because a lot of new franchises were created
t. sonybro
PS3 was the weakest link
This gen nearly made me give up on consoles completely. The only thing of value it produced was the DS.
Nah it was shit.
>all the normies eating up the Wii
>PS3 being a disaster until roughly 2010
>XBOX charging for online
>lowest point of PC
It had the best library. Outsold the 369 globally. Didn't charge for online.
It was good.
but it was okay when the normies eating up the ps2 and original xbox charging for online?
>Outsold the 369 globally
we dont know that because microsoft has never released final sales numbers for the 360. hell i dont even think sony did either
>normies eating up PS2
U wot
t. housewife who played too much Wii Sports
at least i had sex
oh yeah im sure all 120 million people who bought a ps2 were a hardcore gamer like you and me :)
Nobody cared about OG XBox
Well it did have the best library in video game history.
so how did it sell more than the gamecube
>literally the best selling console of all time
Even less people cared about that.
in your opinion
Which is also fact.
so how did it sell more than the dreamcast
everything is subjective, even the physical laws and science
now kiss
Yes, and the 360 is still the best one.
Strange how it managed to get the best jap library (cave, sega) plus xbla.
It was a great gen - some the best games happened in the first couple of years before the recession hit. Then studious became humbled in a way and still got solid games for the rest of the gen. Except for the end, when things started to go to shit, Kinect coming in late 2010 was the beginning of the end.
Last gen was trash, the only consolation is that this gen is somehow worse.
>now that 7th gen nostalgia is acceptable
debatable, unless you're a 2000s baby in which case please leave. this gen was awful excluding handhelds, and i would still argue that this is truly the beginning of the end at the risk of sounding elitist
maybe I'm being biased and forgetting some titles that released early in its lifespan (please give me some examples if you can) but this gen was all around bad, and set the precedent for all the godawful gens that came after
The portable consoles were better than the home ones.
The 7th gen was what I associated with my late high school/college years. Not exactly nostalgia.
Not really. Consoles were just OK, just a bit worse than 5th gen.
The DS, however, was great. Dual screens and clamshell is perfect for handhelds, and anyone that doesn't want that is either retarded or doesn't play games that make ample use of dual screens (aka good ones). It's a shame we're regressing when the 3DS is finally put to rest and the Switch unfortunately takes its place.
This. It's basically just underaged fucks trying to convince other people. Everything after 2003 will always be complete trash.
Notice how everyone knows this gen is terrible? It started with that one. It was the beginning of horrible practices and full of mediocrity.
Everything wrong with modern vidya started here.
the PS2 says hello.
>muh dvd player
utter fucking cancer.
>giving the consumer more for their money is bad
Kill yourself
>consoles should be netflix machines, guise!
want to know how I know you have a sub-80 IQ?
It was so good basically every goddamn good game for it got remade for this gen
ps2 gets a free pass on a lot of shit
Well I know you are a faggot, any console that is disc based should be able to read CDs, DVD or even BDs
I am not sure why you bring netflix which I think is a shit service
Kill yourself
this is why I'm reluctant to say this type of shit though. i want to believe what I'm saying is the objective truth but it always seems as if people will say everything stopped being good when their childhood ended, the best example of this being pokemon. gen 7 didn't even begin until 2006 and there were still reasonably good games being made until then
Wii and DS brought in too many casuals.
360 made online passes okay for consumers.
PS3 was a shitshow.
PSP was just a hacking ground with no good games.
This gen is the downfall.
>Wii and DS brought in too many casuals.
>its okay when the ps1 and ps2 sold more than both
360 won. PSP and PS3 came back a bit at the tail end but 360 had the most memorable stuff on it
I know, and it's all because of nostalgia, faggots grew up with the PS2 and as such have to defend its honor or some stupid shit. Fact of the matter is PS2 owes its widespread popularity because it was a cheap DVD player. If it wasn't, it wouldn't have sold anywhere near as much and I'm betting the PS3 wouldn't be a blunder for the first 4 years of its life. $599.99 nogaems machine and all that. Not to mention it made a strong argument for the wide blue ocean crap or whatever Nintendo called it, all those people buying a console for non-video game use, so let's throw as much non-game stuff to a console and see what sticks. Hell, I'd even argue it directly influences the awful "cinematic experience" cancer, since a main factor for that emerging was the idea that in order to draw casuals that might not play their "it's basically a watercooler", the game could be an interactive movie. Less thinking, more occasional mindless button pressing, and so on. I'd wager the industry wouldn't have decayed anywhere near as much if the PS2 didn't have non-video game functions.
