Do women only play games for attention?

Do women only play games for attention?


What IS the story behind this?

It's so wierd and kind of funny at the same time, why would anyone cut because of fucking ROCKET LEAGUE. WHY


Not vidya games

And yes

stop posting this thread

yeah because a digital fucking game reached out and pulled out a knife and cut your wrists.

Go seek attention somewhere else moron.

social media (and the internet) was a mistake

I didn't know words in a video game could physically slice people up. Those rhymes as a kid were total lies. I'm going to cut some bitches up with my harsh language now!


Do you seriously and unironically believe all women do?

How did you know I was masturbating?

Bitch can't take a little banter, hmmm maybe put the controller down and don't play, sweetie. Maybe go back to being a good girl and shutting up.

How do we get rid of this social justice bullshit in video games?

Why is she showing a pig leg on screen?

She needs to wash that area

yes. dumb bitch.

>pinned tweet
What a fagette

>another "across the street" attention whore
And yeah, they do.

Rocket League didn't do it. She likely had a poor mental state to begin with and her salt enhanced it. No non-depressed person will play a game, get bullied and get so mad they cut themselves.

don't you get your account taken down if you post this kinda shit on twitter? or is it only okay if woymin do it

Female privilege is a thing.


Women report men. Men don't report women. If you see something you would tickle you to be forcibly removed by all means use the systems in place to make these retards suffer even more.