See above on why you're a faggot. Game consoles should be for games and games only. Maybe some social features for multiplayer, too, but that should be it. The more game consoles move away from games, the more cancerous this industry becomes, in case you've been in a coma since your beloved PS2 got replaced with the PS3.
and the DS had the best library among them
Still mad the wii was not at least HD.
Agreed. it's my favorite console bar none, but I went through 6 because of disc read error. It was just like the red ring of death, and it's largely forgotten while that hugely marred 360(deservedly).
I never had a ps2 or any sony console for the matter
And sony wasn't the first to do such thing, you are just showing that you are an underage faggot
This. The end had some special games but mostly the death of what was good about the first half.
Gears of War was amazing. Gears 3 was terrible.
Halo 3 was amazing. Reach was terrible.
We did get DeS and DaS and those are all time greats from the 09-11 part, but it was also the height of movie games and QTEs. Also EA acquired and murdered several great studios. Rip.
I never said it was you illiterate retard, also don't jump into reply chains when you don't even read the initial post:
>Everything wrong with modern vidya started here.
I was just pointing out the PS2 is just as cancerous, so it clearly didn't start with 7th gen. Show me where I said PS2 is patient zero, so to speak. Quote me. Faggot.
>go to bestbuy to buy headphones
>they still have 360 games on sale
it still blows my mind they are still doing this, the fucking thing came out in '05.
There is nothing cancerous about the ps2, the only bad thing was the shit build quality
Honestly, it went on way too long
7th and 8th generation might as well be the same thing
Is embarrassing that nintendofags are still butthurt that Sony fucked Nintendo for 2 generations
I was a nintendofag but I never blamed Sony for being better
PS2's "hey check out this non-video game functionality" is cancerous, as well as the shit build quality. I acquiesce that the PS2 is not as bad as the Wii, but it was still up there; a mass-desired non-game function for cheap drew in swarms of 'wide blue ocean' faggots, and their numbers did affect the industry.
>2 generations
Little longer than that, bud
Did they have the Xbox one logo on top and under neath said Xbox 360 Xbox One? They're replacing those Xbox 360 cases with that nowadays.
SONY got fucked by the Wii, that is a fact
But sony fucked the wiiu with the ps4 which is still fighting against the new shit nintendo made
This is a bizarre post since the PS1 was better than the N64 and the PS4 is leagues better than WiiU which is an awkward middle child, but the XBox reamed the PS2 and Gamecube, and the PS3 was dead in the water for almost half a decade and got trounced by the 360 while the Wii was pissing itself. If it wasn't for MS pulling a Sony and assuming popularity meant they could do whatever they wanted and Sony backpedalling hard, I'd wager the XBone would have crushed the PS4, too.
the only one i saw that had that was san andreas. the oldest 360 game i saw was odst which is back when they still had "xbox live" on the front cover.
Seems like there's no room for any in between opnions here, either everything literally went to shit or it was the best of times. I'm still of the opinion that while it did enable companies to start employing shitty practices, great games were still coming out.
/wii60/ defined the generation and everything else (aside from the DS) was hot garbage that should never have been released.
> the wii was a big emulatorbox for games i couldn't buy and had a decent spattering of ps2-like JRPGS that sprung up on it late into it's lifespan and eventually had project M
i mean that was pretty fuckin' cool.
The fat PS3 is still the best because of it's backwards compatibility. Also the easiest version to hack.
no it wasn't it was garbage
i think it was a pretty fucking good gen even though it was when the devs started to go a bit crazy on the scummy shit. the previous was better and at least the 7gen is better than the current gen.
i also miss the AA games that gen had.
What even is in the current gen?
They did have some sick aesthetics and the home UI was interesting
According to Wikipedia, we're still in 8th gen, but the Switch is a 9th gen console or some weird outlier.